9 years, 7 months ago
Giving FTP and WP admin access to a developer you hired for customization is how it usually goes.
But do make a new FTP account and a new WordPress user ( administrator role ), so after he’s done you simply remove that user.
If he has good reviews on Fiverr there’s really no reason to not trust him with that information.
FF000 is not a valid color, you’re missing another zero, so should FF0000
As for the font size you need to apply the font-size change to “.site-info-text-top .site-title a”
So the code would be:
.site-info-text-top .site-title a { font-size: 46px; }
Which code did you add to the style.css and if you can say which line ( number ) did you alter.
Ahh you already wrote that by the time I answered. Checking it out now.
Is the homepage the place you want to remove the title from?
In that case:
body.home .entry-title { display: none; }