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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Manual Restoration of WordPress/ File Locations?Followup: I got it working.
The Cpanel Restore failures caused some sort of permission issues on some files. Fixing those corrected the outright serving issues (Internal Server Error) but WordPress was left with a mixed set of versions/files due to the previous restore crashes. The permission corrections also let me run the Cpanel Restore operation but it was still not giving me an operational site. I could see that it was not replacing all the files that it should replace in the aforementioned directories.
To solve that, I went in and renamed all the WordPress related folders and files in public_html. I re-ran the restore and everything was replaced. That corrected most of the run-time issues. There was still a plug-in throwing errors that was not a problem previously, but disabling that through FTP got the site working again. It’s not critical for us so I’ll leave it disabled for now.
I do have some other questions regarding better site backup and transfer that will hopefully let us avoid another disaster like this… but I will address them in another thread specifically on those topics instead of mixing it with this fiasco.
Thanks again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Manual Restoration of WordPress/ File Locations?Thanks… and yes, it was a full cpanel backup before changes and then a restore operation via cpanel. So, theoretically it’s the cpanel “account”, not just WordPress.
Thanks, I will likely be back with more questions before this is over.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: MailSync error in restore… where to look?Thanks,appreciated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Finding PHP errors in Plugins?Thanks. I’ll give that a shot.
I was thinking that they could be suppressed y shutting that off, but it seems like a bad strategy overall ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Finding PHP errors in Plugins?Thanks, I will give some of that a shot.
But, is there an answer/solution to getting a hand on what code is actually throwing the error, per my post above? That would send me direct to a theme or plugin without the somewhat backdoor hunt-n-peck method of “turn things on or off until you find it”.
As a former software developer, hunt-n-peck was always a last resort alternative.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrading Plug-ins – Restortation ReadyInteresting… I will check it out. Will probably be back with a question or two.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I see the fully generated code for a page?Giving this a bump… is functions.php updated directly by plug-ins? Do they plug-ins add their own code to it as part of their install?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: See what plug-ins are actually in use?Thanks. I had thought of that alternative. Some of our issues are errors… but we’d also like to clean up the site. There are a lot of plug-ins that are active but I believe unused.
Shutting them off (one by one) and testing the whole site, page by page, is possible, but not a great use of time.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I see the fully generated code for a page?Hey… thanks… you helped lead me closer. I should have read more closely. I believe need to head to a different question to solve this.
First, this is the error:
Deprecated: wp_make_content_images_responsive is deprecated since version 5.5.0. Use wp_filter_content(tags). In … wp-includes/functions.php line 5211.
I realized the file in error is something I can edit manually. Is Functions.php updated via plug-ins? Or is it tied to the WP version in use and untouched by others? In other words, could a plug-in have caused this error or was it a core WP issue?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Does Restoring the WP database restore plugins?Thanks… as a former developer, I was figuring on outside content, but WP does some funky stuff. Appreciate the info.
Steve: Looks great… I will try it out.
BobForum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: End-User (Easily) Maintainable Header & Footer?Steve: I will looks at the plug-in. So the second option is a bunch of custom fields for each item they might want to change in the header/footer? I assume I can define these and then just include/call them into the header.php & footer.php?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to find/choose a template for a site?Thanks… I may be able to find a theme that’s close and customize fonts and colors and such, and then add some plugins for the more interesting features, but I’ll have to do some poking around the themes.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to find/choose a template for a site?OK, thanks… sounds like I need to find a theme that’s close to what I want and possibly (likely) customize it to fit the artwork.
Are there folks that hang around these groups or elsewhere that customize themes for you?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to find/choose a template for a site?Host: Thanks… the first answer you gave “would take much more time” – vs. what? In other words, what approach takes less time?
Thanks again,