Forum Replies Created
wyliewolf100 –
Yes you are correct on all counts. That allies with verything we have found.
But I have now realized that contradicting anything from that quarter invites the most aggressive “support” answers suffused with implied threat that I have found quite exhausting.
It is obvious to them that there is nothing wrong with their plugin and that all the fault lies with your installation/server/theme ad nausea.
Add to that – the repeatedly contradictory and increasingly bellicose advice that support gives on the same subject – it has become my personal nightmare.
Which culminates in the rightly identified conclusion that it works just fine on their server and a myriad other “answers” which as you rightly say defies logic – but you cant tell em – and then risk another shouty – entirely illogical broadside…….suffused with an undercurrent of how stupid we are…..
How this helps us as punters is still un-known.
I also now believe that the security patches are essential because we were hacked by viagra salesmen and after deleting the plugin stopped getting hacked.
I dare not – bring that up in case the support of Hades is lumped on us.
The plugin has got a lot going for it – but for whatever reasons becomes un-useable on repeated use – for who knows what reason.
But for as long as it evidently works for them – under their conditions – thats fine – for them and I cant see that changing.
And if it aint broke for them – well thats just dandy.
Gonna try one last time with the latest version and will report back my findings. I want the darn thing to work….grrrr
Endurobikes – hope that helps?
By security hole – do you mean that the script has a back door entrance for hackers?
My version updates has not given a reminder – the latest version.
I will do some more tests in the context of you testing it on your own server and let you know and Enduro bikes know our findings.
Look forward to your feeback?
10.38 on the test server 6137 posts
27:58 on our server 6137 posts
Using V4.1.2 – lookout for “Woolfcom Test” import on your test server.
Note our imports map to a Custom Posts set up – I wonder if that is harder to map?
Your server is 4 gig of RAM ours is 7 gigs RAM.
So we need an even faster server than yours – I guess?
I would suggest that you read back over this thread and you will discover that I already have sent that requested email recently.
I do believe that it has to work on under our conditions and not yours. Moreover,the content is subject to contracted copyright. This seems to be a sticking point and I cant see how mapping the imports at your end is going to help what happens at my end.
You have also clearly said that the import issues are all to do with us having a poor server performance – so given this obvious logjam clearly there is no point in us pursuing this further….and I will put this down to experience.
Please check above – I have been extremely patient. I have asked a ton of support questions and not progressed.
I am not arguing – if there is only one way to help with this attitude I will accept that and move on.
Thanks so much.
Thanks for the advice on the settings re the logs – I will do that and carry out some more tests and feedback to you.
I understand your logic – but simply dont have time to carry out the installation on your debug server – sorry.
And I still feel strongly that I need the plugin to work under my settings and conditions because I am the one that has to do the import.
As a solution – is there a way to get hold of the earlier version but without the security holes?
I will then try more imports and report back. I have sent the email as requested above – and am awaiting the promised earlier version.
Can you fit the security patches on these first please?
You dont appear to have taken some of my comments on board..nor understood the implications of what your colleague admitted in his response – he said 100,000 would take WEEKs to import – that and I should move to an enterprise platform other than WordPress.
That means that he expects lets say 5000 products could take DAYs to import – under the same conditions.
Add to that the MASSIVE number of log files it leaves behind
You should say that in advance of selling the plugin. This is important -surely?
..I DO want to help you FIX IT.
I ll carry out some repeat tests and feed that back again for you.
It’s conception is brilliant – what it aims to do ideal.
This too-ing and fro-ing is not what I had in mind when I bought the plugin….please be assured.
But I have to tell you the trail of support emails going back between us has thrown up a LOT of inconsistencies as well as comments which admit that the plugin does have a chronic slowing tendency – which one only learns after buying the script.
Please look back and see.
Specifically tell me what the ideal server settings are for using the plugin and then I can test the issue again in the context of your recommendations.
There are a whole lot of reasons why your set up may be idealized for the plugin’s testing.
