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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Failed to Prep AMP PageJames, thanks.
I increased the PHP memory limit to 512 MB. I tested it and the error still came up.
But then the host recommended to deactivate and delete both the Theme & AMP plugin and re-install them. After deleting / removing both, I re-installed the Theme first, then the AMP Plugin, and now it HAS been working fine with the AMP Plugin in both Standard & Transitional Modes, with the Twenty-Twenty Theme.
I thought I previously deactivated, deleted and re-installed the AMP plugin & that did not work. Looks like I needed to fully get rid of both the Theme and Plugin & then re-install them.
Let me monitor this for a few days. In the past, various glitches sometimes pop back up.
Also, I do not know if there is a delay after I increased the PHP Memory limit in the php.ini file. If so, it could still be that it took time for the increase to take effect —- ? If so, it is still possible that the memory increase fixed it rather than re-installing the Plugin & Theme…………….
Anyway, thanks for your help and guidance. Let’s hope this does not pop up again, but let’s keep watch for several days.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Failed to Prep AMP PageJames, thanks.
I put the AMP Plugin in Reader mode while all the other plugins were deactivated.
The pages and posts rendered OK as expected.
Keeping the AMP Plugin in reader mode, I then activated all the plugins & the pages and posts again rendered OK as expected.
Just to check again,
I then switched the AMP plugin to standard mode and the same error came back, immediately (Which I had already tested before, though I tested again anyway)I then tested again, the AMP plugin in standard mode and all other plugins De-activated & the same error continued.
Should I check with the host & talk to them about increasing the 64 MB PHP memory limit – – – ?
What can we do next – – – ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Failed to Prep AMP PageI should have thought ahead that my copy and paste in the answer above might or would render the URL hyperlink(s). The moderator, or you can delete those.
That answer, which is a direct quote from Lighthouse after the Lighthouse test,
was pretty short, so I did not do a gist at github. Looks like next time, I’ll just need to do a gist even if it is short. Can’t think of any other way other than breaking up the url in the text so that it won’t render a URL. ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Failed to Prep AMP PageJames, thanks.
PHP is, and has been 7.4.10
PHP memory limit is 64M.
The php.imi says 256 M within the file itself. However, the
Host provider issues a notice at the bottom of that page saying
that regardless of what the file says, 64M is afforded on shared
hosting, which this site is on.—–
I put the AMP Plugin in reader mode with all other plugins DIS-abled and all pages rendered fine. I began to enable all plugins and checked all the pages which all rendered fine.
I then did a Lighthouse test and on the first attempt, lighthouse said a chrome extension was causing an issue and the robots.txt file could not be downloaded. However, I changed nothing & on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th re-test, the pages rendered fine. I guess it was a hiccup on the 1st test.
I switched the AMP Plugin back to Transitional Mode & ran a Google Lighthouse check and scores were not given. Instead the following message came up:
The page may not be loading as expected because your test URL ( was redirected to Try testing the second URL directly.
Lighthouse was unable to reliably load the page you requested. Make sure you are testing the correct URL and that the server is properly responding to all requests. (Status code: 500)——
Then I switched the AMP plugin to Standard Mode, tried to view the page and it rendered the now too familiar “Failed to prepare AMP Page”.
Then, after that, while still in Standard Mode, I ran a Lighthouse check & the result was:
There were issues affecting this run of Lighthouse:
Lighthouse was unable to reliably load the page you requested. Make sure you are testing the correct URL and that the server is properly responding to all requests. (Status code: 500)
I don’t know that I made any progress towards solving this.
Can you please guide further on trying to solve this — ?
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Failed to Prep AMP PageJames, Thanks. I tested further by switching temporarily to 5 other themes and Tested the AMP Plugin in Standard mode (And a bit in Transitional Mode)
Above: While AMP plugin was in Standard mode & all other Plugins De-activated, I Switched Themes from Twenty-Twenty, the to Astra theme, then switched to OceanWP, then to Twenty-Nineteen theme, then Neve Theme, then Twenty – Seventeen. For all Themes, I got what appeared to be the same error, above.
