Adam @ WPCrafter
Forum Replies Created
Wow, thanks. I did end up getting it to work properly by asking a Facebook friend that owed me a favor. I had the idea of making it only run on the lesson CPT, so that is how he wrote it up.
The template is already getting traction with no promotion. When you or Chris get a moment, please contact me to see what I am working on and how it has the potential to help expose LifterLMS to a larger audience.
I’ll mark this as resolved right now.
No issues, I know you guys are a small team.
For anyone that use WP Rocket, here is what needs to be added to the never cache section:
/course/(.*)Hey Thomas.
I was referring to a Lifter order.
The info was all live over live chat with a user that has been helping me troubleshoot, and I was watching his actions.
I am going to keep monitoring this, but here is what I did that may have resolved it, maybe.
First, I would like to suggest adding some info to the docs regarding caching. Lifter is not compatible with any caching from my testing. If someone is using caching on their site they have to be able to exclude all lifter pages. Thankfully I use wprocket which allows this, but I don’t think all caching plugins do.
This is how I think I resolved it, I reset the WP salts which forces everyone to log back in. Then I added the caching exclusion, and it seems to be resolved now, but I am going to have to keep an eye on it.
Hey Thomas, unfortunately this is still an issue. Just verified it.
I manually added them back to the membership, the I removed him. Then I removed their orders, then I removed access to any courses.
After that, they still have access, and a new order is created.
Thanks Thomas! I will mark this as resolved and if I notice that it is still an issue, I will start a new topic.
Thanks for the response. I was dreading having to change the WP Salts in order to force everyone out. I spend some good time trying to get this bug figured out, so thank you for being willing to make a code fix, as I would imagine this would effect all users of the platform.
Hi Jan, I would have, but it wouldn’t let me edit the org topic, and it wouldn’t let me add anything to it. So there is no option to add more info to make it helpful for the person you are asking for help from.
I made a second topic after this one. Not sure why it is not visible though.
Thats not it. I did some troubleshooting with a few of my followers.
The had membership access. They were logged into my site. I removed their membership access. They still had the membership access though even though I removed it.
Then in troubleshooting, if they logged out of my site, then tried to log back in, their membership access was FINALLY removed.
So the problem is, if someone is logged in and their access is removed for a refund or something like that. They retain access unless they log out and there is no easy way to for everyone to log out.
Make sense???
Thank you for your response.
Hey there is one small bug, but easy for me to word around.
If the price is free, only the become a member button shows. I guess that may be because the price field doesn’t accept 0.00 for a price???
So I guess my work around is to put a number greater the 0, then hide the prices on the front end via css.
Thats for your reply. The problem was I didn’t have a price set since I was using WooCommerce. Once I put a price in, the button appeared.
So when I create my individual courses, they can be purchased individually. But the minute I add the course to auto enroll from the membership, the buy button changes to Become A Member and the courses can no longer be purchased individually.
Ok thanks! I’ll hire someone to get it sorted out for me.
Actually it looks like it is not that easy. For a course, I see how I can remove students, but for memberships I don’t see an option to remove members.
How would I remove someones access? I suppose I can delete their purchase order, but that seems like it would cause other problems.