Please. Reproduce the import at https://www.wpallimport.com/debug. Tell us if it’s slow there, or fast
This is not a real world test is it?
Simply implying that your server may be better than mine is self defeating in trying to resolve this. You have obviously optimized the server settings for the plugin’s use – correct?
My personal belief is that 4.0.5 will not help you at all though.
Saying that rolling back the version is not likely to help makes no sense – unless you think that my assertion that when I first got the the plugin I was able to import 200k records was not true. AND that what I say now is not true AND that you are asserting that my server settings are poor or it performs poorly – so let’s test that theory…..
So please, please, please : recommend [again] the ideal server settings I should use to ensure that the plugin is on ideal test conditions. I will then happily ramp up my settings to suit. the server spec is: 7gig RAM.
I will then test the latest version – which I have which you say should work better than the older version.
I can send all my results in detail.
99% of the time, when a user report that their imports are getting slower, or the new version is slower, it’s really their web server/web host.
This is a cop out answer I m afraid. I run a VPS with just 4 small sites on it….which run at 20 – 25 % capacity on average. So that does not make sense and is not the reason.
I have used the same settings both times
I ran with the settings you recommended based on that. If you can recommend the correct settings again I will be happy to carry out the test again and report my findings more detailed?
So we can resolve this and I can get back to enjoy using it!
I bought 4.0.5 I believe originally.
The debug process is way too time consuming – sorry. I am trying to run a business and rely on experts like your good self to do this.
So the first run of the import is fast, but the second run is slow? Is the 3rd run even slower? And 4th run even slower? So the more you run the import, the slower it gets?
Yes – and then it eventually grinds to a halt and the same file that took 10 mins to upload then takes 4 hours [these are approximate].
You explained this previously as being “expected” because it had to check for duplicates. You also admitted that you would expect the second runs to slow up considerably as you said to me in a written response:
….In regards to splitting the file into chunks, WP All Import already does that for you. But another big issue he missed is that every time WP All Import inserts anything, it must first query the whole database. If it’s creating a new product, it needs to check if that product already exists. If it’s adding a taxonomy to that product, it needs to check if that taxonomy already exists, etc. So if you’re importing 100,000 products, that can literally take weeks, and there’s not much you can do about it besides move from WordPress to some enterprise scale ecommerce platform.
Hope that helps!
Best Regards,
Joe Guilmette
SoflyySo your latest comments are a little surprising and confusing not to mention inconsistent – but welcome.
Great but not if it slows the next imports to un-useability. The niceties of such functionality get completely lost.
You then said that you could not design a stripped out version….hence it has become unsusable for us.
See above, the first versions I said I was able to upload 200k records no problem – but our MySql queries were poor and this slowed the database up.
Yes because I saw this as the be all of our import problems for WP we probably ascribed too much credence to this as a solution.
I suspect if we knew more about MySql Admin Tools – importing records directly is probably the simplest method using a dedicate MySql Admin Tool.
We have tried all manner of differing variations of what to import – all of which has become like watching a 200,000 oil tanker berth.
When we first used it – it was terrific despite slowing after the 3rd or 4th import.
Recent incarnations make it work like treacle.
I want the earliest version please?
yes thats what I use the PRO version and for a while now.
I agree it has some great ideas and I love using it when it was practical.
It does however boasts about the ability to repeat upload. Once we started to do that the entire process slowed to halt.
It only fater I had bought the PRO versions that the very friendly engineers confessed that the process will slow down [obviously] because it is searching for duplicate listings previously imported.
Like I should have expected this!
I then responded by saying that the same imports which took 10 mins now take 3 hours with crashing every 10 mins because of server timeouts….[I use a VPS so no excuses on speed].
However, it has become slower and slower and I have used this yesterday and it takes longer even on a brand new WP installation.
The Features are great – but it is virtually unusable after the first few imports.
Am hoping the de engineer a lot of the mapping layers and strip it back to basics.
At the moment it takes 900% longer to import the same file 2 months ago it took to.
