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  • Thread Starter worldjusticenews


    Thanks for the reply Michael.

    I looked through the documentation before making my original post but there was nothing about ?Site URL Change Detected.

    I have not changed my site URL so I have not clicked the button Update my primary domain and reactivate all services

    What would that update my domain to?

    Would it change the URL to some modified URL that erroneously caused the warning message or to what it already is (as it shows in the warning message):

    Warning: We have detected that your site URL has changed. All PMPro-related cron jobs and automated services have been disabled. Paid Memberships Pro considers — (here it shows the correct URL but I have removed it from the message —) to be the site URL.

    Obviously others are having the same issue because I see support tickets have been raised for the issue.

    If Paid Memberships Pro considers the correct URL to be the site URL why is it even reporting that it thinks there has been a change when there has not been?

    As for the AdblockPlus part of my reported issues. I have the issue myself. It did not exist in PMPro 2.9.12. I am also receiving numerous members reporting that they can’t login but they then can after I give them the temporary fix.

    I am left with 3 options:
    1) Email my entire membership explaining the issue and what the work around is or
    2) Explore and test alternative Membership plugins to see if the issue exists with them or
    3) Roll back to PMPro 2.9.12

    For now I intend to roll back to PMPro 2.9.12.

    Once the fix for the erroneous Site URL Change Detected message is available I will update to that and see if the AdblockPlus issue reappears.



    This is what I have had – First I could not get to my login page – nor obviously to my dashboard.

    I discovered that turning off my AdblockPlus allowed me to get the login page and to then login.

    I received the email that WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, Paid Memberships Pro.

    WordPress version 6.1.1
    Active theme: MH Magazine (version 3.9.13)
    Current plugin: Paid Memberships Pro (version 2.10.1)
    PHP version 7.4.33

    An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 910 of the file

    wp-content/plugins/paid-memberships-pro/includes/login.php. Error message: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function pmpro_login_failed(), 1 passed in
    wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 308 and exactly 2 expected in
    Stack trace:
    #0 wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): pmpro_login_failed(”)
    #1 wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array)
    #2 wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    #3 wp-content/plugins/login-lockdown/loginlockdown.php(461): do_action(‘wp_login_failed’, ”)
    #4 wp-includes/user.php(95): wp_authenticate(”, ”)
    #5 wp-login.php(1231): wp_signon(Array, false)
    #6 {main}

    Having now managed to get into my dashboard I see the following:

    Site URL Change Detected

    Warning:?We have detected that your site URL has changed. All PMPro-related cron jobs and automated services have been disabled. Paid Memberships Pro considers?--- here it shows the correct URL but I have removed it from the message ---?to be the site URL.

    Dismiss notice and keep all services paused Update my primary domain and reactivate all services

    What am I supposed to do to fix that?

    My assumption is that all this has been caused by the latest version update. What am I supposed to do? Needless to say I have members who can’t login.

    Is there a link to a working pre-update version? Or a fix being made available asap?

    Thread Starter worldjusticenews


    okies and thanks …. yes certainly not worth that effort lol.

    Thanks again for your excellent and speedy responses.

    Happy new year ??

    Thread Starter worldjusticenews


    Thanks so much for you excellent and speedy response – the fix worked ??

    Can I also ask if there is some way of making the continuation dots … show the same way the theme shows continuation as […] ?

    Thread Starter worldjusticenews


    Login to your cPanel (cPanel is where you probably go to ftp files up to your server). On cPanel you should have phpMyAdmin
    within phpMyAdmin you will see the name for your wordpress database.
    Expand that and it will show all of the wordpress tables one of which will be wp-options
    To update it see this example video of how to update a column

    WARNING: Before doing any update, use the Export function to save a copy of the table before making the change.

    Thread Starter worldjusticenews


    What happened to you is identical to what happened to me. Though I am in the UK.

    If you look in the WP-Options table at the column blockcountry_backendwhitelist

    You will find that the IP that is there is not your IP
    For me, mine had changed to an IP in the same city – weird huh?
    So see my reply to to hubber for how to fix

    Going back thru my backups all backups predating the date I ran the update all had the incorrect IP so my assumption was it was not the update that caused it – but it made me wonder why the previous version did not pick up this IP as being wrong.

