Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Problems with WPML – Just one language being optimizedAfter the debug made by Frank and I via email, we got to this conclusion:
This was a problem with content_url() returning the main language domain and not the portuguese one.
I fixed it with this on my theme’s functions.php:
define(‘AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_URL’, site_url().’/wp-content’);This however assumes the content folder is always “wp-content”. On my website it will not be a problem.
Here’s a fork of the last version (1.3.1) with the translation issue solved: https://meocloud.pt/link/8b948df1-6f03-44db-840b-f752be8aeb78/aftership-woocommerce-tracking.zip/
I urge the developers to pick up on this fork, or at least solve this issue their way.
I’ve just checked the PHP code and, indeed, the plugin opens up the .dat file each and every time a WordPress page loads.
I would recommend that LoadVisitorData is only called when a shortcode is used or when, in PHP, GetCode or GetName is called.
This of course would make adding the js variables to the header impossible.
Another option is to only LoadVisitorData once and then store the values in a session or cookie.
Also, you’re calling “load_plugin_textdomain” with “aftership” as domain and the several gettext calls are using “wc_aftership” or “wc_shipment_tracking”.
This makes the plugin virtually impossible to translate.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags] getimagesize warnings(comment removed – wrong user)
By database I meant the “MaxMind’s GeoIP data file”
Fiz testes e n?o conseguimos replicar o erro, como aliás pode verificar nos exemplos de emails que enviámos por email.
O código é bem claro no que diz respeito em que estados de encomenda é adicionada a tabela com os dados de pagamento:
function email_instructions($order, $sent_to_admin) { if ( $order->payment_method !== $this->id) return; switch ($order->status) { case 'on-hold': case 'pending': ?> dados de pagamento aqui <?php break; case 'processing': ?> <p><b><?php _e('Multibanco payment received.', 'multibanco_ifthen_for_woocommerce'); ?></b> <?php _e('We will now process your order.', 'multibanco_ifthen_for_woocommerce'); ?></p> <?php break; default: return; break; } }
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags] Looks great, but doesn't workI guess you can. I’ve just tried that on a personal review on another plugin. Just find your review and scroll to the bottom where there’s a form to change it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Client-proof Visual Editor] Very good, but I would tweak it a litteAlso, I would add this to the tollbar:
- underline (if you have strikethrough, why not this one?)
- sub
- sup (good for x2 stuff and footnotes…)
- outdent
- indent (if you have bullist and numlist why not let the user create multiple levels?)
- charmap (May be usefull)
- removeformat (If the user messes the formating he can just clean it up instead of trying to undo each one and messing it even worst)
IMHO, off course.
This is the full code I normally use for my clients websites:
function webdados_change_mce_options($mceInit) { //@see https://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Control_reference $mceInit['toolbar1'] = 'formatselect,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,sub,sup,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent,blockquote,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,hr,charmap,link,unlink,removeformat,spellchecker,wp_more,wp_fullscreen'; $mceInit['block_formats'] = 'Paragraph=p;Header 2=h2;Header 3=h3'; $mceInit['toolbar2'] = ''; $mceInit['toolbar3'] = ''; $mceInit['toolbar4'] = ''; $mceInit['spellchecker_languages'] = '+Portuguese=pt,English=en'; //$mceInit['paste_as_text'] = 'true'; //This kills bold and italic $mceInit['paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste']= true; $mceInit['paste_remove_styles']= true; $mceInit['paste_remove_styles_if_webkit']= true; //Replaces newlines with paragraph, removes non-breaking spaces and trims everything $mceInit['paste_preprocess']='function(pl, o) { o.content=o.content.replace(/<br>/g,"</p><p>"); o.content="<p>"+o.content.replace(/<p><\/p>/g,"")+"</p>"; o.content=o.content.replace(/<p><p/g,"<p"); o.content=o.content.replace(/<\/p><\/p>/g,"<\/p>"); o.content=o.content.replace(/\u00A0/g," "); o.content=o.content.replace(/\s+/g," "); o.content=o.content.trim(); }'; return $mceInit; } add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'webdados_change_mce_options');
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Contact Form 7] destination email shortcodeThere’s this solution but it’s like heaven on earth for spammers wanting to use YOUR form and YOUR server to send spam: https://sevenspark.com/wordpress-plugins/how-to-dynamically-set-the-recipient-to-email-address-in-contact-form-7
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Contact Form 7] destination email shortcodeThis is a “must”.
I have a CPT that represent each store of a chain. Each store has his own email address. It would be great to just:
do_shortcode('[CONTACT_FORM_7_SHORTCODE email="[email protected]"]')
on the CPT template.Will you not release that update?
In the meanwhile I’ve disabled WPML and I can now edit the CPT, so this is some kind of incompatibility introduced on 1.5.5 and that’s only visible under certain circumstances.
If someone from “onTheGo Systems” wants to further investigate I can provide credentials.
Silence coming from Yoast…
I really can’t understand why the plugin is not updated…