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  • I also have a thought to add to this:
    I noticed that whenever I post an entry using w.bloggar, all my comments defaulted to closed, not letting anyone do as such, but if I edited them, then they were open again.
    Are any of you who’re suffering this using w.bloggar to post?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: SQL/DB Error?
    Thread Starter Xial


    I feel stupid for not using the search function. ^^;;
    Thank you very much. It must have been the free space issue mentioned. ?? I come home, and all is well.

    Thread Starter Xial


    I’ve got nano installed for myself on my box, but I need to talk to my host about nano replacing pico on the server. ??
    Until then, I’m using jEdit from my side, with the SFTP plugin, which always has its bonuses.

    Aha. I did not know this. (Heh, I wouldn’t understand it, either. This is not my strong point.)
    Is there a way to clean up the queries? Or were the non-standard queries used for a purpose, such as limiting the number of connect-and-query attempts (for things such as hosts who charge by the connect-and-query)?
    If so, is there any way around this?
    I hope you’ll forgive my curiosity. I just like to try to learn something every once in a while. ??

    I’m rather curious.
    Why not have a look at this:
    ezSQL – is a widget that makes it ridiculously easy for you to use mySQL, Oracle8, InterBase/FireBird, PostgreSQL, SQLite (PHP), SQLite (C++) or MS-SQL database(s) within your PHP/C++ scripts (more db’s coming soon) – [Last Updated 25 Sep 2003].
    Would this be good for WordPress if integrated? (Seems to be LGPL. I’m not very good at understanding these copyrights/licenses, so forgive me if this does conflict with the WordPress copyright/license.)

    Ben de Groot: I’m looking forward to the translation, myself. A lot of my friends and visitors surf with JavaScript disabled (And I can’t blame ’em), and having a PHP alternative would be great for me. :3
    Hopefully, you’ll get that CVS version of WordPress working soon, then. :3

    I have WordPress, bBlog, OekakiPoteto, and 2 phpBB installed in the same database. The conflict in table names won’t occur as long as you follow the directions.
    Cena mentioned what most scripts use now when it comes to adding tables, to avoid smashing tables as such.
    Hope this helps. ??

    Thread Starter Xial


    I tried it split over two lines, and as one long line.
    I’m thinking this thing just hates me because it can. ??
    I even removed the original RewriteRule line, and put the one you have in, and I return to the first error I was getting:
    [Fri Nov 7 00:15:36 2003] [alert] [client 45.69.105.badjoke] /my/path/to/.htaccess: RewriteRule: bad argument line ”
    [Fri Nov 7 00:15:41 2003] [alert] [client 45.69.105.badjoke] /my/path/to/.htaccess: RewriteRule: bad argument line ”
    I know I’ve got mod_rewrite available, as other things on my site are using it, such as Gallery ( I just can’t figure out why this thing hates me like that.
    I’ll wait for another day.

    Thread Starter Xial


    I’ve decided to just grab the latest WP out of CVS, and plunk it in the base directory, despite not wanting to really do it. The whole project of mine is causing me far too much stress, so eh, why not?
    (And then I walk myself into more stress. Check my other thread. Heeh.)

    Thread Starter Xial


    Ooh. I see there was something offered as I was composing my thoughts. I’ll take a look at this, and see what happens. ??
    I’ll end up pass-protecting wp-admin, after all, which should achieve the desired effect. The reason I was going for this is I decided *after* I got things set up that I wanted to make my blog viewable within my new layout at the same time. Rather than breaking links (again), especially the feeds, I was hoping for some ability to make the entries viewable else-site, despite the potential headache this might cause me.

    You may find yourself interested in this topic — I think the question you’re asking is about the same as what I’ve asked here.
    Also, let me use my situation to see if this is answerable:
    WordPress is in /wp/
    My layout is in /
    I wanted my entries to be visible from a page in /
    While leaving wordpress in /wp/
    I’ve got this mostly working at the moment. However, I just need to find a way to rewrite the archives links (this might require some modification to the source sitting somewhere inside), and it may be the answer you’re looking for.
    What I’ve done:
    Moved the page I wanted my entries to show up on to the directory I wanted it in;
    Edited this line: require_once('blog.header.php'); to look like this:
    Saved and placed it where I wanted it, then viewed the page.
    Why is it this simple?
    Take a look at the next line:
    The $abspath variable gets its absolute path from the initial ‘require_once’ statement, so if you wanted to add things like plugins within the WordPress directory, instead of writing out the full path to it, copy the idea used with the above piece of code. You might end up with something like this:
    Hopefully this is of use to you.

    Thread Starter Xial


    Okay. Another question hits me, then:
    Would it be a good idea for me to get the latest from CVS, and work from there? I’m asking a lot of questions, I know, but I think it’s better to be curious, and learn, so that I may be able to share wisdom imparted to me at a future time, instead of asking nothing, knowing nothing, and just mooching off everyone else.
    I’m just hoping that I can use mod_rewrite for cleaner links, such as my permalinks. It just feels awkward to have a permalink of /index.php?p=blah&c=woohoo to me – bBlog (one of the other scripts I’ve used) had clean links implemented, which was very nice for me. ?? (Main reason I discarded bBlog was simply the lack of Pingback, which I wanted.)
    And, speaking of links, is there a way I can change the link my feeds give, so that they actually point to my blog entries, rather than otherwise? (ie: /weblog?p=… or a cleaned up implementation, instead of /wp/index…)
    I can only hope this is making sense.

    Thread Starter Xial


    I’m not exactly sure how to explain this.
    What I have:
    Wordpress is installed at /wp
    My main site is sitting at /
    What I’d like to do is allow my blog to be readable from /
    And not send them into /wp
    to read anything (with plans to protect /wp from the outside world via .htaccess).
    (edit, addendum:)
    I just moved the new template in question to /
    and changed one thing. The blog is readable, but for the archives, it still refers to /wp/index.php, which I don’t want.
    I would think the archives would refer back to themselves, should one have changed the file “index.php” to something else, to better integrate it with their site, but I have a feeling that I’ve missed something, as usual?

    Thread Starter Xial


    Okay. I apparently figured out the CSS issue I’ve had, to get them to not use so much margin space.
    However, I’m unsure on date-handling. I had a look in /b2-include/b2template.functions.php earlier, and I found a function called the_date, but I don’t understand how to edit it, if this is the one I needed to edit.
    Is there anyone willing to guide me in the right direction?
    Thanks. ??

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