Forum Replies Created

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  • Hello,

    I had it working with wordpress version 1.7.1, buddypress version 1.8.1 and bbpress version 2.5.
    I think the key here is the bp_ning_import_get_groups() function in bp-funcions.php from the plugin. This piece of code:

    if ( bp_is_active( ‘forums’ ) ) {
    groups_new_group_forum( $group_id, $group->title, $group->description );
    echo “$group_key) Created group: $group->title“;
    if ( !$forum_id = groups_get_groupmeta( $group_id, ‘forum_id’ ) ) {
    echo ”???? Could not create group forum for $group->title”;
    MUST work in order to get discussions imported later, so the test
    bp_is_active( ‘forums’ ) MUST work, hence buddypress forums must be active and running.
    Edit: I haven’t seen the last post at the time of writing this. The empty forums you mention are the bbpress ones? Have you looked at buddypress ones (through the slug you configured before import)??
    Regarding events issue, did you see the thread:

    I ran in the same issue but now it is resolved. It seems the problem is that the plugin was designed for import into buddypress forums, not bbpress ones. So you must activate and configure buddypress forums and the plugin will work out of the box (assuming your json files are correct).

    1)Go to plugins->installed plugins->buddypress->settings->Components->retired and activate group forums (legacy). Save settings, a “Forums” tab appears.
    2)Click Forums tab, in the left side, click on Install Group Forums.
    3)Then you’ll need to create a new page or use an existent one in order to assign “Discussion Forums” to it (in Buddypress Settings->Pages). Save settings and should it appear a message bar standing for generate config file or repair or something similar (I’ve a fish memory, sorry), click it. It will fix your config file path in buddypress->settings->settings tab->legacy group forums.

    And that’s all, now it will work or so did it for me.

    In case you want to use bbpress forums, you can now import data to bbpress from buddypress forums in tools->forums->import forums from bbpress1. (You can follow the guide in )
    Hope it helps.

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