I simply cant use it for its purpose now and a £100 bucks down the Fox News.
Shame nice idea over engineered.
For us it has become virtually unusable its so slow.
I have requested a stripped out version which does not try to search existing records – but they have said its not possible.
Trouble is a potentially great plugin has become redundant especially for repeat imports.
It also creates gigantic log files which clog up memory – so its potentially adds to the slowing up pace.
I have paid for the Premium Version for a plugin that I can practically use only once.
Later versions have become way too over – engineered in my humble view.
Would really appreciate a practical solution….since I would love to keep using it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Cache (Speed Without Compromise)] PRO Kill My Images and Theme WidgetsRam
I am still checking on the cause including testing on a test test installation, which I will come back to you with any relevant results.
You may also be right on your initial assessment.
Yes do close this – I am happy with the support you are giving on PRO! I will come back in due course.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Please Improve The Scalability Of The MySql DatabaseOn thing – I fear I have overstated the “killing…” of my server bit. I aim that we should have a workable search facility for our Viewers, which serves the content effectively.
6-10 secs to render results across the total content – seems way too much to me and hence “killing”!
I get fed up at the inability of WordPress search results to paginate to the correct last viewed page correctly when pressing the back button – never mind waiting 10 seconds for a search result
Queries are made by the author of each theme or plugin, so you’d need to talk to each of those. Of course this does imply that you’re not able to do any of this yourself.
Surely it is the interests of both me and them to have this corroborated and resolved [not least having regard to “we do not support customised Themes….etc” caveats precluding the risk of me getting my hands too dirty]
That’s whats killing your server, and I’ll bet it has almost nothing to do with your theme and/or plugins
Have carried out several PageSpeed [et al] assessments and the Themes is the biggest culprit left – including Javascript blocking code [evidently] as well as un-compressed CSS – which I guess has an impact on “Server access” speeds.
Both former – are linked to Plugins and principally the Theme.
Just implemented GZIP compression/minify/expires caching/Nginx
and increased key_buffer_size – so await a few days to see what improvements showIf you’re having problems inserting that many records at once, break it up into smaller chunks, say 1,000 to 2,000 records each.
Perfectly sensible and followed as a procedure already….but I have largely factored and discounted this area
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Please Improve The Scalability Of The MySql DatabaseInteresting…
well I have come across many of these topics in my research thus far.
WordPress out of the box is great but is geared towards the majority and not the minority. If you have a DB large enough to halt the functionality of the site, you have moved into an advanced field of server administration and DB administration
I do realize I have moved up the skills curve….hence this fishing expedition and the great surprise that there is not a dedicated section on WordPress [of all places].
and so I have been examining in turn your excellent suggestions.
the principal aim now is to find a direct route to achieving the above without taking this up as an academic pursuit to make the development process efficient….
The list goes on and on. To say that WordPress’s MySQL DB scheme needs improved for scalability is a bit off when poor code (queries) and DB administration and Environment is the biggest impact on MySQL server performance.
…my server presently runs at
10% of MySql Memory Usage
The CPU usage is at 20% of the 6 Gb RAM
Apache 2%
real memory usage 39%
….so I guess tuning may want to ramp that up considerably? How?
Who writes the queries? The Themes authors? Who would I approach to have this improved?
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Please Improve The Scalability Of The MySql DatabaseGiven what you say I am still surprised that there is not a dedicated section on Databases/MySql on WordPress where advice like yours is not more voluable and there isnt more about this vital area.
There are major hedaings for plugins – Themes Mobile Hosting yet NOTHING of similar import – MySql.
This can’t be right – if you will – it’s the second part of a double act!!
Your skills seems to be in very short supply.
Its discourse like this which helps me – about MySql Tuning [its tawling through discussions which taught about Themes – which was extremely instructive].
Going to database forums leave a deficit in wordpress skills sets that can only be fulfilled here.
Especially given MySql is a key component.
Looking at it from all the angles you describe….including the MySql layer [ing]
thanks again!