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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Furgonetka.pl: Integracja z WooCommerce] Brak mapDzi?ki za informacje.
Niemniej jednak chcia?bym wiedzie? czy termin publikacji nowego modu?u nale?y liczy? bardziej w dniach, tygodniach czy miesi?cach?U mnie taki problem nie wystepuje
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Furgonetka.pl: Integracja z WooCommerce] Brak mapCzy jest jakakolwiek szansa, ?e wtyczka Furgonetki zacznie kiedykolwiek dzia?a? z Flexible Shipping?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Furgonetka.pl: Integracja z WooCommerce] Manage free shipping?Nie wiem… mo?e co? robi? nie tak, ale co? Dodaj? dla danego obszaru metod? wysy?ki Flexible Shipping, dodaj? drug? inn? – P?ask? stawk?. Wchodz? WooCommerce > Furgonetka > Do??cz map? i widz?… sam? p?ask? stawk?…
U?ywam Waszej wtyczki w wersji 1.0.7, FlexibleShipping w wersji 4.1.4, WooCommerce w wersji 5.1.0, WordPress 5.7
Mo?e ma znaczenie ?e u?ywam FlexibleShipping w wersji darmowej (nie Pro)?
Kiedy? mia?em chyba to samo w trakcie uruchamiania wtyczki. Pomog?a zmiana przegl?darki z Chrome na FF. Pó?niej ju? dzia?a?o na Chrome.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Furgonetka.pl: Integracja z WooCommerce] Manage free shipping?Tak korzystam z wtyczki Flexible shipping
Poddaje si?. W tej samej strefie wysy?ki mam zdefiniowane zarówno p?askie stawki jak i flaexible shipping. W ustawieniach map w Furgonetce widz? same p?askie stawki… Cos robi? nie tak?
- This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by wotik.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Furgonetka.pl: Integracja z WooCommerce] Manage free shipping?Hmmm… ale nadal nie mo?na w mapach wybra? innej opcji dostawy ni? “P?aska stawka”…
Ok. W??czy?em to. Pomog?o.
Ale teraz mam taki komunikat b??du:
Niepoprawny format odpowiedzi z API sklepu. Oryginalny b??d: "API returned HTML response with 404 code, JSON expected.".
Co tym razem trzeba poprawi?? ??Hmmm … Maybe there is a conflict with some other plugin .. ??
Please note that the remaining text in which there are diacritics is ok. The entry after opening is also ok. The problem only occurs in the “teaser” …
- This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by wotik.
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### Begin System Info ### -- WordPress Configuration -- Site URL: https://bebelno.cichecki.net Home URL: https://bebelno.cichecki.net Multisite: No Version: 5.2.2 Language: pl_PL Table Prefix: Length: 3 WP_DEBUG: Disabled Memory Limit: 40M -- Simple Social Buttons Configuration -- Plugin Version: 2.1.2 Social Networks: fbshare,twitter,pinterest,linkedin,reddit,tumblr,whatsapp,viber,fblike,messenger,email Social Buttons Designs: round-icon Social Buttons Postions: Array ( [inline] => inline ) Sidebar: Array ( [orientation] => left [animation] => no-animation [share_counts] => 0 [total_share] => 0 [icon_space] => 0 [icon_space_value] => [hide_mobile] => 0 [posts] => Array ( [post] => post [page] => page ) ) InLine: Array ( [location] => below [icon_alignment] => left [animation] => no-animation [share_counts] => 1 [total_share] => 0 [icon_space] => 0 [icon_space_value] => 30 [hide_mobile] => 0 [show_on_category] => 0 [show_on_archive] => 0 [show_on_tag] => 0 [show_on_search] => 0 [share_title] => <div style="font-size:small;">___________<br/>Uwa?asz ?e ciekawe? Udost?pnij i podziel si? z innymi! :-)</div> [posts] => Array ( [post] => post [page] => page ) ) Media: Popup: Flyin: -- Server Configuration -- Operating System: Linux PHP Version: 7.2.20 MySQL Version: 10.0.38 Server Software: LiteSpeed -- PHP Configuration -- Safe Mode: Disabled Memory Limit: 256M Post Max Size: 32M Upload Max Filesize: 32M Time Limit: 30 Max Input Vars: 1000 Display Errors: N/A -- WordPress Active Theme -- Septera 1.5.0 by <code>Cryout Creations</code> -- WordPress Active Plugins -- 10Web Google Maps: 1.0.58 Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.1.2 Classic Editor: 1.5 Cookie Notice: 1.2.46 Count Per Day: 3.6.1 Cryout Serious Slider: 1.1.1 Elementor: 2.6.6 FooBox Image Lightbox: 2.7.3 Force Regenerate Thumbnails: 2.0.6 Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights: 7.7.1 GTranslate: 2.8.48 Head and Footer Scripts Inserter: 4.40.1 Insert PHP Code Snippet: 1.2.6 Live Chat (Messenger API): 2.3.1 Ninja Forms: 3.4.16 OneSignal Push Notifications: 1.17.7 Photo Gallery: 1.5.31 Simple Social Buttons: 2.1.2 SM Youtube Subscribe: 2.0.0 Social Icons Widget by WPZOOM: 3.3.0 TablePress: 1.9.2 TinyMCE Advanced: 5.2.1 UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: 1.16.16 Wordfence Security: 7.3.5 WpDevArt Facebook Like Box: 0.7.85 WP Floating Menu: 1.2.5 WP Google Maps: 7.11.39 WPS Hide Login: 1.5.3 WP Social Icons: 1.1 WP User Avatar: 2.2.4 Yoast SEO: 11.7 -- WordPress Inactive Plugins -- Messenger Customer Chat: 1.3 ### End System Info ###
It looks like version 1.4.2 solves this problem, but I will check it thoroughly. ??
Yes. The problem occurs with both version 1.4.0 and 1.4.1
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Septera] Problem with minature width on front pageHey
Did you manage to solve this problem?