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Please correct me if I’m wrong. Once w3 total cache writes to the .htaccess it would very rarely need to change. So it seems that if you deselect “Remove write permissions from .htaccess and wp-config.php” in the Better WP Security Plugin and then configure w3 total cache to write thee rules to the .htaccess file, then you can re-select the “Remove write permissions from .htaccess and wp-config.php” again. Then if w3 total cache reports the error, then it doesn’t matter because the rules have already been written to the .htaccess file. Unless of course you need to change the configuration again, then you would just have to deselect the “Remove write permissions from .htaccess and wp-config.php” file to write the new rule and reselect when done.
Is that correct or am I misunderstanding? In other words does w3 total cache need write permissions to .htaccess and wp_config on a permanent basis?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2] Has this plugin been abandoned?I was expecting that this plugin would get abandoned because google is no longer providing data reflecting the keywords used in the search your website was found with. This has not been universally implemented across all googles search results, but it is expected to be universal over the next several months. That change would make this plugin obsolete and unable to do it’s job. Here is a post where you can hear more details. Watch the video.
https://moz.com/blog/100-percent-keyword-not-provided-whiteboard-tuesdayForum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Fatal error: Call to undefined function w3tc_button_link()P.S You guys shouldn’t remove files and folder if you don’t know what it’s doing. First of all if the folder is named chache, then that could indicate that is where w3 total cache stores all it’s cached files. You could be entirely defeating the entire function of the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Fatal error: Call to undefined function w3tc_button_link()Hey guys, this is a note to whoever reads this post in the future. If you want to delete a file or a folder, don’t delete it. Rename it. Once you rename it, the plugin will no longer recognize it, so it will behave just like it was deleted, But you will then be able to rename it back to it’s original name if it breaks your site.
Hope that helps =)
The reason you are getting render blocking message from google is because your javascript is being called in the header. In your wp_register_script() function and in your wp_enqueue_script() function you must include true for the $in_footer argument. If you include the $in_footer argument, you must also include all the other arguments.
Google page speed combines and minifies the js and css files. So does w3-total-cache. If you want to eliminate that google page speed render blocking flag then you need to change the wp enqueue and wp register script function calls. W3-total-cache has the Set all JS to “Non-blocking using Async” option which means to put the js in the footer, but apparently it doesn’t work all the time as fashion2012 has reported. So in that case you have to go in and change it yourself. Most themes put the enqueue and register scripts functions in the function.php file, but not necessarily.Sounds good Acunetix
You say you’ve dropped support for the website defender scanner. Does that mean that the plugins will no longer be able to scan my public_html directory and report the permissions. That’s one of the best features of your plugin and basically so far the only reason I use your plugin. It wouldn’t make sense to remove that functionality. On the other hand, I may be misinterpreting what you are saying. So please let me know if the file permissions scanning capability is going to be removed.
Also, is there a place where the previous version can be downloaded from?
Yes, the old version worked fine in Multisite. Can’t you look at the code you changed in this latest version and see why it broke? It doesn’t seem like it should be hard to figure out what happened. I think it should be a priority to make it multisite ready. Secondly is that it is generating a permissions issue. The permissions most likely have to do with database access. You should be easily able to correct that issue, or tell us how to correct it in our websites so that we can make the changes. @tevya, I like the way this plugin scans the file permissions. A very simple basic check, but fundamental to security. I’m going to check that other plugin you posted and see if it scans.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] I give – What are the Available Download ShortcodesNo problem. Are you using a wootheme? If so, then which wootheme are you using? If not, let me know what theme you are using. When it breaks the website, does it give you an error message? If so, then post it here. Also, copy and paste the file that the error code refers to in the ubuntu paste bin https://paste.ubuntu.com/ and click on the paste button at the bottom. Post the link that the paste bin generates in here.
So go ahead and put the code back in functions.php and break your site so you can get the error message and paste it here. Then copy and paste the file that is referred to in the error message in the ubuntu pase bin and put the link here.
