xavier nuel
Forum Replies Created
J’ai rencontré exactement le même problème au passage à la version 3.0 du module (en plus d’autres parce que le site sur lequel j’utilise ce mode de paiement propose des moyens de paiement différents selon la typologie de client…)
Solution trouvée :
J’ai du modifier le fichier /classes/wc-etransactions-gateways.php ainsi dans la fonction add_gateways($methods)// Modification temporaire Xavier
// pour palier à tous les soucis d'appels HORS WooCommerce qui nécessite quand meme d'avoir les gateways de paiement déclarées
global $wp;
if (empty($wp->query_vars['wc-api']) || (strtolower(wc_clean($wp->query_vars['wc-api'])) !== 'wc_estd_gw')) {
if ($cart_total < $min_amount) {
? ? continue;
? ? }
}Le souci semble lié au fait que lors du retour bancaire, la banque n’ayant pas de ‘panier’, la montant minimal requis n’est jamais atteint, et donc le module de paiement n’est pas déclaré…
En espérant avoir aidé… En attendant, j’ai bloqué les mises à jour de ce module sur les sites où je l’utilise…
Bonne journéeHi,
We encounter the same type of problem for many of our customers. Wouldn’t there be a way to make sure to have the possibility of activating WooCommerce templates only if it is a real desire? The default template worked fine. The WooCommerce Template requires resetting everything, and our customers do not want to spend time there.
Moreover, I did not manage to obtain the same rendering between the 2 templates, the settings being too different. The ideal would be at least for the WooCommerce template to default to the settings of the classic template
Thanks for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] File not downloading (over 150mb)Hi,
I have the same kind of problem. Some of our files are up to 4GB, and impossible for our users to download. Error 500…
I resolved it by downgrading the pluggin version to V4.5.99 ( before commit of https://github.com/WPChill/download-monitor/issues/781 )
I hope you will fix this bug quickly. In the meantime, I’m blocking pluggin updates on our WordPress…
XavierForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] Files Can’t Be OpenedHello George,
Yes, both websites are in SSL :
siteurl : https://www.roseedeschamps.fr/wordpress
home : https://www.roseedeschamps.frThese url are defined by wp-config.php :
// Définition du protocol du site ( https:// ou https:// ) $protocol = 'https://'; // Définition du domaine du site. Attention, le paramétrage doit être static en cas de site Multilingue !!! // Version MONO LANGUE $site_main_domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; define('WP_SITEURL', $protocol . $site_main_domain . WP_DOSSIER . '/wordpress'); define('WP_HOME', $protocol . $site_main_domain . WP_DOSSIER); define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-content'); define('WP_CONTENT_URL', $protocol . $site_main_domain . WP_DOSSIER . '/wp-content');
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] Files Can’t Be OpenedHi,
I have the same kind of problem with several websites.
I use Download Monitor in version 4.4.11On one, unable to download .PDF files
On another, .PDF are authorized, as are .7z, .rar, but .ZIP are notThe only solution I found was to remove .htaccess in dlm_uploads directory
I tried the plugin health-check, but problem is still here.
By the way, I also downgraded the module version to 4.4.4, and the downloads are working. All versions above 4.4.4 do not work.
Thanks in advance
X. NUELForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MainWP Child Reports] Missing some updated plugins in reportHi,
I solved myself this bug. How can I send you my modified code of the ‘Installer’ connectors ?
The problem was with the bulk update of plugins. The old version of the plugins was always those of the last updated Plugin (Yoast for me…)Bonjour,
J’avais bien vu cette histoire de 20 secondes dont je n’ai pas vraiment compris l’utilité.
Le souci, c’est que même si je mets 3 minutes, rien ne me garanti que le client va cliquer sur le bouton de paiement moins de 3 minutes après avoir choisi un point relai…It occurs on main dashboard page and on main plugin page.
In fact, when I go on these pages, I only got ‘Loading history…’ message and nothing else…Hi,
I finaly found a solution for this problem by myself :
Modify file \plugins\better-wp-security\modules\free\backup\class-itsec-backup.php at line 142 :
for ($j = 0; $j < $num_fields; $j ++) { if (is_null($row[$j])) { $return .= 'NULL'; } else { $row[$j] = addslashes($row[$j]); $row[$j] = preg_replace('#' . PHP_EOL . '#', "\n", $row[$j]); if (isset($row[$j])) { $return .= '"' . $row[$j] . '"'; } else { $return .= '""'; } } if ($j < ( $num_fields - 1 )) { $return .= ','; } }
I hope it can help to fix the bug in futur release of your excelent plugin.
A little up for this topic.