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  • Thread Starter WPBot


    Actually the site is hosted on a VPS, which I’ve set up from scratch, so there are no such caching solutions and that’s why I thought it might’ve been something in WordPress itself.
    I have to update a few more sites in a week from now, so we might be able to get some more light on the subject if the issue appears again.

    Thanks again for the help and also for the great plugin!

    In case it helps someone – I still had the problem with 14.0.1

    The only related entry I could find was this line in nginx’s access log

    "POST /wp-json/yoast/v1/indexation/posts HTTP/1.1" 403 178 "" "browser string"

    I was using Firefox 56.
    When I switched to Firefox 75 the indexation started and completed successfully.

    Tried with FF 75 on another site that had the same problem with FF 56 and got another success.
    This was the response to the 403 in Firefox 56’s Network tab – code: rest_cookie_invalid_nonce

    Thread Starter WPBot


    Thanks but I don’t have any caching plugin other than Autoptimize (which I’ve already emptied) and this line was already present in wp-config.php define( 'WP_CACHE', false );.
    Is there any internal WP cache I’m not aware of and if yes – how can i purge it?

    And now the error is gone. It seems deactivating and reactivating Autoptimize did the trick (though I suppose deactivating any other plugin would’ve done the same).

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by WPBot.

    Thank you,
    Seems to be working fine so far.

    Just wanted to mention that I also noticed the same problem and had to downgrade to version 5.2 where the underscore works.

    Thread Starter WPBot


    And one more thing – could you allow the use of HTML in answers?

    According to the schema specs (found here – ) the following tags are allowed:

    <h1> through <h6>, <br>, <ol>, <ul>, <li>, <a>, <p>, <div>, <b>, <strong>, <i>, and <em>

    Thanks, that was the case indeed and changing the option fixed the problem but now on mobile it just loads the normal youtube interface and requests around 2MB of files from there – am I to understand that it works only for desktop users?

    Would it be too hard to add an option to add the video source to the iframe only after the whole page has been loaded (perhaps by storing it an attribute other than src (maybe data-src) and transferring it to src after page load)?

    I have the same problem but on mobile (both Firefox and Chromium).
    After the play button on the thumbnail has been pressed I get the standard youtube interface where I have to press the real play button once again.

    Tried the github version and there was no change… not sure it matters but I haven’t added an API key (and probably won’t add because of reasons)…

    The problem also exists in the responsive mode in both the desktop versions of Firefox and Chromium (and by Chromium on the desktop I mean the Iridium browser which is based on it (in case it matters)) mostly on lower resolutions… for example if I choose iPhone 6/7/8 as a device it doesn’t work, but when I choose iPad in Chromium it works (doesn’t work on Firefox but there it works with the Kindle Fire HDX option)…



    The problem is from line 1164 in wp-content/plugins/qtranslate-slug/includes/class-qtranslate-slug.php which uses the newly changed in 4.8.3 function esc_sql()

    $parts = array_map( 'esc_sql', $parts );

    Unfortunately I have no idea how to fix it and just commenting this line is not a great idea.

    There’s more info on the function changes here:

    Changed behaviour of esc_sql() in WordPress 4.8.3

    Here’s a quick fix, though I have no idea how secure it is (and it requires at least PHP 5.3 in order to work)…

    You have to comment line 1164 and add the following below it:

    $parts = array_map(
    		global $wpdb;
    		return $wpdb->remove_placeholder_escape( esc_sql( $x ) );
    	}, $parts
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by WPBot. Reason: added a quick fix
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by James Huff.
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by WPBot. Reason: code formatting
    Thread Starter WPBot


    It worked!

    It might still be useful to display a message explaining the situation in future versions though ??

    Depends on your needs.
    So far SuperSonic is the only plugin that automatically adds IPs to CloudFlare’s ban list when they try to brute-force your site.

    Thread Starter WPBot


    Thank you!

    Thread Starter WPBot


    It turns out that if I include the plugin file in my theme’s functions.php the column shows on all custom post types (no matter whether they’re from the theme itself or the Types plugin).

    include_once(WP_PLUGIN_DIR  . '/quick-pagepost-redirect-plugin/page_post_redirect_plugin.php');

    I think this should work out of the box without the need for file inclusion and it is some kind of a bug, so could you please fix it in the next version of the plugin?

    In case someone needs to reproduce the bug – everything necessary is the latest version of the plugin (5.1.7 at the moment), wordpress 4.4.2 (though I suppose it will be the same on older ones as well) and a new custom post type created with the Types plugin ( ) (I think any other theme or plugin that has custom post types will do as well).

    @riki81 – Thank you, that was really helpful!

    Thread Starter WPBot


    I think the problem is that the rewrites are set for the original category slug, and not for the slugs that are translated by QTS, but I have no idea where it is in the code or how exactly it can be fixed.

    I’m talking about when a category is created without QTS it gets only one standard for a vanilla WP slug and when a category is created while QTS is active it gets a few translated slugs (one for each language enabled in QTranslate-X) plus the standard WP slug so everything works even when QTS is removed/disabled. And the rewrites are currently set to work with that standard slug, which is always active no matter whether QTS is enabled or not.

    For example I’ve installed a vanilla WP and created a category named Articles with a slug named not-articles. I’ve also installed QTranslte-X and QTS and renamed the default Uncategorized category to News including its slugs plus the Articles slug to articles and articles-de for the German language I’ve activated for the test. I’ve also added a few posts in each category and I’ve installed and activated the WP No Category Base plugin. When I go to hxxp:// it loads the posts but it returns 404 on the next page. But if I go to hxxp:// it not only loads the posts (which probably shouldn’t happen) but also the pagination works.
    It’s the same thing with the Articles category – when I go to hxxp:// or hxxp:// I get a 404, but if I open hxxp:// everything works (even though it shouldn’t).

    Please read very carefully the long text above because I’ve explained in details what the problem is but English isn’t my native language and I might’ve said something wrong, so let me know if I haven’t explained it right and I’ll try to rephrase it.

    Also, please disregard my previous post about the . in the permalink settings – the pagination works fine (without QTS or for the standard non-translated slug) only with a plugin like WP No Category Base or Yoast SEO.

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