    I am not out of the woods though. After the update, USA users could not access the frontend. (well an Admin USA user could but that person is defined to the backend whitelist)

    I did an uninstall followed by a new install – and still had the issue.
    Pascal is looking at this issue.

    For now I have left IQ Block Country activated and unchecked Block Visitors from visiting the Frontend of your website and they were able to get in.
    Obviously though that parameter should be ticked.

    But at least by leaving IQ Block Country activated my backend is protected.

    Thread Starter worldjusticenews


    For me my IP in the database table WP-Options had somehow become incorrect – though I should say looking at backups it did not happen during the update. How my IP was modified remains a mystery.

    What you can do is amend the value that is set in the database column blockcountry_backendwhitelist in the table wp-options
    to be your current IP address

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter worldjusticenews


    I have sent the information requested.

    Thread Starter worldjusticenews


    You asked… both sites have a redirect for the blocked people. External redirect or internal page redirect?
    Site 1 has a redirect to a page that I specified in your settings
    Site 2 does not have a redirect page specified – on this site they should just receive whatever message you output.

    You also ask
    Are you able to send either an export of the settings, and a database dump of the wp_iqblock_logging or a database dump of both the wp_options and the wp_iqblock_logging table?

    Yes just let me know where to send them to.

    Thread Starter worldjusticenews


    There is nothing in the raw error log files. The last date of entry in the log is [06-May-2017 16:55:04 UTC] – The IQ Block Country update was made on 09-May-2017.

    Look at it this way – with the new version of IQ Block Country both sites have stopped working. The only difference betwwen the 2 sites is one has a URL to go to for explaining the denial and the one that issues the Access to was denied does not have a URL to go to for explaining the denial.

    With the site that does have the URL to go to I (the Admin and the first IP in the backend whitelist) am routed to the denial URL if I try to go to my dashboard or if I try to use the add post.

    It is all very well saying I am afraid nothing has changed in that area with the new version.

    But something has changed within IQ Block Country to be causing this to happen.

    As I said earlier luckily the 2nd IP in the whitelist can get to the dashboard and after deactivating the IQ Block Country plugin then both sites work normally again.

    And no my IP has not changed – All people that have some form of Dashboard functionality (authors) reported being routed to the denial screen – with the exception of the person who is 2nd (last) in the backend whitelist.

    All I am doing here is giving you as much information as possible to try and help you isolate the cause of the issue.

    I guess my next step is to look and see if IQ Block Country logged anything into a database prior to being routed to the denial URL (or in the case of the site with no denial URL then prior to going to the logic that issued the You don’t have authorisation to view this page message).

    Thread Starter worldjusticenews


    To try and help you find what the issue is, my site has membership and it causes people logging in to be re-routed to my access denial screen defined in IQ Blockcountry – all except 1 IP that I know of.

    Though on the other site I support there is not membership and nor is there an an access denial screen. The error given there is
    Access to was denied

    You don’t have authorisation to view this page.
    HTTP ERROR 403

    If it helps (but I believe this is coincidental) that IP that still seems to work is a full IP – for example
    All others appear to have at least 1 digit less in each of the 4 IP address sections for example or or

    Also the non accepted IP’s are from different countries none of which are banned countries and all worked fine before this new version update.

    In both sites the 2nd of only 2 IP’s defined into the backend whitelist have both managed to get into the respective site dashboard but the 1st IP in both sites backend whitelist could not. Consequently because one could reach the plugins page in the dashboard IQ BlockCountry has been deactivated and the sites work ok again – though I obviously want to restore the IQ BlockCountry functionality asap.

    Thread Starter worldjusticenews


    I should have added to my reply an emphasis of the timing of the check.
    Enhance the plugin to apply blocking parameters at login time before password validation takes place.

    The reason for this timing is so that potential hackers do not discover that the password used was incorrect.

    This surely must be seen as an added benefit to the plugin as a measure for protecting sites from brute force login attacks.

    Thread Starter worldjusticenews


    I mean exactly what I said – if possible block DURING the login process – Prevent the login. There is no need to let a person login (and in the case of a potential hacker crack a login password) and then try to post or do do anything frontend or backend if you already know that the IP address they are using would be blocked.

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