Will Taft
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS button link stopped workingI was able to get around this by deleting the image link and just using the text based rss link which still brings up the page I wanted.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS button link stopped workingJust bumping this off the 3rd page to get it next to another resolved thread of mine. Hoping for an idea or two on what might have happened to cause this.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: What is this file in wp-admin?Thanks! My edit crossed your reply! Great to get the fast help. I have another issue that I posted on yesterday regarding my rss feed that is much more puzzling and unfortunately has no replies.
I’m glad I have not put the site up and running yet as the learning curve is bigger than the lazy blogging applications I have been using. But… I now have no doubt that WP is the way to go. Once I get better at editing and making changes to things, the increased control I will have over sites and content will be fantastic!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: What is this file in wp-admin?Thanks for the replies! Unfortunately, mine does look like a theme sidebar! And I now know the dumb mistake I made when initially learning my way around WordPress.
I installed WP on a GoDaddy Domain, using their site so I did not actually download any original WP files to my computer. I do keep copies of themes and files I change on my computer and also backed up.
The first day I used WP, I played around with editing theme files to see how difficult it was for a beginner to tweak WP. I was happy with what I found, but this is what I think I did. I would FTP theme files to my computer, work on them and FTP them back to my host, replacing the original file. I did keep backups until I was sure the changes I made worked. I also have backups of all original theme files.
I believe, I must have incorrectly ftp’ed and replaced that wp-admin/sidebar.php file during one of my ftp sessions, thinking I was in a theme directory. Dumb beginners mistake which seems obvious to me now!
Because I installed directly on Go Daddy, I have no original copy of that file to put back. What can I do? I suppose I could download a copy of WP to my computer, open the zip and ftp a copy of the wp-admin file back to my GoDaddy install. I am not sure if GoDaddy has the latest patch of WP installed, but maybe that one file would be the same in both?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: LIST all blog postsI just set up kgarchive plugin to make a list on a page. I think it can be modified to put them in the sidebar, but I am not sure. I had to also install the runphp plugin to get it to work at all. I like the setup of the plugin a lot, even though it is a little buggy for me. I posted a question about it yesterday, (right now several posts below this one), but there were no responses. It may be that it is not a very much used plugin. I also emailed the author about one bug I have with it, but have not heard back.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: I need help using kgarchives.I finally got this plugin to work, sort of. It appears that you need to have “runphp” installed and activated also. At least that did it for me.
There does seem to be one small bug with the program though. On the “Archive” page that you make with this plugin, at the top the first post listing is false. It lists the current month and an entry called “archive”. There is no such post and if you click on it the message “sorry, no posts match your criteria” is generated.
Anyone else see this?
Also are there any other plugins that are similar to this one. I did not see one on the list I looked at.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Theme from WordPress has errorWell, I worked on this error for a while today and could not get it fixed. Just not proficient enough in the details. The author has not updated it for the latest version of WP, so I guess I am out of luck using it.
I looked through all the themes again today and it is amazing that with all of them, I can’t find one I really like! Picky me, I guess. Also strange that some of the one column themes have sidebars etc that actually make them look like 2 or 3 column themes and some 3 column themes are just one column. Guess I don’t understand the terminology.
edit: Also strange the way this post has the text centered in a weird way?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Theme from WordPress has errorThanks again for your effort to help! It’s a short file and does not seem to contain anything like what you show in your post. Below is the entire text of the file.
<div id=”sidebar”>
<h1><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></h1>
<form id=”searchform” method=”get” action=”<?php bloginfo(‘home’); ?>”>
<input id=”search” type=”text” class=”searchbox” name=”s” value=”Search” onblur=”setTimeout(‘closeResults()’,2000); if (this.value == ”) {this.value = ‘Search’;}” onfocus=”if (this.value == ‘Search’) {this.value = ”;}” />
</form><ul id=”navigation”>
<li class=”page_item<?php if(is_home()) echo ‘ current_page_item’ ?>”>“>Blog
<?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’ ); ?><?php
$link_cats = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT cat_id, cat_name FROM $wpdb->linkcategories”);
foreach ($link_cats as $link_cat) {
<h3><?php echo $link_cat->cat_name; ?></h3>
<ul class=”links”>
<?php wp_get_links($link_cat->cat_id); ?><?php } ?>
<?php if(is_home()) { ?>
<ul class=”syn”>
- “>Entries
- “>Comments
<?php } ?>
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Theme from WordPress has errorThanks for the answer! I actually looked through all the themes and this was definitely the one I liked best, so hope there is an update. I did eliminate a bunch only because they were of the more common type that only use the middle two thirds of the screen. I may have to revisit my decision on those.
Is there a technical reason most of them are set up that way? Do some browsers require it? Or do the full screen themes only work perfectly on a wide-screen monitor?