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Thanks @julesomattic ! I did all these things and more of course prior to posting, including going to a private tab, purging cache, shift reload, the nine yards ?? (also, you can see the difference after deactivating jetpack, which would likely not be the case if this was a cache issue)
having said that, the problem went away after upgrading to 12.0 – at least for now – so … ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ
Ah! I found the culprit! Unfortunately I couldn’t do as you described (since there is no staging site, sadly. I’m too lazy to do the right thing) – but I was able to mess with the themes a bit. Checked all the plugins, didn’t realize themes can mess the admin console so much.
The offender is the theme “shapely”. It is up-to-date but they might be doing something funky. Haven’t had the chance to dig in yet on why.
Thank you very much for the assist. I’ll go find some functioning themes.
God I hate WordPress sometimes ??
btw I already tested it without the shapely companion, fancybox and amr shortcodes (a few candidates I picked out). Still same problem.
Hi Juan!
Truthfully I don’t know to answer your questions fully –
The host I’m running on is a self hosted virtualized – with a rather low version of ubuntu (I can’t do a distupgrade because of reasons of my hosting provider) – using plesk.
The plugins that are activated – not sure what would strip anything out – but I have the following:
akismet 4.2.2
amr shortcode any widget 4.0colorlib 404 customizer 1.0.96
colorlib login cust 1.3.1
conditional field contract form 7 2.1.2
contact form 7 5.5.6
event tickets 55.3.1
fancybox for wordpress 3.3.3
gdpr cookie consent 2.1.1
jetback 10.7
pixelyoursite 8.2.18
shapely companion 1.2.6
simple custom post order 2.5.6
events calendar 5.14.1
yoast duplicat post 4.4
yoast seo 18.4.1if you have any suggestions as to which one you want me to deactivate happy to test – but I don’t want to mess about too much since it’s a production set up.
sent in a previous post – events calendar is 5.14.1
It appears to be only happening in the admin section – in the tickets-checkout I get the following:
<script type=”module” src=’https://XXXXX/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/common/vendor/ky/ky.min.js?ver=4.14.16′ id=’tec-ky-module-js’></script>
<script type=”module” src=’https://xxxxx/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/common/vendor/ky/tec-ky.js?ver=4.14.16′ id=’tec-ky-js’></script>I’m not sure how to check your first question for certain, but it doesn’t appear to be so:
<script src=’XXXXXXXXXXXXX/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/common/vendor/ky/ky.min.js?ver=4.14.16′ id=’tec-ky-module-js’></script>
<script src=’XXXXXXXXX/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/common/vendor/ky/tec-ky.js?ver=4.14.16′ id=’tec-ky-js’></script>event tickets is 5.3.1
calendar is 5.14.1WP is 5.9.2
error from the console is as expected tbh:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘export’
Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a moduleFirst error line was in ky.min.js?ver=4.14.16:8
second was tec-ky.js?ver=4.14.6:1I also have a warning message about no paypal launch being found but I assume that’s to be expected since it’s not meant to be enabled.
let me know how else I can help in debugging ??
Honestly I don’t know for certain – and I don’t want to mess with it too much right now (I’m messing about on a production site and I’m trying to sell tickets, I already lost a sale or two as a result of this ) – but I do seem to recall it happening even when I disabled most plugins.
(btw – keeping that comment on also broke the payment so I had to put it back)
this is still happening, the minute I enter the stripe settings page.
and as far as ky library, best I could do to guess right now is:
$ find . -name ‘ky.*’
./the-events-calendar/common/vendor/ky/ky.min.jswhoops, I was logged in as admin and didn’t realize it’s not sending. My bad! it looks like it’s working better than I thought.