Forum Replies Created
You did not answered – so I closing this ticket
because without openpos?plugin I cant add its support
In version 1.9.21
New feature: Added support for WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes and Shipping Labels plugins
By WebToffeeHello!
I just updated css in version 1.9.20:
Fixed CSS for long plugin name in the list of plugins in the wordpress admin
And yes of course — I will back that function but not in this week since it will require more time than for small fixes
I will combine next fix with adding support of wc-vendors plugin
Just updated. Since ver 1.9.19 settings will not be deleted on deactivation. Will think about rename of plugin thanks for your comments.
Please let me know more detailed about issue about disappearing qr code — usually it can be done by deactivating plugin only
Please send me screenshot with places where you want to place QR code
I have no openpos plugin
If you want me to add support of new plugin webtoffee?or any other then please send me full screenshots with places where you want to have QR code
All is possible. But I have no openpos plugin
I need it to add support of it inside my plugin
I dont have this plugin so I cant work with its code
You can send it to me using google drive link etc
I will try to restrict qr code for sellers
New version released 1.9.18 and ther is new variables for coupons
disabled this optioon temporary ( until will fix it in next versions )
Disable for ALL Woocommerce emails except these:
removed temporary option ( until I will fix it in next versions )
“Disable for ALL Woocommerce emails except these”
Hello! thanks for new idea
I added new variable in 1.9.17 version
?{order_ship_address}, {order_map_ship_address}
Let me know which additional plugins you using for your wordpress for sellers?
Dokan or something else?
I need full list of plugin which related to your request
Done 1.9.16 version support my account view order pages too
or you can install this plugin
And you will see special buttons in the orders list which will open PDF with qr code
Pleasу let me know what do you want to see in the QR code from coupon data
I will add this new feature in next versions if you will descibe detailed what do you want