12 years, 5 months ago
Login into your WordPress Admin Dashboard and go to Settings > Permalinks.
There in the permalinks structure make sure your Structure starts with a / in the beginning.
Check out this
Since your server has no writing permission try to change the permission otherwise upgrade it manually using ftp account
follow the following steps
1) Login to cpanel
2) open phpmyadmin
3) Check whether your created database is there or not if not create it newly ….
Since your server has no writing permission.You have to update manually
If you have fantastico in your cpanel use that for installing wordpress otherwise use fireftp addon in firefox for manual update
Follow my steps
1) Download latest version of WordPress Application
2) Manually install WordPress using ftp
3) Now check out and let me know
1) which text editor to download.. if possible please provide link
Use Notepad++ Link :
2) which ftp to download.. link
Use FireFTP in FireFox
3) how to make sample sql data.. (Can’t get u clearly)
Anyway u can create new database using PHPMYADMIN
Kindly check wordpress database login details…
I think you got confused and followed a lengthy step instead of an easy way. Just create a new directory called ‘blog’ under the modgraphic folder and upload the wordpress files to the Blog directory, then install it… That’s simple.
kindly let me know your site url and the exact problem to help