9 years ago
I didn’t make any changes. I just installed this
doesn’t seem to work.
well there is a giant grey line, I don’t know what that is but it’s above the phone number and website at the very bottom.
It works. Thanks so much.
Ok that worked, how can I remove the giant space from above that now?
Here I will have the url only up for the next 24 hours, please look at it.
Matrix theme
I am working on the site offline so I can’t post URL at the moment.
I’ve updated with the child theme and I don’t see the option for youtube, did you update the download file?
This does not seem to work.
I am speaking about the title that appears below the header, there are 2 of them.
The theme is called Matrix
I have to work on the site offline due to work restrictions but the theme is Matrix
Is there a way to do this without replacing LinkinedIn?
The theme is Matrix and site is not online. I have to work on it offline due to work restrictions. It has social media icons but not youtube.