Rahul Gandhi
Forum Replies Created
You can add this code in the functions.php file of currently active theme or via Code Snippets plugin on your site.
We need to create a WP user as we require to store some user data to maintain the invoices and subscriptions and using WP users is an easier way than our own user table so we create WP users always.
You can change every email subject and content from GetPaid->Settings->Emails.
Right currently we don’t load anything else which is not needed on the view invoice page even we don’t load the header and footer of the site and that’s why the default favicon is displayed on the site. I will add a task for this if we can load the favicon on the view invoice page.
We do have a function to which you can pass the CPT slug and it will return the profile tab content with posts of the custom CPT. You can try the following snippet which will create a shortcode ‘uwp_profile_my_cpt’ which you can use in the profile tab:
add_shortcode('uwp_profile_my_cpt', 'uwp_profile_my_cpt_cb'); function uwp_profile_my_cpt_cb(){ $user = uwp_get_displayed_user(); ob_start(); if(isset($user->ID)){ uwp_generic_tab_content( $user, '10_soruda_evrenkent', __( 'CPT Label', 'userswp' ) ); } return ob_get_clean(); }
Let me know if it helps.
On import, we auto generate the password and send the reset password link to the existing user so that he can set a new password and if the user is not exist then we create a new user with auto generated password. You may use any plugins which allow mass password reset once you import the users successfully.
We store custom field data in our own custom table called ‘uwp_usermeta’. You can find the data in this table. Also, we have provided CSV export of user data from UsersWP->Import/Export/. Let me know if it helps.
You are right. We will add $wp_new_user_notification_email_admin to return in next plugin release. You can do it manually if needed before plugin release.
Are you using multisite? We will check with the same to regenerate the issue. How many users are registered on your site just need a number?
Can you give more details about what you need? Maybe with screenshots? Admin can see the profiles from backend users listing.
If we return then it will send a default email notification which we have to prevent when disabled from our settings. You can remove our action and add your own if you need to modify or prevent our email.
I have assigned this ticket to the developer who will take a follow-up here.
Do you want to display those comments in the user profile tab or somewhere else on the site? If you want to display in profile tabs then you will need to create a shortcode using the function uwp_generic_tab_content($user, $post_type, $title); You can pass the custom post type slug in the $post_type variable. Use the shortcode in the profile tab builder from UsersWP->Form Builder->Profile tabs.
Let me know if it works for you.
You can override the login.php file in your theme and modify the link coming from the uwp_get_register_page_url() function as per your requirements.
For login/registration in the popup, we only reload the page on submission to allow quick login or register without redirecting. But if the form is used in the page then we use the redirect_to parameter to redirect back to the page.
Our addon will work only with GetPaid core as it is built for that but not with WooCommerce as WC required different hooks and filters for the addon development. We allow creating items with the price like WooCommerce products and you can show the “Buy Now” button for items on your site using a shortcode like [getpaid item=184 button=’Buy Now’] which you can find in the Items page on the backend.