Forum Replies Created
Thanks for the help! getting my webhost to setup the ports as required solved the issue ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Where to find code for 2011 bg optionsOK on the back of my thought at the end of the last post I found wp-admin/custom-background.php and its take_action() function.
A) is it possible to override this in a child theme like manner, or will I need to actually alter this file?
B) if I need to alter the file, can I safely add a new if(){…} to the function just before$this->updated = true;
and add the code for displaying it something like:<tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Vertical Position' ); ?></th> <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php _e( 'Background Vertical Position' ); ?></span></legend> <label> <input name="background-vertical-position" type="radio" value="top"<?php checked('top', get_theme_mod('background_vertical_position', 'left')); ?> /> <?php _e('Top') ?> </label> <label> <input name="background-vertical-position" type="radio" value="middle"<?php checked('middle', get_theme_mod('background_vertical_position', 'left')); ?> /> <?php _e('Middle') ?> </label> <label> <input name="background-vertical-position" type="radio" value="bottom"<?php checked('bottom', get_theme_mod('background_vertical_position', 'left')); ?> /> <?php _e('Bottom') ?> </label> </fieldset></td> </tr>
Prob not that easy, am pretty n00b at PHP though, only learning as I go, just enough to get by…
Thanks for any helpForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Lost My Dashboard and I Can't Go HomeHi michebel
simply add wp-admin/ to the end of your blog url to get https://www.michebelzhollywood.com/wp-admin/ and this will bring you either to the password gate, or if your already logged it will take you to your dashboard.
Thanks Eric its appreciated
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: automatic upgrade to non-current version?Ok thanks Esmi, I’ll just have to man up and take the plunge to deleting files…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: automatic upgrade to non-current version?My hosting package doesnt support the MySQL and PHP requirements, but I need the security of a more recent install…
Also the update details page notes that updates should never be applied over more then two versions, i.e. I can update to the next version or the one after directly but that I shouldnt update to a third version without updating to the first or second one first. As my version 3.0.4 is about 7 or 8 versions behind 3.2.1 I would still need to update to an older version first…
Thanks for that link, but it doesnt shed much light on the question…Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 3.1.4 min requirements checkThanks again esmi
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: get phpmyadmin password from wp_configHi esmi many thanks for your reply, that clears things up a bit ??
Hi Eric
apologies for the long delay in replying; the other plugins I have activated are: MiniMeta Widget and Widget Logic.
If I remember correctly I did try deactivating these and trying the archive update again but with no change in the results…
Many thanks
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: admin bar gone?Oh God I am such an idiot!!
Just found the option, turned off, in user control!!
My memory has been slowly turning to mush recently…
Thanks for your help anyway esmi ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: admin bar gone?Hi esmi
Yes it does
As I say the only change I can think of between it being and not being there is the changes to the child function file, which change the height of the header image….
Other wise Ive not done much else structurally code-wise since 3.x was installed…
The theme Im using is a custom child theme of the TwentyTenHTML5 theme
The child theme only adds 4 files:- front one column page template.php
- header.php
- functions.php
- styles.css
Ive tried switching to several different themes with no effect, all of which are high grade themes (thematic, twentytenhtml5, etc) and all call wp-footer….
Is there a place it can be turned on and off in the cp? I may have done this and not remember… ??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: admin bar gone?Hi there
I have tried resetting the plugins folder also now with no luck…
thanksForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: admin bar gone?Hi esmi
thanks for your replyAs I say I have only 1 plugin which was installed long before the bar left and I have tried deactivating it to no effect But I will try resetting the plugin dir as you suggested
Switching themes does not help…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change header img heigth, tentytenhtml5Ah, my thanks Rev. Voodoo this makes more sense!! ??
works perfectly ??Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change header img heigth, tentytenhtml5So I grabbed the entire function (twentyten_setup()) from the functions file of the parent theme and put it into a new, empty, functions.php file in my child theme.
I changed the values I required changing and added
before the function and?>
after the function, with my new size header also upload this worked nicely.I wonder is this the correct method? Copying down the entire setup function to change one image dimension seems a bit much??