So I went into the dashboard of a different site which has the same theme (Roots WordPress Theme my favourite) and updated to 3.6.1. By the way, both of these sites are multisites. When I went to the site, the Acunetix logo and WP Security link was no longer present. So I uninstantiated the Acunetix plugin and reinstalled. Now the Acunetix Logo/link is present, but it does the same thing. It gives an error: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. So this time I left the plugin installed because I’m afraid that if I uninstall, it might break something. I hope someone responds to this post and Acunetix fixes the problem. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who will be affected by this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] I give – What are the Available Download ShortcodesThe problem is not how you are using the shortcode. If you use an action hook the same exact thing will happen. The problem is with the function. Copy and paste the function that I have provided here into your functions.php file and let me know if you still get an error. If you don’t get an error, then put the short code in your page or post content like this: [downloads]
Let me know if it works.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] I give – What are the Available Download ShortcodesThe shortcodes.php in the Includes file is a core wp file. Don’t mess with it. The functions.php file in the Includes folder or the one in the woocommerce plugin file are not the functions.php file you are looking for. The functions.php you are looking for is in your wp-content/themes folder. Some theme developers put custom php functionss in a different folder, but usually you can find it in the themes folder. So it will be in a folder like this:
yourdomainname.com/wp-content/yourThemeName/functions.phpIf you are putting the code in the functions.php in the child theme, then that is the correct functions.php file
Also, add the $atts array parameter to the function arguments. It may not need it, but it can’t hurt. That way it will be there if it needs it. Do it like this:
function ($atts){
Paste all the code that you copied from the my-downloads.php file here.
add_shortcode( ‘my-download.php’, ‘download_shortcode’ );If you are working with a Wootheme, then they usually will put a comment in the functions.php file in that looks like this:
/* You can add custom functions below */
/*————————————————————-*/When you see it you will be in the right place. If your theme uses a different file to put custom functions in, it should refer to it in the functions.php file that is inside of your themes folder. For instance, one theme I work with has a line in the functions.php file like this:
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/custom.php’); // Custom functions
That means that the custom functions or shortcodes should be put in myThemeFolder/lib/custom.php file.
In answer to your question: “Do the shortcodes go in the theme?”
The short codes go in the page or post. Log into your wp dashboard. Then depending on whether you are trying to put your downloads on a Page or Post, click on the appropriate choice. If Downloads is a page, on the menu in the left sidebar click Page > Downloads. Then put your short code in the page editor just like any other text you want to show up in the content area of your page. You can put the short code in a template file, but I don’t think that’s what you want.
after you add the short code function and add_shortcode() call and place the shortcode in your page, then refresh your website. If you get an error message then post it here.
Today I forgot that I tried to help you here yesterday. So tomorrow I will try to remember to check back and see how you are progressing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] I give – What are the Available Download ShortcodesLet me know if it works and if you need more help, let me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] I give – What are the Available Download ShortcodesSorry I misunderstood. What you need to do is copy all the code in the my-downloads.php file and copy it into your functions.php file. Before you do anything with your functions.php file, back it up so you can revert back to it if you break your site. Paste the code into the top or bottom of functions.php or at least between the existing functions. When you find a good place to put your shortcode function, do it like this:
function download_shortcode(){
Place all the code that you are pasting right here
add_shortcode(‘downloads’), ‘download_shortcode’)Don’t paste it inside of an already existing function. Notice that below the code that you put in put the following code:
add_shortcode(‘downloads’, ‘download_shortcode’)
This code creates the shortcode.
Then you can call put the shortcode in your page or post like this:
[downloads]Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] I give – What are the Available Download ShortcodesI don’t understand your question. I don’t think your downloads are stored in your downloads.php file. Php files have scripts that tell the server what to do. You downloads will be most likely stored in a folder. Are you trying to sell digital products? What do you mean when you say that they don’t show up on your account page? Are you saying that you have downloads that only people who have accounts can download? Are you unable to download those products once you are logged in as a member? If you can give me a better description I can help you.