I then switched the AMP plugin to Transitional & worked backwards in the theme order I gave above, & the Themes / Pages / Site instantly appeared
again & just about all appeared to be fine.An exception is the gist below: Astra also gave me the following Error Below in AMP Transitional Mode, plus the “Failed to prepare AMP Pages” message above, in standard mode for AMP plugin (The main error)
There may well be multiple reasons why the AMP Plugin is not the source of these error(s). I don’t work with, or know enough to consider all the possibilities.
Having said that, I don’t now have an understanding of what could cause this other than the AMP plugin.
I have used the same Theme for several years. If this is a specific theme issue, it seems some of the other Themes would have worked. None of them did in standard mode for the AMP Plugin.
The AMP Health test plugin, I recall, seemed to eliminated the other plugins I was using.
Could it be other issues on the Server side, such as capacity limits, other WordPress settings that I should check on – – – ?
My first thought at the beginning is have there been recent updates in the AMP plugin that could be candidates for causing this – – – ?
From my perspective, there appears to be a significant issue that really still needs to be solved. It does not seem to me that we can just stop here.
What should be done now to help fix this ? Would access to the site help ?
I don’t see how a significant # of other people are not having similar issues. Maybe I am wrong.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Failed to Prep AMP PageJames, thank you
Per your request, I deactivated all Plugins except the AMP Plugin in Standard mode and the Health and Trouble shooting plugin was active & immediately got the error message below
Then, I deactivated the health and Trouble shooting plugin also in order to,as you said, have only the AMP plugin activated. I still got same error message.
I then, one by one, activated all the plugins while the AMP Plugin in Standard Mode was activated and checked each time and got the same error. I refreshed the page before checking each time. Still got the same error every time.
I then did the reverse again (de-activating each plugin one by once since I was already there) I checked each time & got the same error each time. I was left with the AMP plugin active only & in standard mode & the same error showed.
I then switched the AMP plugin back to Transitional mode & the error went away again, instantly.
By the Way, I also got the Error Message below once. I can’t remember when. But it also happened the other day when I was testing the problem again.
I also got some kind of error while signed into the host (I believe it was the host) saying there was an error because the home page could not re-direct to the amp page. I am thinking this was because I was in standard mode while the error was active. I lost that exact message. If it may have relevance I can try to reproduce it.
I am wondering if a significant number of other people are having this same issue. It seems to me that there would be because I am not using the plugin in a strange fashion – just in standard mode.
I have other sites I am planning on testing this on. Just haven’t gotten to it yet.
Also, it seems we have to get to the bottom of it and fix it for the same reason. I don’t think I am using the Plugin in any rare or unusual way. I am using it in a very standard way.
What can I do now ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Failed to Prep AMP PageJames, Thank You.
Updated Info:
Switching the AMP to Transitional Mode from Standard mode eliminated this problem. After switching to transitional mode with the AMP Plugin Activated, pages rendered as normal. Then I switched back to Standard mode with the AMP Plugin activated & the gist above, with error appeared again, today 0729
Then, (after the error appeared again) as mentioned, while in standard mode, I suppressed w3 cache via the AMP Plugin suppression tool. This did not work / help. Error still showed.
I then installed the Health and Trouble Shooting plugin as described. I followed the steps indicated by
clicking on the troubleshooting link (Troubleshooting mode active)The issue no longer appeared. —— However, this was / is due at that moment, possibly because the
plugins are not enabled. ??So I enabled the all the plugins one by one, except the AMP plugin, and the pages were fine
no problem. I cleared all caches and refreshed a couple of times each time.Then, as soon as I enabled the AMP Plugin, boom, the Error appears immediately.
Can we please do some further investigation here ?
The AMP is rendering the Error in standard mode, even while suppressing the w3 cache.
I kept the same Theme, 2020 on this site, but that seems to not be related, as the issue continues
to only happen when the AMP Plugin is Enabled. No other plugin here causes this.I am thinking the idea is to use the AMP plugin in Standard mode instead of Transitional Mode – – – – ?
If we cannot figure this out, or, until we figure this out, is an easy solution to simply switch the
AMP mode from Standard to Transitional – – – – ? (If so, I would need to test that some more to make
sure this (temporary?) cure is stable.If so, can you please describe in more detail here, the disadvantages or consequences to a site that is using
transitional mode VS. Standard mode beyond the short sentence(s) in the settings – – – ?What is the next step – – – ? If I can be of assistance, please let me know.`
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Failed to Prep AMP PageJames, Thank you. I submitted Site Health info via the Form you provided. If there is a shortfall in the info I provided, please let me know & I can send such info.
I am going to try to look for / find the suppression tool within the AMP plugin. I don’t think I have noticed such a tool before. I will look and try to deactivate W3 cache using that tool.
Per your instructions, I need to get, and install the Health Check & AMP troubleshooting plugin if the issue persists ensuing the suppression tool attempt.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Failed to Prep AMP PageJames, Thank you, I expect to add the Site Health snapshots to the form you offered, shortly. The Site Health says errors visible to viewers. I activated the AMP plugin so that the AMP page would not render, in order to copy the error so you can check it live.
Right now the AMP plugin is active, so I expect pages / posts will continue to not render. BTW, I viewed the errors on a macbook pro, not a mobile phone. Also, I viewed the errors in chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome Incognito. The errors came up under all browsers I tested. As soon as I De-activate the AMP plugin, all errors go away.
My Site Health sometimes says webpage not visible to viewers under SEO. I believe that is the Ryte ? test. I checked into that, & that was not correct, I believe there was a bug in that test. The site should be viewable and with Robots.txt, etc.
I switched to Transitional Mode.
Yes, Everything was working as expected previously.
I believe, but didn’t track it close enough to know, that this happened since a recent update. I don’t know if it was the most recent particular update, or prior.
As mentioned, I don’t believe this is due to CSS budget overage.
What can we do to correct this problem so that it does not arise any longer ?
Footnote – I think a separate (later) discussion could be useful about whether or not AMP will render if the user uses CSS – !important, or Keyframes (other than opacity and transform, etc.) per the guidelines
in their CSS in the head section (additional CSS ? ) in wordpressI only mention this because the issue is the AMP page not rendering, & I noticed in AMP dev info that if the user uses CSS in those ways, AMP will not render ? I am guessing many people are not aware of that.
Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordProof Timestamp] Rich Results Bad Sequence ErrorJelle, anything resolved on this? I may want to do some custom
coding for certain JSON-LD. Even though I can (And May) use a plugin for
most of it, custom coding should be doable without the wordproof plugin
(it really appears), corrupting the custom code.What about the possibility of the Classic Editor (instead of Gutenberg blocks)
being the culprit ?Your timestamp process, by all accounts, seems to be an important
direction for protection of original content, trust and credibility it appears,
so my continuing
to push is definitely as an advocate for what you are doing overall.I don’t know roughly what % of people are doing custom JSON-LD code
and using your plugin, but just the mere fact, it appears to me, to be
corrupting the code is reason enough to get it fixed.BTW – I have not de-activated the Classic editor as a test yet because
in the past Gutenberg entered <br /> codes on every line within the
JSON-LD code in the Body of the post. I may just put it in the
header which I believe prevents that.Thanks,
Wilfredo Sanio-BrusselForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordProof Timestamp] Rich Results Bad Sequence ErrorRegarding Below from previous post. I’ve emailed 2 times as requested in the last 1 1/2 weeks and did not get a response.
Has the issue been fixed? The plugin appeared to be taking custom json-ld in the body of a wordpress post and basically, combining the timestamp code with the author’s custom J-SON LD and generating corrupted code that does not work (see above example which occurred on 2 different sites.
>>>I’m sorry for the delay Wsan. Thank you for your elaborate explanation! As I cannot figure out why the two schemas are combined, it would be helpful to receive temporary access to your website so I can check the issue. Would you be able to send this to [email protected]?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordProof Timestamp] Rich Results Bad Sequence ErrorI will check through E-Mail.
Have the developers been able to correct this ? I believe it isn’t over difficult to replicate.
I am using the classic Editor. Just write some How to code you can find from Google structured data How to Sample. Put it in the (code) body of a post. Try it with the classic editor & also with blocks.
Google says structured data is allowed in the <body></body> or in the
<head></head> section. I have read that in 2 places and John Mueller from Google confirmed that in the past in a video.Some may ask, why not just use blocks? Maybe this issue does not happen in blocks and with plugin structured data.
