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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Virus within wpNow I have changed the only one file I know where “Localhost” is a matter. I deleted define(‘ENABLE_CACHE’, true); from the wp-config.php. Have you an idea what that SOMETHING could be?
Thank you!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Virus within wpsorry, NOW the site is available: https://cjd-update.info
Here the entry at google.de:
I search for an idea how to find out the evil source…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: FATAL ERROR – MessageThank you very much, PozHonks!
The re-loading I already tried. To some degree with success. The 2nd point – upgrading to 2.0.x – I still “fear”. For the simple reason I can not risk a turn-off of our blog. Nearly 1000 people are viting us daily. It plays an important role in our daily school life.
But I really should take your advice into consideration.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Inserting timestamp within an articleLate solution. The Plugin mentioned above works perferctly. One has just to insert the call for the commentary-template into the page. In my case it was not before. Thank you very much for help! W.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Inserting timestamp within an articleThank you, very much. But the plugin works not in the (my) case, that the content of a page is created by redirection of the content of an article. One has to “touch” – that means to edit – PHYSICALLY either the page or the article. Otherwise WP thinks the page is an empty one. And diplays NO update-entry at all. Even when there ist a ever changing content.
Obvioulsly I need a solution that allows to insert a tag into the article, like the more-tag or tags for inserting a mp3-player etc. Like a “troyan horse” the command would be trasmitted from the real edited articel to the but virtually filled page… and do its task.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Inserting timestamp within an articleIt works perfectly for articles. Not yet for pages.
On the other hand, nobody is touching the page physically. The content is but REDIRECTED from the article and displayed there. Consequently no UPDATE can be given out. In one sense the page is an empty one. May be that the reason why no update-entry appears there?
Unfortunately the update-entry IN the article does not appear in the redirect version at the page as well ??
May I trouble you further…?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Inserting timestamp within an articleThanks a lot. I already applied the blicki plugin. It creates a bit havoc ??
As for your 2nd idea – I need a tag to insert post_modified_gmt. Or how else one has to use that string?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Inserting timestamp within an articleThank you very much. I will check it. Maybe I am not skilled enough to customize my theme ??
However – I should try.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: quicktags selfmadeThank you very much! It works easyly and at once. GREAT. Best wishes, dear LesBessant ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to make Quicktag MORE working at archive?Hi Moshu! Thank you very much for your help. But it would be a very cool function, wouldn’t it ?? Best wishes. Wukung
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Quicktag MORE: How make it invisible?Thank you very much. Best wishes!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Costumizing QUICKTAGSThank you! THAT’S IT! Greetings and best wishes! Wukung.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Costumizing QUICKTAGSHi filosofo, it really doesn’t work. There is simply no such a line in any of the index.php. Nether of wp nor of the Blix-Theme I use. Nevertheless: THANK YOU. Now I will try the hint from miklb. Thanks to u too!