Forum Replies Created
No word of pricing here, as you mention Media Library Organizer” is open source software. But on your page not word about open source and a minimum of 39 $…
Media Library Organizer is a free, open source Plugin. That’s why you’re able to download it – for free – from here.
If you require additional functionality made available through our paid Addons, licenses start at $39/year.
By the way – uploading image does not go to the actual folderstructure, seems i have to assign every single picture after uploading?
If you’re referring to Categories, the Plugin allows you to define your own Categories and assign uploaded images to them.
If you want to automatically assign uploaded images to Categories, you can use either:
– the Bulk and Quick Edit Addon (Bronze License, $39/yr, choose Categories and other metadata before uploading one or more images),
– the Defaults Addon (Bronze License, $39/yr, define default Categories for images to be assigned to on upload),
– the Auto Categorization Addon (Silver License, $89/yr, uses image detection to pick items out of the image and use them as Categories)Not reproducing with the given Plugin versions.
What is the precise nature of the conflict in terms of UI output, please?
We’ve made a note of your feature request, with a view to potentially adding it to a future version.
You can check out the Roadmap here:
https://wpmedialibrary.com/documentation/media-library-organizer/roadmap/Whilst every best effort is made to add a requested feature, its popularity, usefulness, performance, security and compatibility are taken into account.
Despite our best efforts, sometimes (but very rarely) it’s simply not possible to add a requested feature, and we appreciate your understanding.
See Documentation, noting the Plugin adds functionality for categorization:
https://wpmedialibrary.com/documentation/media-library-organizer/defining-media-categories/@reelism Thanks for taking the time to check the review. We’re always happy when users give their honest feedback, as it helps improve our product!
Based on this, and other user feedback, we’re planning on moving the navigation menu item in the WordPress Administration interface under e.g. Settings, to avoid cluttering the UI ??
Thanks for the feedback. Do you mean the Plugin’s navigation item? If so, where would this be better placed for access to settings?
I can confirm the Plugin is multisite compatible.
Resolving in 1.0.4, releasing end of Thursday 24th January 2019.
Please clarify; which specific plugin or theme are you using for front end publishing?
Please use https://wpmedialibrary.com/support for paid license queries.
At the time of writing, I can confirm correct working functionality of the support form above.
Fixing in 1.0.2, releasing today.
Fixing in 1.0.2, releasing today.
Fixing in 1.0.2, releasing today.
This will be resolved in the next release on Thursday.
We don’t offer an automatic process at the moment, but it’s something that we will consider for a future version.