Forum Replies Created
I’m also experiencing this issue when using the plugin with the SendGrid API as reported by @litemotiv above. Thank you in advance @slaffik for the upcoming fix that will be released in v1.3.0.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced TinyMCE Configuration] Can’t set “allow_conditional_comments”?Hello again –
I discovered what the problem was: This plugin is properly setting the “allow_conditional_comments” to true, but another plugin was overriding that and removing the setting. Once I deactivated the other plugin, the setting was properly set to true, and conditional comments get enabled in tinyMCE as hoped.
Apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for all the great work you’ve done on this plugin.
Hello again –
I found the the source of the issue: the Newsletter plugin does not set the TinyMCE option that allows for conditional comments to be preserved (such as “<!–[if (gte mso 9)|(IE)]>”). The Newsletter plugin should set the TinyMCE option “allow_conditional_comments” to “true”, but it currently does not, so the option’s default value of “false” is used instead:
This can be fixed as follows:
1. Edit the file \newsletter\emails\edit.php
2. Go to line #265, where the options for “tinymce.init” are specified
3. Add the following option within the “tinymce.init({ …. });” block of code:allow_conditional_comments: true,
With this fix, the Newsletter editor will NOT add an extra space beteen ‘<!–‘ and ‘[if’ and therefore “<!–[if (gte mso 9)|(IE)]>” will be properly preserved.
I hope the author can fix issue this in the plugin soon. Otherwise, the Newsletter plugin will not properly format emails that use conditional formatting for Outlook desktop clients, which is a huge problem if you are sending emails to corporate recipients where the desktop Outlook client is commonly used.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Send PDF for Contact Form 7] Email sends, yet the arrow spins indefinitelyIt’s possible that this “endlessly spinning” issue is related to another issue. If interested, please see the other issue here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Send PDF for Contact Form 7] Warnings appearing upon “save settings”I investigated the issue further, and believe I have found the root problem as well as a possible solution (see code below).
It seems the plugin may not be fully compatible with PHP 5.4 and higher, as PHP changed their warning message when functions are passed arrays vs. strings, as is discussed here:
Further, this same issue may be an underlying cause of the “arrow spins endlessly” issue reported previously, which I am also experiencing:
An approach that worked for me (which fixed both this “warnings upon save” issue as well as the “arrow spins indefinitely” issue was to make a few adjustments to explicitly check for array on lines 1302, 1306, 1308 and 1355 of the file /mpdf/classes/cssmgr.php as follows:
Line 1302 ------------------ Original: if (!isset($attr['ID'])) { UPDATED: if (is_array($attr) && !isset($attr['ID'])) { Line 1306 ------------------ Original: if (!isset($attr['LANG'])) { UPDATED: if (is_array($attr) && !isset($attr['LANG'])) { Line 1308 ------------------ Original: } else { UPDATED: } else if (is_array($attr)) { Line 1355 ------------------ Original: $this->_mergeFullCSS($this->cascadeCSS, $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS'], $tag, $classes, $attr['ID'], $attr['LANG']); UPDATED: $this->_mergeFullCSS($this->cascadeCSS, $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['cascadeCSS'], $tag, $classes, (is_array($attr) && isset($attr['ID']))?$attr['ID']:'', (is_array($attr) && isset($attr['LANG']))?$attr['LANG']:'');
I hope the plugin author is able to verify these issues and update the plugin with a permanent solution.
Thank you in advance.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Send PDF for Contact Form 7] Email sends, yet the arrow spins indefinitelyI’m having this same issue (i.e. the endlessly spining circular icon next to the “Submit Form” button). The form submission works, the PDF is properly generated and sent, but the spinning icon always spins and thus never displays Contact Form 7’s “successfully submitted” notification.
If I disable the “Send PDF to Contact Form 7” plugin, then I no longer have the endlessly spinning icon problem.
I am already running PHP 7.1.4, and the spinning icon still occurs (per suggestions above).
