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well not being an expert i am not sure but reading thru the post it may be a flaw in the header of your theme. but like I said i am not an expert.
Hey guys i have been having this issue as well and, a few others, but i did a little research on “utf-7 injection” and got some interesting results.
I changed the http just in case… so i will post contents so you do not have to click.
this one shows very similar code to what we are seeing
hxxp://openmya.hacker.jp/hasegawa/security/utf7cs.htmlI am far from an expert i thought this may help
#0 Countermeasures
Countermeasures against XSS with UTF-7 are:Specify charset clearly (HTTP header is recommended)
Don’t place the text attacker can control before <meta>
Specify recognizable charset name by browser.For more information about UTF-7 trick, see “Cross-site scripthing with UTF-7”.
#1 Most basic pattern+ADw-script+AD4-alert(document.location)+ADw-/script+AD4-
Most basic XSS pattern with UTF-7.
#2 URL encoded most basic pattern%2BADw-script+AD4-alert(document.location)%2BADw-/script%2BAD4-
Expression which URL encoded the above.
Example: https://example.com/search?q=%2BADw-script+AD4-alert(document.location)%2BADw-/script%2BAD4-
#3 With quote+ACIAPgA8-script+AD4-alert(document.location)+ADw-/script+AD4APAAi-
#4 URL encoded, with quote
Expression which URL encoded the above.
Example: https://example.com/search?q=%2BACIAPgA8-script%2BAD4-alert%28document.location%29%2BADw-%2Fscript%2BAD4APAAi-
#5 Inject fake <meta>+ADw-/title+AD4APA-meta http-equiv+AD0-‘content-type’ content+AD0-‘text/html+ADs-charset+AD0-utf-7’+AD4-
</title><meta http-equiv=’content-type’ content=’text/html;charset=utf-7′>
Inject fake <meta> before original <meta> and force recognize as UTF-7.
+ADw-/title+AD4APA-meta http-equiv+AD0-‘content-type’ content+AD0-‘text/html+ADs-charset+AD0-utf-7’+AD4-
<meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″>