Forum Replies Created
I need your detailed explanation step by step
if you dont want to post it here you can do it here
but you need to create description of every step with screenshots
you need to send me more details
Its very easy to do.
Install and activate plugin and. Just use this shortcode in any page or post:
[qrcodetag_from_goaskle_com]Your content. Phone number or and other info. Like email etc…[/qrcodetag_from_goaskle_com]
Hello. Thanks for report. Just fixed it in 1.9.28 version
Hello. Sorry, I dont know it and can’t help you. Find system administrator of linux systems and ask him to check and clean your server using antivirus software.
BTW. For standard Woocommerce you do not need to insert shortcode in templates. It is done using hooks in code. So just enable plugin and QR code must shown in all emails ( if you did not changed any plugin settings ).
Thanks for you report. Just fixed in new version 1.9.27. Please update and let me know if any errors will be found.
Have a nice day
Hello. Thank you for publishing your opinion and appreciation. I am glad that the plugin helped you. Good day!
issue with PDF file fixed in 1.9.26 version
Many thanks ! Issue found and confirmad — yes in pdf files qr code or not showing or working with errors
will fix asap
Try to add this live into your root .htaccess file
php_value open_basedir none
I speaking not about your mPDF library but about similar cases with PDF creation issues
Trust me — my code working ok. I tested it and I reproduced same issue as you have on my server and until I deactivated openbasedir?qr code not worked. Why I sure in this – because my plugin use same places for work which WordPress using itself. But seems you PDF library using standard php temporary paths which sometime pointed outside wordpress root folder that why people can have issues.
you can create ticket here
I will check your server and website — enter credentials in ticket
But if you using custom coding not related to WordPress standards I cant help you
But you need to send me more details. Usually problems happening with fonts. Some servers have issue with open_basedir?
so you just need to allow open_basedir on your server
send me details of your server panel here, I will try to help you