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  • Thread Starter WriterWreck7


    Your response Is shocking.

    You ought not be the one In the position of answering these questions.

    One In your position had ought to be required to know
    about the basics of wordpress customization.

    Perhaps you can understand this…I can not add menu or remove menu.

    I can not add or remove menu tabs. The ones at the top of the page
    on any blog you see.
    Here Is an example of the types of tabs, which
    are In fact the very same types; I am describing In my problem.

    Tabs like Home! Or here’s another – About! or here’s another – Contact!

    If you do not understand what my problem Is I emailed support about.
    Please do not hesitate. To forward this email. To someone who has a wordpress acct. for sometime and works In your dept. Thank you.

    I set a address slug on the tail end of my Domain;
    and It worked fine yesterday, logged in with It a few times.

    Now today” I can not get to my login page.
    My address with the slug I created but

    It dose not furnish my login page.

    I believe I had It set to lock me out after attempting to
    a few times which I have now exceeded.

    I backed up my WordPress but where Is It??
    I clicked on the backup DB In the all in one software.

    and the other 2 as well – as suggested, to back up.

    So unfortunately for me I think the only alternative Is to
    log-in to my hosting completely erase my WordPress and reinstall It.

    What a mess..I wish their was another way. AND – If I can not use
    this all In one again, if It locks out my IP address”

    I’ll simply have to try a different security-software for my new WordPress site.
    In a word Bull____!!

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