Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: need very simple forum plugintry xdforum
https://www.playbomb.com/Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: any “forum” plugin?take a look at my plugin, not a full featured board but works ok and integrates with WP’s user table.
its called xdforum and you can get it here:
to see a demo go here:
https://www.playbomb.comForum: Plugins
In reply to: XDFORUM HELPawesome that you got it up and going, and thanks for all the compliments. i think what i need to do is make the forum link in the pages part of the sidebar be an option. and i also need to make a post display template so that people can easily edit their post displays to their liking structure wise and color wise. i probably wont have time to do that this week though, maybe next depending on how fast i can get a certain other project completed. anyway, keep your eye out for it, i will update my site at https://www.xdweb.net with details next time i add features/fixes….
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: XDFORUM HELPit isnt a wordpress problem, its my problem and its been fixed now for a bit. i didnt see this thread, sorry. if you go to https://www.xdweb.net you can get the latest xdforum and upload it right over the one you have now, it will fix everything once you go in and set your settings in the admin pages.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Forum Pluginit would be possible yes, but wp is changing its auth scheme a bit for 1.6 and i need to look into it a bit more before i commit to any features like that. if it looks like its a possibility that i can write it to work in both 1.5 and 1.6 and have the permissioning then i probably will. otherwise i may not. maybe soon….
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Forum Pluginno problem man, although i think that it’s probably easier for me then most because i do php development for a living (day in and out). also, download the latest version (which i just uploaded a minute and a half ago) to work with.
https://www.xdweb.net/Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Simple message board functionalityxdforum, its simple. https://www.xdweb.net/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Forum Pluginupdate: i fixed a problem where people were unable to post due to the post variables not making it to the page. go to https://www.xdweb.net for more details.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: message board and WPupdate: you can do all but edit the posts and threads. try it out to see it at https://www.playbomb.com if you want a demo.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Forum Pluginhmm, i have no idea why it would interfere with that darcie. my plugin makes the call to add its link to the management links page in the same way any other plugin would, and doesn’t do anything that would block another from it as well. maybe, install custom smileys and get it working the way you want so you don’t have to go into the admin panel anymore, then install xdforum and use it. i cant see you needing to configure custom smileys often, just the first time. if i get time i will investigate and see why this might be happening…
krisForum: Plugins
In reply to: Forum Pluginok, I was the one with the problem. Something I was doing was causing the double paths, but I fixed it now. https://www.xdweb.net/files/xdforum.zip
depending on how long ago you got it you may have to drop the tables in the db that it created. I will probably make a feature that will do it for you soon, just haven’t yet.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Forum Plugin2 things, one: you have to make your theme directory writable by the webserver, OR copy the xdforum template file into it.
two: what plugin and what was it doing? i need to make sure it doesnt cause things to not work…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Forum PluginAvatars will be controlled through the profile page, but I haven’t finished that yet, sorry. And opaz, I cleaned up the sql create statements a bit and added some features since you posted that. Please get the latest and overwrite your current copy: https://www.xdweb.net/files/xdforum.zip
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Forum Pluginbasically, you upload the plugin, you activate it, then you go to the manage page for it and set the settings. once you do that all you have to do is create the forum groups and forums.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Forum PluginI know this topic is old, but I couldn’t find a forum plugin a few days ago still. I needed one so I decided to write one. It’s simple but works. I will be adding features if requested. go here: https://www.xdweb.net/ to get it. and go here: https://www.playbomb.com/ to see one working.
few facts about it:
name: xdforum
forum groups: yes
multiple forums: yes
use wordpress user table: yes
modify any wordpress files: no
modify any wordpress tables: no
upload-and-go plugin: yes