Earlier on I played with custom structured date a bit in order to learn it. I noticed that when I switched to Gutenberg blocks, WordPress added <br> tags to EVERY line in Structured data in the <body> section, invalidating the code so i have been slow to shift to blocks, though I would like to
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordProof Timestamp] Rich Results Bad Sequence ErrorI did not notice until just now that regarding resolution, somehow a Green checkmark “Resolved” is shown next to my name as the Thread Starter. Just fyi, I did not put it there or designate resolved.
Respectfully, this isn’t resolved. Nothing has been resolved regarding what I would deem an issue, to my knowledge. Perhaps it would be appropriate for that not to be shown as it would imply the issue has been resolved.
Thank you for your assistance
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordProof Timestamp] Rich Results Bad Sequence ErrorMy apologies regarding the rendering of the issue above. My response (I see), did not render quite as I thought it would, though the Gist of the issue can be surmised.
(I believe my copying and pasting the full schema in Example # 2 caused the image to render) Anyhow, it can get tricky.
Thank you
WillForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordProof Timestamp] Rich Results Bad Sequence ErrorThank you. I expect to send access to (website) on Friday 04/02/2021
I tested on a 2nd site & the result was the same or similar How to Schema in body of page. Schema was validated by Google structured data testing tool & rich results tool Prior to timestamping the Page.
Again, the Plugin, upon Timestamping, appears to be taking valid how to schema initially in the body of the page / post, & immediately after timestamping, it combines with and creates invalid schema (Snippet shown below) in the <head></head> section.
I cannot phantom any other conclusion other than it should not be doing that & needs to be corrected. It is commandeering the how to schema, mixing it with Articletimestamp and adding all the \r\n, etc, characters
<script type=”application/ld+json” class=”wordproof-schema”>{“@context”:{“@type”:”ArticleTimestamp”,”@version”:”0.2.0″},”blockchain”:”eosio_main”,”transactionId”:”d645f38c346cf6249afac3ba02fc02cfe9c4ee577c532a90f6e6919895841e67″,”hash”:”7192162b984b39dcac89899b5ec9f1fa867d88f08667dd55c0d5d79c8b8d2182″,”title”:”How to set up dental practice patient financing”,”content”:”How to set up Dental Practice Patient Financing\r\n<\/a>Initiate Account:\r\nStep 1. Set up account. Open financing app. Integrate into your practice’s system by clicking on the set up options.\r\n\r\nVerify\r\n
- \r\n \t<li………….
…….Later in Schema……additional snippet…………”@type\”: \”HowToTip\”,\r\n \”text\”: \”Tip: Test the access of all those that are authorized.\”\r\n }, {\r\n \”@type\”: \”HowToDirection\”,\r\n \”text\”: \”Verify account. Determine who the administrator is and who is authorized to use the portal.\”\r\n }],\r\n \”image\”: {\r\n \–
—————THEN TEST # 2 ——I Disabled TimeStamp Plugin & removed How To Schema, but left in Video Schema
See result below. This time, Timestamp article Schema appears to be mixing in with — Content, & Links & the Video Schema, sprinkling in \, /, \r, \n, mostly or all throughout
So, I left it this way because it mixes in with content and schema.
