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  • Thanks for your post.

    There are setup instructions on both the General Options tab (click the bar labeled Instructions) and on the About tab (click the bar labeled Setup Instructions). However, we agree that the existing instructions could be made more clear. We have a new version of WP HTML Sitemap in development that contains improved instructions which should help avoid confusion.

    In regards to your issue and questions:

    1. Yes, WP HTML Sitemap creates its own sitemap page, so you should not create the page (or post) yourself outside of the WP HTML Sitemap plugin options. Similarly, you should not delete (or modify) the sitemap outside of the WP HTML Sitemap plugin options (except as noted in the WP HTML Sitemap instructions). If you want to remove the sitemap completely, you should click on the Delete Sitemap button on the General Options tab (this button is enabled once a sitemap has been created within WP HTML Sitemap). If you have already manually deleted the sitemap outside of the WP HTML Sitemap settings, you should still be able to click on the Delete Sitemap button on the General Options tab to remove the page (or post) ID.
    2. There are 2 steps to creating a sitemap with WP HTML Sitemap. First, you must save your sitemap settings. You do this by either accepting the defaults, or entering your own desired values for page (or post) Title, Name (slug), Page Template (or Post Format), Type, Allow Comments, and Allow Pings/Tracebacks. Once you have these fields as you want them, click on Save Settings. Then, the second step is to actually create the sitemap. WP HTML Sitemap actually creates the sitemap page (or post) itself when you click Create Sitemap button. It is at that point that WP HTML Sitemap saves the page (or post) ID. Once WP HTML Sitemap creates the sitemap, the Create Sitemap button changes to Update Sitemap, and the Delete Sitemap button is enabled.
    3. Updating an existing sitemapNOTE: this refers to updating an existing sitemap that was created by WP HTML Sitemap, NOT a sitemap manually created outside of WP HTML Sitemap. There are 2 steps to updating a sitemap… First, make any desired modifications to the fields on the General Options tab, and then click on Save Settings. Next, click on Update Sitemap. Your desired changes should now have taken effect.
    4. In answer to your question about removing and deleting WP HTML Sitemap… yes, if you deactivate and uninstall WP HTML Sitemap via your plugin management page, all of the WP HTML Sitemap options settings will be deleted. No tables are created in the WP database, only records within the wp_options table. If you re-install all of the WP HTML Sitemap options settings will be recreated with default values upon activation.
    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    Yes, you can do that, however those functions will not work in the SidebarWidget class addWidgetStyle method contained in WP User Control. To do that on your own you’ll need to write your own function to enqueue the style and hook it to the wp_enqueue_scripts action. Look at the wp_enqueue_style codex for reference. This article on WordPress Answers also has some relevant info.

    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    Thanks for your post. The stylesheet is also enqueued, however it is done via another class that is extended by the WP User Control widget class. At present there is no built-in capability to de-register the WP User Control style sheet. That said, the easiest hack to accomplish this would be to do as follows:

    Open the ../wordpress_root/wp-content/plugins/wp-user-control/inc/SidebarWidget.php class file for editing.

    Comment out lines 282-289, effectively disabling the addWidgetStyle() method:

    public function addWidgetStyle() {
    	$style = WP_USER_CONTROL_WIDGET_CSS . $this->widgetStyle;
        	    	$handle = $this->widgetStyleHandle,
        	    	$src = $style
    		$handle = $this->widgetStyleHandle

    Just keep in mind that this hack will be overwritten by the next release of WP User Control, so you will need to redo it in order to preserve. We will look at adding this type of functionality in a future release of WP User Control to provide this capability natively.

    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    We’re at a loss. We rebuilt 3 test systems, installed WordPress 3.3.1, and tested WP HTML Sitemap with both the vanilla TwentyTen and TwentyEleven themes. We did not activate or install any other plugins. The sitemap displayed successfully on each system with both themes. About the only other test scenario we can come up with is testing with WordPress on Windows, as all of our test systems are Linux.

    Are you running WP on Windows or Linux?

    The only other suggestion we have is to give us temporary access to your WP server so that we can attempt to diagnose the issue.

    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    Thanks for your post. We’ve had a small number of users encounter similar situations, when the sitemap function either is not created properly, or is unable to execute when called via the shortcode. Thus far we’ve been unable to replicate the issue in test, though we’re currently rebuilding a couple of our test servers in an effort to pin it down.

    Any additional info you can provide would be helpful – we’re not sure if it is a theme or plugin conflict, or something else.

    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    Did you resolve your issue?

    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    Sorry to hear you’re encountering issues. Multiple domains are not a problem, as long as they’re associated with the same Google account. The key is that you must be authenticating with the Google account that is used for Google Analytics, and that has the web domains associated with it. So, the Google login credentials that you input into Googlyzer must be the same Google login credentials that you use to access Google Analytics.

    Question… do you see any other errors? If there is a problem requesting data from Google, Googlyzer should output that error information when it tries to construct the General Settings options form.

    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    We found the issue. It was a call to a function that was defined in another one of our plugins (that also happened to be installed on our test systems). Fixed now in version 1.2.1.

