Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WOW Slider] WOW slider not working on home pageThere are several errors in your code… It’s incorrectly to use WOWSlider PHP code inside ID, also you missed “>” symbol… Correct code is:
(in functions.php of my child theme) function wow() { if ( is_front_page() ) { ?> <div id="slideshow"><?php wowslider(2); ?></div> <?php } } add_action('thematic_abovecontainer', 'wow');
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WOW Slider] WOW Slider hides Drop Down1) It’s incorrectly to set the value of z-index parameter for WOWSlider less than 70. I tried to set “z-index: 100” for your menu and “z-index: 80” for WOWSlider and submenus overlap slides correctly.
2) “style.css” file generated with WOWSlider is into the same folder with other WOWSlider files – “wordpress/wp-content/uploads/wow-slider-plugin/ID/”, where ID is ID of WOWSlider.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WOW Slider] WOW Slider hides Drop DownTo include link click blue text “link” (3 button above the field where you type your message). “Enter the URL” window will appear. Add your link, click OK, type a text that you want to be a link, then click “/link” button.
We checked your page in the following browsers:
*Internet Explorer v.9
*Mozilla Firefox v.17.0.1
*Google Chrome v.21.0.1180.89
*Opera v.12.11
*Safari v.5.1.7
Your menu overlaps WOWSlider correctly in all these browsers.
Click here to see a screenshot
If problem still persists, what browser are you using?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WOW Slider] Shortcode doesn't display sliderPossibly, WOWSlider has a conflict with your theme or plugin. You can try to use default theme and temporary disable plugins.
Also, you can insert WOWSlider manually.Make sure that email addresses support [at] wowslider [dot] com and cs [at] apycom [dot] com are not in your ignore list. Also, you can try to add these addresses in your address book.
You can use WOWSlider as standard Javascript files.
To insert the WOWSlider into your page:1) Create your slideshow using WOWSlider.
2) Publish it on a local drive in any test folder:– open Gallery->Properties->Publish or click ‘Publish’ button on the main menu panel;
– select ‘Publish to folder’, click ‘Browse’ button and select any local folder
– click ‘Publish’ button3) Open index.html file from the saved folder in any text editor (Notepad for example) or you can:
– open index.html page in any browser
– right click on the page
– select view source of the page.You’ll find ‘engine’ and ‘data’ folders in this saved folder also.
4) Copy code for HEAD and BODY sections of WOWSlider and paste it in HTML tab in the place where you want to have a slider, for example:
... <!-- Start HEAD section --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="engine1/style.css" media="screen" /> <style type="text/css">a#vlb{display:none}</style> <script type="text/javascript" src="engine1/jquery.js"></script> <!-- End HEAD section --> ... <!-- Start BODY section --> ... <!-- End BODY section --> ...
5) Notice, you should copy ‘data’ folder with images and ‘engine’ folder with all files into the same folder with your own webpage.
6) Preview your website in the browser.
That’s all.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WOW Slider] Shortcode doesn't display sliderMake sure that you add a shortcode on “HTML” tab, not on “Visual” tab.
We reply our customers within 2 business days.
If you didn’t get a reply, possibly our emails are into your spam folder.Make sure that you use a correct email address of customer support – support [at] wowslider [dot] com.
Also, make sure that email addresses support [at] wowslider [dot] com and cs [at] apycom [dot] com are not in your ignore list.1) Try to use “Import from Folder” method. Please see attached screenshot. Copy generated module to “./wp-content/plugins/wow-slider-wordpress-image-slider-plugin/import/” folder and click “Import from Folder” button.
Maybe your module has too big size. In this case “Import from Folder” method will fix the problem.
2) If problem will persist:
* Notice, that WOWSlider plugin works with WordPress v.3.1+. If your version is older, plugin will now work.
* Make sure that you have “write” permission to folder
“./wp-content/plugins/wow-slider-wordpress-image-slider-plugin/import/”.* If you use PHP older than version 5, try to add following line:
“AddHandler php5-cgi .php”into your .htaccess file.
Also, you can insert WOWSlider manually.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WOW Slider] [Plugin: WOW Slider] wow sliderActually, information “How to add WOWSlider into header” was added many times on our website, FAQ and support forum, for example: Plugins
In reply to: [WOW Slider] Support is RubbishWe reply our customers within 2 business days.
If you didn’t get a reply, possibly our emails are into your spam folder.Make sure that you use a correct email address of customer support – support [at] wowslider [dot] com.
Also, make sure that email addresses support [at] wowslider [dot] com and cs [at] apycom [dot] com are not in your ignore list.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WOW Slider] [Plugin: WOW Slider] WowSlider plugin does NOT work!!!Email address of WOWSlider Customer Support is support [at] wowslider [dot] com. Please use it for troubleshooting, feature requests, and general help.
vijaypalmanit, I have just checked your page and couldn’t find any line of WOWSlider code in the code of your page. Please provide us more information about your problem.
Did you add WOWSlider module successfully?
Did you paste WOWSlider shortcode in the code of your page? Notice, you should add it at HTML tab, not at Visual tab.
What version of WordPress, WOWSlider and WOWSlider plugin do you use?If problem will persist, please send us a full copy of your page (including images, .js, .css files), so we can check it.
Make sure that you didn’t remove the code for navigation below the code of slideshow:
<div id="access" role="navigation"> <?php /* Allow screen readers / text browsers to skip the navigation menu and get right to the good stuff */ ?> <div class="skip-link screen-reader-text"><a href="#content">"><?php _e( 'Skip to content', 'twentyten' ); ?></a></div> <?php /* Our navigation menu. If one isn't filled out, wp_nav_menu falls back to wp_page_menu. The menu assiged to the primary position is the one used. If none is assigned, the menu with the lowest ID is used. */ ?> <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'container_class' => 'menu-header', 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?> </div><!-- #access -->
If problem will persist, please send us a full copy of your page (including images, .js, .css files), so we can check it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WOW Slider] shortcode doesn't work in widgetActually, you need WOWSlider PHP code, not simple shortcode. You can find a detailed instruction in FAQ:
* – question 5
* current slideshow is added by the following code:
<?php // Check if this is a post or page, if it has a thumbnail, and if it's a big one if ( is_singular() && has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) && ( /* $src, $width, $height */ $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'post-thumbnail' ) ) && $image[1] >= HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH ) : // Houston, we have a new header image! echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'post-thumbnail' ); else : ?> <?php if(function_exists('show_media_header')){ show_media_header(); } ?> <?php endif; ?>
Try to replace it with WOWSlider php code.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WOW Slider] [Plugin: WOW Slider] Remove WOW from the slideActually, we don’t hide anything. Information about watermark was added many times both on our website and on WordPress. It’s more complex to don’t find this info than vice versa.
Please see:
* Our plugin on WordPress – FAQ (2 times):
* Our Website – main page, download part:
“WOW Slider Commercial Edition additionally provides an option to remove the WOW credit line as well as a feature to put your own logo to images.”
* Our Website – page “Downloads and Licenses” (2 times):
* Our Website – FAQ (3 times):, if software has Free and Purchased versions, it’s quite obvious that these versions are not the same.
Also, when you create your slideshow in WOWSlider app., there is the disabled “Watermark” option with text “” and hyperlink “Click to disable this option” at “Templates” tab. Of course, if “Watermark” option wasn’t enabled, text “” will appear on your images.