<script type="application/ld+json" class="wordproof-schema">{"@context":{"@type":"ArticleTimestamp","@version":"0.2.0"},"blockchain":"eosio_main","transactionId":"1a74c75832b44ba1d93e2db47653cb240e28e53a758df21a79b24fbfa10457c9","hash":"539853a013ebeaa1be041a9150d511cd6b09d6560ad64a6b3857d4563e3bdec4","title":"How to set up dental practice patient financing","content":"How to set up Dental Practice Patient Financing\r\n<a href=\"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/04\/how-to-set-up-dental-practice-patient-financing.jpg\"><img class=\"alignnone size-medium wp-image-1000\" src=\"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/04\/how-to-set-up-dental-practice-patient-financing-300x225.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\" \><\/a>Initiate Account:\r\nStep 1. Set up account. Open financing app. Integrate into your practice's system by clicking on the set up options.\r\n\r\nVerify\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li style=\"list-style-type: none;\"><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\nTip: Test Access\r\nStep 2. Verify account. Determine who the administrator is and who is authorized to use the portal. Test the access of all those that are authorized.\r\n<a href=\"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/04\/verify-access.jpg\"><img class=\"alignnone size-medium wp-image-1002\" src=\"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/04\/verify-access-300x225.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\" \><\/a>\r\n<div>Save<\/div>\r\nSave\r\nTip: Backup all changes on a seperate system\r\nStep 3. Save changes. This will insure the system is ready to be used after it has been tested. All updates should be saved.\r\n<div>Enter Info<\/div>\r\n<a href=\"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/04\/enter-customer-info.jpg\"><img class=\"alignnone size-medium wp-image-999\" src=\"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/04\/enter-customer-info-300x225.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\" \><\/a>\r\n\r\nEnter Info:\r\nStep 4. Enter customers. The customer information from their financing app should be entered into the system.\r\nRemind customers of patient financing during each visit\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nFollow the above steps in how to set up dental practice patient financing for your patients. Many dental patients are afraid to ask for services because they know they cannot afford them. When your patients know they can afford the dental work they really want, they will ask for more of them.\r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-size: x-large;\"><strong>Complete the secure docusign <a href=\"https:\/\/\/Member\/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=bf2eac0b-bfb8-4fb0-8a47-90ff0722bf98\">application now.<\/a>\r\nOr call us at Tel: 1-919-771-4177, or <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">Question? Tell us what do you want to do?<\/a><\/strong><\/span>\r\n\r\nYour practice should have a nice bump up increase in sales and revenue. All of this while your patients are happier because they now got the dental work done they did not get before. Patients can get financing for up to 12 months. The practice will receive approximately 90% of the cost of the service. The cost of financing is between 10% to 12% in most cases. Patients make a monthly payment for 12 months. The payment is set up to be a monthly payment they can afford.\r\n\r\n[caption id=\"attachment_193\" align=\"alignnone\" width=\"300\"]<a href=\"http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/01\/DentalPracticePatientFinancing.png\"><img class=\"wp-image-193 size-medium\" src=\"http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/01\/DentalPracticePatientFinancing-300x169.png\" alt=\"How to set up dental practice patient financing\" width=\"300\" height=\"169\" \><\/a> Dental Practice Patient Financing[\/caption]\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n<h3>Features and benefits<\/h3>\r\nCredit is rarely a reason for decline. This is different than care credit. In care credit, the credit score needs to be approximately 660 or higher. With these financing programs, credit scores can be much lower. The credit score can be in the 500's and still be approved.\r\n\r\nPatients with damaged credit can now also get care. Get your practice started on this program today, and both your patients and your practice will benefit. Another benefit is practices usually have a 25% to 50% increase in revenues within the first year.\r\n\r\nYour office staff provides information on this financing option to all patients when they come in for their appointment. The front desk clerk greets patients and lets them know about the financing. The staff can also immediately give information or an application\r\nto patients.\r\n\r\n\r\nCan I get patient financing with bad credit?\"\r\n\r\nanswer\":Yes, you can get patient financing with credit as low as 500\r\n\r\nCan I get patient financing with bad credit?\r\n\r\nYes, you can get patient financing with credit as low as 500\r\n\r\nCan I get patient financing with bad credit?\r\nYes, you can get patient financing with credit as low as 500\r\n\r\n<script type=\"application\/ld+json\">\r\n{\r\n\"@context\": \"http:\/\/\",\r\n\"@type\": \"VideoObject\",\r\n\"name\": \"Dental Practice Patient Financing\",\r\n\"description\": \"Dental Practice Patient Financing. Customer examples. How to increase sales by offering financing to your dental patients\",\r\n\"thumbnailUrl\": [\r\n\"http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/01\/DentalPracticePatientFinancing.png\"\r\n],\r\n\"uploadDate\": \"2012-12-28T19:56:00+00:00\",\r\n\"duration\": \"PT1M4S8\",\r\n\"embedUrl\": \"http:\/\/\/videoplayer.swf?video=123\",\r\n\"interactionCount\": \"25\"\r\n}\r\n<\/script>","date":"2021-04-02T03:52:22+00:00","url":"https:\/\/\/how-to-set-up-dental-practice-patient-financing\/"}</script></head>