Forum Replies Created
Thank you for your answer. The FAQ block doesn’t even come close to meeting my requirements. I need something like this: https://codepen.io/raubaca/pen/PZzpVe The Kadence Accordion Block works perfectly. Really a pity, that Spectra (Pro) doesn’t offer something like this. I would be happy if you would add this to the to-do list.
Erst einmal besten Dank für Ihre Antwort. Ich hatte nach Ihrer Antwort in der Firewall das Blockieren der Rest API zurückgenommen und “Block attempts to publish, edit or delete a published post by users who do not have the right capabilities (recommended)” beibehalten. Prompt kommt heute eine neue Benachrichtigung, dass die Aktualisierung der Rechtstexte von der Firewall geblockt wurde. Ich werde also jetzt zus?tzlich “Block attempts to publish, edit or delete a published post by users who do not have the right capabilities (recommended)” deaktivieren. Zus?tzlich habe ich noch “Protect against username enumeration through the WordPress REST API” aktiviert. Das muss dann also auch noch deaktiviert werden, oder? h?tte ich gerne in die White-List geschrieben, dieses Feature gibt es aber nur in der Pro Version der Firewall.
Mal abwarten was jetzt passiert.
Nachtrag: Gerde sehe ich, dass auf beiden Seiten – also Datenschutzerkl?rung und AGB – der Stand dem heutigen Aktualisierungszeitpunkt entspricht. Das deutet daraufhin, dass die beiden Seiten trotz der Firewall-Sperrungen aktualisiert worden sind, obwohl ich folgende Meldung vom Firewall-PlugIn erhalten habe:
NinjaFirewall has blocked an attempt to edit/create a post by a user who doesn’t have the right capabilities:
Blog: https://meineseite.de/
Username: Unauthenticated user
Action: Attempt to edit a published page (ID: 3057)
post_title: Allgemeine Gesch?ftsbedingungen (AGB)
post_content: [agb_terms language=\”de\” country=\”DE\”]
User IP: 142.132.xyz.xyz
SCRIPT_FILENAME: /home/www/meineseite.de/index.php
REQUEST_URI: /?rest_route=%2Flegal-texts-connector-it-recht-kanzlei%2Fv1%2Flti
Date: April 26, 2024 @ 19:21:39 CESTüber welche API kommuniziert Ihr Plugin eigentlich mit meinem Onlineshop?
Vielleicht k?nnen Sie hier Licht ins Dunkel bringen.
It seems to be a Problem with PHP 8.x
PHP 7.4.33 and Duplicator works fine
We have the same problem with Version : The Duplicator starts creating an archive but then gets stuck indefinitely at ‘Creating Archive 0%’ without displaying any errors.
We use PHP version 8.1.27 and WP 6.4.4
Duplicator Version 1.5.8 worked fineAaah, I see. I have now disabled this setting and I hope this will solve my issue. Thank you very much.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Members - Membership & User Role Editor Plugin] Wrong user role assignedAll good, I have found the mistake. I assigned the wrong role in the WP Membership Plugin. Sorry!
Hello Krystian, thank you for your quick reply. I can confirm, that I have PHP 8.2 running on my development server. I downgraded PHP to version 8.1.23 and voila Duplicator works like a charm.
When will the PayPal Payments Plugin be compatible with PHP 8.2?
Thank you
The developer of Woocommerce Paypal Payments Plugin wrote: “Currently, the PayPal Payments Plugin does not officially support PHP 8.2. The errors you are experiencing, particularly the deprecation notices, are indicative of this compatibility issue. Duplicator interrupts the backup process due to this warning, this is not something we can immediately resolve. In light of this, I suggest contacting with developers of Duplicator.”
I can confirm, that I have PHP 8.2 running on my development server. I downgraded PHP to version 8.1.23 and voila Duplicator works like a charm.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Maintenance] .htaccess on plugin activation@dabesa Thank you Daniele. I have also deleted the .htaccess file and I have removed the maintenance PlugIn. What did you do with the maintenance PlugIn? Do you use it or have you deleted it? I guess it’s an issue with security PlugIns. I use Block Bad Query and Limited Login Reloaded. If I have some time I will test it on my staging maschine.
Schau mal nach im Verzeichnis wp-admin. Da müsste jetzt eine .htaccess Datei mit der Anweisung deny from all liegen. Diese Datei musst du l?schen. Dann sollte es wieder gehen
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Maintenance] .htaccess on plugin activationExactly the same behavior on my website. As soon as I activate the maintenance plug-in, I no longer have access to my admin area. The wp-admin directory then contains the htaccess file with the directive deny from all. Daniele, how did you solve the problem or what caused the error?
I can confirm that recent version of Elementor Header & Footer Builder is compatible with Elementor 3.5.0.
My site works as expected.
I can confirm Happy Elementor Addons Version 3.3.3 is compatible with Elementor 3.5.0.
My site works as expected.
Support? Which support? I will delete Limit Login Attempts and switch to Ninja Firewall, which is much better suited for protection.