I have screenshots but I do not know how to post them.
I have created successfully a feed source https://timeshare-markt.de/rss.en.aspx with ID=480. State is green, update in hours is shown. After click the fetsch item symbol is working for a while but imported items are 0. View items shows nothing.
Then i have manually created and puplished a feed item (Add New) at feed items and added the shortcut [wp-rss-aggregator source=’480′ limit=’0′]. Permalink is not shown even it is there. The post …/feed-items/resale-rental/ shows nothing but the titel “Resale & Rental, Source: Resale & Rental Published on 2016-06-21”
The Website is here. I have not yet the plugin installed there and test it first locally on my PC.
The RSS at the widget, right site, is not from the plugin but from the theme. I want to replace it.