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Syndicate Out] in-post images uses source URL for all syndicate!I have this exact same issue. Is there a solution for this?
Thank you in advance.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Align and columnize fieldsTo make fields appear side-by-side, the approach I suggested in the following thread may work for you, please take a look:
I hope this helps, best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Format Not Applied to Special Mail Tag ‘_date’It seems the additional line I suggested above, “$special = $this->format( $special, $format );”, will not work at that particular point in mail.php.
As a correction, try inserting these two lines instead:
// Insert the following after line 327 (and before line 329): if ( ! empty( $special ) && '_date' == $tagname && ! empty( $format ) ) { $special = mysql2date( $format, $special ); }
I hope this helps, best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Side by side filedsHello –
I do this regularly on my sites, the trick is to use column classes. Here’s an example that hopefully you can modify to suit your exact needs.
First, define your form using ‘one-half’ and ‘first’ classes like so:
<label class="one-half first">First Name* [text* your-first-name] </label> <label class="one-half">Last Name* [text* your-last-name] </label> <label class="one-half first">Company* [text* your-company] </label> <label class="one-half">Title [text your-title] </label> <label class="first">Email* [email* your-email] </label> <label>Message [textarea your-message] </label>
Then, add some CSS to your theme’s style.css (or use the WP Customizer to enter Additional CSS):
.one-half { float: left; margin-left: 4%; width: 48%; margin-bottom: 24px; } .first { clear: both; margin-left: 0; }
I hope this helps, best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Format Ignored on ‘_date’ Special Mail TagHello –
Yes, it uses the Date Format in Settings->General as the default format, but the issue is that it ignores any exlicit format specified using the date-field ‘_format_’ notation (as indicated in the documentation here: https://contactform7.com/date-field/).
For consistency, shouldn’t the Special Mail Tag ‘_date’ apply a specified ‘_format_’ just like any regular Date-Field Tag?
A small addition to /includes/mail.php would allow this, for example something like the following could be added immediately after Line 313 in mail.php:
/* LINE 313 in mail.php: */ $special = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_special_mail_tags', '', $tagname, $html ); /* ADDITION AFTER LINE 313: An extra condition to apply '_format_' to the '_date' Special Mail Tag: */ if ( ! empty( $special ) && '_date' == $tagname && ! empty( $format ) ) { $special = mysql2date( $format, $special ); }
One beneficial use case that this would enable: dynamically adding ‘The Current Year’ in a copyright message in the footer of an html email, without having to define any additional CF7 shortcodes etc (in functions.php):
Copyright © [_format__date ‘Y’]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arigato Autoresponder and Newsletter] Can't Activate on PHP 7.0.4?Hello again – thank you for fixing it. I just tested it in PHP 7.0.4 and it is activating without problems now. I also searched the entire code in case there were more instances of “continue” used outside of a loop context and did not find any, so all is good.
I typically use Wampserver to test, I have it set up with PHP 7.0, 7.0.4, 7.0, 5.6.19, etc, to switch and test under different PHP versions. I tried all of those and the plugin is activating successfully.
Thanks again, best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arigato Autoresponder and Newsletter] Can't Activate on PHP 7.0.4?Hello Again –
Thanks for the quick update. I’ve tried activting again but now I get a 2nd Fatal Error upon activation using PHP 7.0.4:
Fatal error: ‘continue’ not in the ‘loop’ or ‘switch’ context in …\wp-content\plugins\bft-autoresponder\controllers\integrations.php on line 128
If I switch to PHP 5.6.x, it installs without problem.
Do you think there there may still a few lingering PHP 7.0.4 compatibility issues remaining?
Thanks in advance.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form DB] Save Data for Specific CF7 Forms Only?Perfect, thank you for the quick reply!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] PHP 7 Fatal ErrorHello – there may be an underlying incompatibility issue with PHP 7.x vs. PHP 5.6.x, please see these other issues which may be related to PHP 7 as well: