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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: The theme home page does not display when choosing a static pageTry opening the link in an incognito window in chrome and see if the homepage is there, if so then clear your browser cache and re-login to the admin area.
I’m not sure why this sometimes happens but it sometimes happens to me when migrating sites. The homepage will be 404 and the rest of the site will work… clearing the browser cache and relogging in fix it for me.
A friend of mine Bobby Ray helped me out on this, we accomplished this with a little jquery script.
You can modify the field #’s to suit your project and add this right above the body tag in the footer.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$(‘#field_882’).attr(‘maxlength’, ‘140’); // Text Area 1
$(‘#field_1092’).attr(‘maxlength’, ‘140’); // Text Area 2
</script>Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Buddypress Xprofile Custom Fields Type] Request CountryI second, it would be much preferable than creating one manually. Great plugin either way though, thanks a bunch!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Profile Tabs] Tabs in wrong places and duplicatingHi Jacob, thanks for the great plugin, I’m having problems though with my second tab “More Information” displaying at the bottom of the first tab.
https://i.imgur.com/ARPSBSc.jpgThe theme I’m using is Kleo from themeforest which is very new so I don’t think it’s loading old jquery files.
https://themeforest.net/item/kleo-next-level-premium-wordpress-theme/6776630Here’s a couple of the theme files that I think might be involved, if you need anything else let me know.
https://pastebin.com/d5NPNs9qWould be more than willing to make a small donation if you can help me figure this out.
Thanks very much!
DaveForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: site hosted on a VPS with 4GB RAM crashes frequentlyI also had memcached setup on it for awhile and was using it for Object Caching in W3 Total Cache and I noticed it helped decrease load on the server but auto clearing the cache on updates was a little buggier.
BTW, I just increased mine to
memory_limit = 64M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (32MB)It has been stable with the other setting though.
At first I had similar problems with this vps/site as you’re having except it was mainly when I’d hit publish and set off a chain reaction of resource consuming events.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: site hosted on a VPS with 4GB RAM crashes frequentlyHi again, you’re welcome, not sure if that will be much help though. Just checking out some of the settings on that vps. I’ve done some updates to the vps since I’ve increased the php memory limit I think including updating to php5.4 and then reverting back to 5.3.
This is what I have in my php.ini file, looks pretty standard.
memory_limit = 32M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (16MB)
In my WP Configuration file though I have…
define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );
Using the TPC memory usage plugin, I have this info on the dashboard.
Usage Sample: 70.91MB (28%)
Peak Usage: 71.18MB (28%)
All-Time: 158.53MB on 3/29/14 @ 7:00 am (shutdown)
Load Averages: 0.3 0.35 0.25
WP Memory Limit: 256M
PHP Memory Limit: 32MAlso have you setup swap space on your vps?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Catastrophic issueCan you FTP in and rename your theme folder to something else? This will cause WordPress to fall back to the default theme and if it’s a theme issue your site should load.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: site hosted on a VPS with 4GB RAM crashes frequentlyIs it when you hit publish on a new post? Consider the plugins you’re using. Think about everything that’s going on when you publish a new post. For instance I have a site, when I hit publish on a post numerous things start to happen. The cached pages get cleared, the sitemap updates, the site pings Google and Bing, and the post gets sent out to numerous social media websites.
I’ve also had this happen to me on a site similar to yours in size on its own 2GB vps (which I scale up and down as needed.)I use the free Webuzo control panel on that server. It has been awhile but I think I fixed it by tweaking the configuration of Apache, PHP and Mysql. First I would try increasing your available memory to php scripts in your php.ini to see if that helps if you haven’t already.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Should I use PAGES or use POSTS for content?It depends upon what type of site it is and what I’m doing with the page. A business type site would have numerous pages for their services, the home page, contact pages, etc. and usually a blog/news section of posts.
A news/magazine type site I would have posts on the front page, most of the content would be the posts themselves and much fewer pages.
I think of the posts as being for something you want more categorized… such as the blog, news, tutorials, etc.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can′t log in in after cloning to subdomainThis tool will replace the old link/path with the new one in the test site database.
Make sure it’s hooking into the correct database that you want to change the url on. Then run a search and replace…
test.mysite.comShould work, after you run the tool you need to login to the WP admin area, go to Settings -> Permalinks and update the permalinks.
Don’t forget to delete the tool from your server after you’re finished using it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Changing HostsYou could probably use a backup plugin to back everything up without access to the server. Which should allow you to grab the files and the database. ??
Edit: Assuming you have access to the WordPress admin panel.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: What do they want to exploit and how to stop itI did a quick search for the file they’re looking for and found this.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Selling Large Digital Files 50mbLike Bradford_Rourke said, WooCommerce. I’ve set this up for a band site with files over 400mb. I think the only problem I had was getting around the upload file size limit in PHP&WordPress.
If I remember correctly I took an easy shortcut around this and just uploaded the files into the products content directory via FTP and added the link to the downloadable file on the WooCommerce product page.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Self-Hosted WordPress problems… and now 403 error.All of the pages I clicked on worked fine. Flushing your DNS on your computer might do the trick.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugin Manager will not load any moreHave you installed any new plugins recently?
You should be able to test to see if it’s a plugin causing the error by renaming the plugins folder, or by renaming the plugin you think might be causing it.