    Thanks again for your post.

    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    Thanks for your post. We’ve had 2 other users report the same issues. Unfortunately at present we’re stumped as to what is the cause. We have tried to replicate it in test numerous times with both upgrades and fresh installs and have been unable to produce that error. A few questions:

    1. Are you running WPMS/WPMU?
    2. What other plugins are you running?
    3. Anything non-standard about your WP config, maybe in terms of directory locations or something?
    4. Are you running a locale that is something other than us_EN? Shouldn’t necessarily cause an issue, just curious.

    If you are able to put your WP server in DEBUG mode to view error output, or if you are able to view console errors via the Developer Tools in Chrome or Firebug with Firefox, we’d love to examine that output.

    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    Sorry to hear you experienced this issue. Just FYI, the crash above was created by a function call to an updated version of the strstr function. You must be running PHP v5.2 or earlier. We originally wrote WP HTML Sitemap to use the updated version of the PHP strstr function, which became available in the PHP v5.3 release. However, when we saw this created an issue for anyone running an older version of PHP, we removed that dependency.

    The updated version of WP HTML Sitemap (v1.1.1) contains the fix, and runs fine on webservers running an earlier version of PHP.

    You can see a discussion of this in the WP HTML Sitemap support forum on here.

    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    Thanks. Your post helped tremendously. We were using an updated version of the strstr function available since PHP v5.3. Unfortunately this meant that the plugin crashed for anyone running an older version of PHP (for example v5.2).

    We eliminated the dependency on the updated version of the strstr function, and the plugin should function properly now for anyone running an older version of PHP.

    Make sure you download the most recent tagged version (v1.1.1), as that version contains the fix.

    In answer to your question about trash in your WP database: WP HTML Sitemap only loads 2 options into the WP database. However, the plugin probably did not make it far enough into it’s initialization process to load it’s options into the WP database before crashing. You can verify this by executing this SQL against the wp_options table in your WP database:

    SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE ‘%wp-html-sitemap%’

    If the options were loaded, you’ll see 2 rows – 1 for ‘wp-html-sitemap-general’ and another called ‘wp-html-sitemap-sections’. If these rows exist, they can safely be deleted. If you reload the plugin, they will be recreated.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    Thanks for your response. We’re not sure whether there could be any plugin conflict with Google XML Sitemap, but we can test that easily enough. We’ll test this week and see if we can identify the issue.

    Just FYI, you can put WordPress in DEBUG mode via FTP. All you have to do is edit wp-config.php (in your WordPress root directory) and either un-comment or add the following line to wp-config.php:

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

    Then just remove (or comment out) that line to put WordPress back in standard mode once you’re done. If it’s a production server though, you may not want to do that.

    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    Yowza! That’s not good! We’ve tested the plugin in a number of scenarios without issue, but obviously you’ve run into something we haven’t seen. If you can give us more detail, we’d like to resolve the issue so nobody else runs into it.

    • What version of WordPress are you running?
    • Are you running WPMU/WPMS?
    • Anything non-standard about your WordPress config?
    • What other plugins are you running?

    One recommendation is validating that all of the WP HTML Sitemap directories and files transferred successfully to your server. If some files were missing, that can definitely cause a fatal error like the one you described.

    It is also possible, though unlikely, that WP HTML Sitemap is conflicting with another plugin you are running.

    Something that would help diagnose the issue quickly, if you are able to do it, is temporarily putting your WP server in DEBUG mode and capturing the output when you try to activate WP HTML Sitemap. Let us know if this is something you can do, we’d really like to examine that output.


    I’d make sure you have all your store settings correctly set up with products, variations, file attachments (to variations if appropriate), PayPal account settings (sounds like you’ve verified that already), etc. Once the order is completed in the PayPal sandbox, you should immediately be returned to the Transaction Results page on your site, which should include a download link if everything went through successfully. It’s most likely a configuration issue. Once you complete the order in the PayPal sandbox, what is the order status within your WPEC Sales Dashboard in your WP Admin area? Do the orders show as Incomplete?

    As far as setting up each user with an account to download to any computer at a later date, an easy way to do that is to set up a download page for the product and use the Members plugin to create a new role that specifically has access, then require each customer who purchases to either set up a user account themselves, or create it yourself with their information after they complete the purchase and then add that user to the role that has access to the product download page.

    I hope that helps. I can be reached via [email protected] if you’d like to discuss further.

    Plugin Author wmsedgar



    Thanks for your post. That error is due to an out-of-date version of PHP running on your webserver. Googlyzer 2.x uses the PHP DateTime function, which is a standard library in PHP after version 5.3 (first released in 2009). You must be running a version of PHP prior to 5.3. Most likely you’re running PHP 5.2, which is quite old. I’d recommend checking your PHP version and updating. We’ve had a very small number of users encounter this issue, all of whom have been able to update their PHP version to resolve it.

    You can see more information about this issue, as well as support links related to updating your PHP version if you are hosted on GoDaddy or HostGator, on the Googlyzer Support forums via this link.

    Let us know if you continue to have any issues.

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