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  • John H


    Don’t know of any workarounds. I would say if your host is not suited for WordPress then you should go with a different host. It’ll make your life easier.

    John H


    zorton, I think this article will help. It shows how to display your categories and archives in a list view.

    John H


    Try this.

    Use a plugin to do it, like the Evermore plugin.

    Does that do the trick for you?

    John H


    voassistant, if you exported your old database already, here’s a video we have on how to restore your WordPress database.

    Should do the trick for you.

    Is that what you were looking for?

    John H


    Make your life easy and install the Automatic Upgrade Plugin.

    Then once you’re upgraded, you can delete that plugin as the newest version of WordPress has that function built in.

    John H


    You’re welcome to take a look at our services for WordPress Hosting.

    But let me see if I can add some to the conversation here…

    First BlueHost, even through they are our competitor, is a real hosting company – I wouldn’t take that away from them. One of our customers did have issues with them though. You can read her testimonial from our site’s sidebar when you click on a link like our blog or some other page.
    She had the same issue with them – CPU overages and they locked her out from her site.

    Here’s the thing, though. Shared hosting is a starting point for website owners and bloggers. It’s inexpensive and easy. But when your site gains more traffic and starts causing a load on the server you are on, it’s time to move up to other hosting options.

    Look at it like this. If my site started receiving tons of traffic and started taking up 30% of the CPU time, your website (if hosted on the same server) would start running very slow because it has to wait for my site which is hogging up all the server’s resources. Now imagine if there were 300 websites all hosted on the same server all requesting tons of CPU time, no one’s site would load quickly – no matter what caching program you use.

    So this process of monitoring and limiting CPU usage is a protection for you from other sites ruining your blog’s performance.

    If your site is consistently going above say about 5% CPU time, it might be time to look into Virtual Dedicated hosting. You’ll get more CPU time and resources. It’s more expensive, I know, but shared hosting has its limits.

    1. Not sure about which plugins work slow, but I do know if you use too many it will slow things down. Many people use the FeedBurner and Google Analytics plugins. Those aren’t really necessary as you can easily paste in the correct code without a plugin.

    2. Most hosting companies start around 4% or so. Our company doesn’t put a limit on it, however, we monitor for problems and then notify people if issues with the server start to arise.

    3. That’s impossible to answer as everyone’s site is different. For example, you might not have tons of traffic but perhaps you have tons of streaming video hosted on your site. If you get too many people streaming video all at once, that could put you over. As an example though, one of my blog articles hit the front page of on a Saturday night and my CPU usage went up to 5.5% for a few days as my traffic spiked. If you have a blog with just a few commentators, you might be looking around .4 – 1%. But again, hard to tell because it depends on a lot of things.

    4. See #1.

    John H


    Lots of things could be the cause. Here’s a great article you might like to check out about Optimizing WordPress.

    Try using the WP Super Cache plugin, that could help.

    As far as hosting goes, that could contribute. If you’re on a shared server (which you probably are), there could be a couple hundred websites all sharing that one server. That means if your site is on a fully loaded server and there are some relatively popular websites hosted on that server, yours (and everyone else’s) could work a little slower.

    Doesn’t matter which host you are with, that’s just what happens and is the price to pay for inexpensive hosting.

    Plugins could also be the cause. Some plugins are written poorly (coding). Two people could write the a program to do the same thing and one which is coded intelligently could work 10 times faster than the other guy’s code.

    Your theme could be the cause. Whoever wrote the theme may have coded it poorly.

    In essence, there are a ton of reasons why your site could be working slow. If it works fast sometimes and then slow other times, I’d say it’s hosting. Probably not the fault of your host, it’s just a fact of life with shared hosting. You could purchase a Virtual or Dedicated server, but that will cost you bucks and take a lot more work to host.

    John H


    That might be on YouTube. That message comes up every now and then. Wait about 2 to 3 minutes and try it again. It happens to me, too.

    Do all the videos say that?

    John H


    No problem. Why don’t you go ahead and use our contact us form on our site so I can get your email address and I can help from there.

    Good luck.

    John H


    Our site is geared for WordPress bloggers. We have our own little WordPress Tutorials School area if you’re interested with lots of videos.

    There are videos on there to show how to back up your blog (like how stvwlf said) through the web hosting control panel – no WordPress login required.

    I’ll check this post tomorrow morning and see if you’ve made any progress. If not, I’ll see if I can help you get back online tomorrow.


    John H


    I doubt your host would be able to help much. This isn’t a server problem or anything on their end.

    Hard to tell from my end. What you could try is deleting your plugins through FTP. Once deleted, they will automatically be deactivated. Sometimes plugins can cause issues like this. Just note which plugins you are currently using so you can upload and install them later (one by one).

    To find them, use your FTP account and navigate to your wp-content/plugins directory and delete one plugin (it’ll either be a file or folder) at a time. When you delete one, check to see if your site is back up, if not, delete another and then check again – and so on.

    I can’t guarantee this will work, but it’s a place to start.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Feeds not working
    John H


    The problem is with your site. There’s nothing in your feed because something’s wrong with your articles.

    Whenever I click on one of your article titles, it leads to a page not found. If the page can’t be found, there’s no feed.

    Did you recently change permalink structure? Some hosts can take up to an hour for the new permalink structure to take effect.

    John H


    What theme are you using? It’s odd there would not be body tags inside those files.

    John H


    Do you have access to your web hosting?

    And are you sure your site was hacked? What makes you say it was hacked?
    It looks more like an error. Did you add a new plugin or change a setting somewhere.

    Usually, hackers like to change your password or display their image on your site, not show a WordPress error.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Post video
    John H


    No problem.

    As for other media sites, like YouTube, they likely own their own servers and the files are spanned among many servers.

    If you wanted, but it’s expensive, you can purchase virtual dedicated or dedicated hosting. That’s a ton of money and if you’re just starting out with no traffic, not logical.

    Good luck.

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