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  • David V


    Well, those both look like recent post widgets so they are going to show the recent posts, therefore the duplication.
    You could use other widgets to accomplish the same thing.
    Create a custom menu, label it so it’s obvious what it’s for and insert the post/page links you want to show, then go back to the widgets and put a custom menu widget into the sidebar (instead of having 2 recent post widgets), then select your new custom menu from the drop-down and only those links will show.
    That’s just one way to specifically target certain links/pages/posts.

    David V


    Ok, of the two widgets you have in the sidebar, what are they called?
    Meaning, how are you displaying what is there now….
    A recent posts widget, popular posts widget, etc…?

    David V


    If you have a new domain and just point it to the other domain when it’s done, you’ll be doing an unnecessary redirect.

    Why can’t you just install WordPress on their servers and work from there?
    It can’t be because it’s a private server or the site would be inaccessible via the internet.

    You can install WordPress in a sub-directory on their domain and work on the site, when it’s done you copy the WordPress index.php file out of the sub-directory into the root (need to make a couple changes), then the WordPress site is live.
    This Codex page will show you how to properly move the index.php, .htaccess, and make the required changes once your ready to go live.

    David V


    Are you running the Bulletproof Security plugin or another security plugin that writes to the .htaccess file?
    I’ve seen this a few times with some security plugins.
    If you are, you can test it by deactivating them temporarily and FTP’ing to your server and delete the .htaccess file.
    Simply re-save your permalinks back in the admin area, and a new .htaccess will be created.
    Now try it and see if you get the same problem.

    David V


    If any post shows in more then one category it’s because you selected more then one category on the post edit screen.

    As far as the “become a shareholder” post showing in the two different widgets in your sidebar, it’s likely because you put it in twice without realizing it.

    Both of those widgets are recent posts widgets.

    A plugin such as will let you narrow down the category better.

    David V


    Ok, first off, what you did to the table prefix has nothing to do at all with the “WP_HOME”, they are not related at all.
    The table prefix is simple a prefix added in the database for database tables, the default of course is “wp_” and people usually change this more for security through obscurity.

    By default, these two definitions are not included in the wp-config.php file.
    These two settings were introduced in WordPress version 2.2 and override the database value without actually changing them.
    For example:

    define('WP_HOME', ''); // no trailing slash
    define('WP_SITEURL', '');  // no trailing slash

    You don’t have to buy a domain just to build them a site.
    Maybe that part was unclear.
    Are you building them a WordPress site to REPLACE the Joomla site when your done on the current domain?


    Are you building them a WordPress site but it will reside on a new domain name?

    2 easy options:
    Install WordPress locally (on your computer) using a local environment like WAMP, XAMPP, MAMP (depends if Win or Mac) then build the site.
    When it’s done you’ll transfer it to a live server.


    If your on a brand new domain with nothing else, just install WordPress and build the site.
    Use a simple maintenance mode plugin, block search engine crawling (while building), and when your done, turn maintenance mode off and crawling back on and the site will be live.

    David V


    Turn off the slider in your theme settings, or remove the slider from the page your using for home on the page edit screen.
    (if you’ve set a static page for home).

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Header Images
    David V


    You should be seeing the “header” submenu under the “Appearance” menu.

    David V


    If site is installed in the root:
    If site is installed in a subdirectory:

    Obviously change the domain to your own, and if WordPress is installed in a subdirectory, change the name to your subdirectory name.

    David V


    ? I can see the videos just fine.

    David V


    A lot of themes (unfortunately) hard-code the home link into the theme nav.
    If there is no option to turn it off and you’ve setup a menu as Ryan Yu pointed out, then it’s hard-coded and would have to be removed, likely in the header.php but not always, depends on the theme.

    David V


    Here’s likely what’s happening.
    You initially uploaded the header image, then you re-sized it somehow but your not selecting the new re-sized image or it’s still in the cache.

    Here’s what I would do.

    Clear the browser cache.
    Still the same?
    If so, delete the header image from the media library.
    Upload the header again, but this time at the correct size.
    Now set your header again using the new header image url (or using the select header image button), and now the new header image will be used.

    David V


    The div class “entry” has a max width of 600px for the entry image class, so you need to change that which is in your style.css line 362.

    .entry img {
    max-width: 600px;

    If you don’t override that css class, your image will never be larger then that.

    David V


    Your image is 1000px by 1276px.
    I’m not sure how your re-sizing it, but you should re-size it to something like 1000px wide by 150px height, or another height you want.

    Re-sizing within the media area of WordPress is ok, but with an image that size your better to re-size it on your computer before using the media uploader.

    All those huge images get stored in the uploads folder even if their not used.
    You can use a free online re-sizer if you don’t have an image edit program. ( is just one example)

    David V


    Your website url?

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