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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Community by PeepSo - Download from] Styling override?Yes, of course you can do that. That is what child theme is for.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Sinisa.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Community by PeepSo - Download from] Styling override?Hello ckubs
Thank you for reaching out.
Adding the CSS to your child theme is exactly the override, so I’m not really sure what you meant by “not the override way”.In any case, you can see the instructions how to do that here
While the doc doesn’t specifically mention the child theme CSS, you can absolutely do that.On a side note, please be aware that we don’t really provide support here.
If you need further assistance, contact us through official support channel, even if you only use the free version a great day
Thank you for reaching out. Videos is paid PeepSo add-on.
The support for paid plugins is exclusively provided to paying customers on our own website. Please open the ticket here while using the account with valid license and our support will help you out.- This reply was modified 4 years ago by Sinisa.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Community by PeepSo - Download from] Sinisa pomozi molim tePozdrav @lestra
Koliko ja znam, WordPress po defaultu ne dozvoljava registraciju novih clanova sa cirilicnim korisnickim imenom.
Postoje neki dodaci (plugins) koji ovo omogucavaju, ali to ne znaci da ce svi oni automatski da rade i sa PeepSo formama.
Cirilicno korisnicko ime za PeepSo je u nasem backlogu, ali nije nam veliki prioritet tako da ne znam kada ce tacno to da bude opcija.Doduse, postoji resenje. PeepSo prepoznaje sve korisnike u #_users tabeli, bez obzira koju formu za registraciju koristis.
Ono sto mogu da ti predlozim je da u stvari ne koristis PeepSo forme za registraciju i login, vec da koristis plugin koji ti omogucava cirilicna korisnicka imena, a “required fields”, avatar, cover itd.. u profilu resis tako sto primoras novoregistrovane clanove da popune ta polja posle prvog logina.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Community by PeepSo - Download from] Serbian TranslationHi Lestra
Serbian translation is available here
You can download the missing files and use these, however, I’ve just downloaded the free core from the and the translation files are there. If you are missing the files from paid plugins, please contact support service at our own website.As long as user is stored in wp_users table and visible in WP Admin -> Users, it will.
It’s really hard for me to suggest stuff that I don’t use ??
You should maybe scan the plugin directory to see if there is a plugin that allows to create the registration form while hiding the username field.Hello Eugene
Thanks for reporting this.
I’ll have the developers look at the issue and provide the fix for it.Hello
WordPress requires username to create user object, therefore, PeepSo simply follows that.
You can however login using email used during registration. That’s how thing work in WP for a long time.As you can see, PeepSo only builds on top of the WP user object. If you don’t like registration with username, you can use any plugin that allows registration without it. As long as user is stored in wp_users table, it will work with PeepSo as well.
You can modify the robots.txt file to tell the crawlers not to index certain pages the way, to get faster responses and better support, you should always contact us at our website here
Hello Numgore
We generally don’t use shortcodes for this purpose, instead you could use the login widget that will redirect wherever you set it up in PeepSo login configuration.
By the way, to get faster responses and better support, you should always contact us at our website here
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Community by PeepSo - Download from] Avatars and cover imagesHello Serge
Please make sure that you have the proper upload path set in advanced configuration.
The documentation regarding that is provided here you have further questions, please open the ticket on our website as we don’t monitor this forum on regular basis.
You can open the support ticket from here: Plugins
In reply to: [Community by PeepSo - Download from] registerHello Serge
This is normal. As soon as user is added to the database you will see it on the list of the users, but it will not be placed in the “Community Member” PeepSo role which will happen after they verify email and admin approve them.
If you need more help, please don’t hesitate to open a ticket on our site.
We don’t monitor this forum regularly and opening the ticket here will guarantee much faster replyHello Riaan
PeepSo is just a plugin for WordPress. It does not require individual database and you can use as many other plugins as you want. It is also compatible with Avada theme.
Now, regarding your questions, public pages of WordPress work exactly how you expect them to work. PeepSo does not interfere with that. You can install any other online shop plugin to sell your items, you can even set it up to require purchase “membership” before users can have a profile, but you will need third-party plugins like Woocommerce or paid memberships pro for that.
Every user registered in the WP Admin -> Users will get the PeepSo profile but not all of them can be administrators of the community. That’s way too much control for the standard user.
Login information sharing is not necessary. PeepSo uses WP user object same like any other plugin.And finally, there is no option to customize individual profile pages.
I hope that answers your questions. If you have more, please contact us on our official website as this forum here is not often monitored as we do on our site and you will get much faster responses there
- This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Sinisa.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Community by PeepSo - Download from] Landing Page / Log on pageYou can go to WPAdmin -> Settings -> Reading and select your landing page there.
PeepSo is just a plugin, it can’t create landing pages on the site but you can select one of it’s pages to be a landing page in the setting mentioned above.