Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meteor Slides] Drop down menu hides behind sliderHey Josh,
After a lot of frustration I finally figured it out.
My div.menu was wrapped in div.header > div.header-jpeg
div.header was position: relative
div.header-jpeg was position: abosoluteRemoved both positions and voila the menu stops dropping behind the slider.
Just a bit of a pain to re-write the css to get the same look but se la vie.
Have a great day!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GC Testimonials] Shortcode FeaturesThanks for the update. I will look forward to seeing what you have created.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Multisite with Multiple DB CrashedAny thoughts I how to install and activate W3 Total Cache while using Multi-DB would be greatly appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Multisite with Multiple DB CrashedFound the fix. The Multi-DB plugin adds a db.php to wp-content. W3 Total Cache on install deleted the db.php. I restored the db.php from Multi-DB and my sites are back up and running.
Nearly caused a heart attack.
Should add a warning on install for people using Multi-DB and instructions on how to work around.
PatForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Search & Replace] Multisite with Multiple DBJust as a further note:
I tried using the Search in Content and received the following error:
Looking @ post content …
… in table posts, field post_content: The inquiry could not be implemented: Table ‘mydatabase_global.wp_1_posts’ doesn’t existI think this should make it more clear that your plugin is currently not compatible with a multi-database configuration.
As your plugin is designed to search and replace in the database; it makes sense that it would work with multisite if multisite is using a single db. However, to work with a multidb configuration it should first check if multidb is being used and how many db are being used: 16, 256, or 4096 (these are the most common). Then if multidb is used if you are doing a global search and replace it would have to go through each database making the search and replace.
I have a fix database plugin that I customized to make it work using something like the following:
function fdb_fix_database($targetdb = "") { global $wpdb; global $blog_id; set_time_limit(1800); if(empty($blog_id) || ($blog_id == 1) || is_network_admin()) { $dataset = $targetdb; } else { $hash_value = md5($blog_id); if (DB_SCALING == '16'){ $dataset = substr($hash_value, 0, 1); } else if (DB_SCALING == '256'){ $dataset = substr($hash_value, 0, 2); } else if (DB_SCALING == '4096'){ $dataset = substr($hash_value, 0, 3); } else { $dataset = substr($hash_value, 0, 1); } } global $db_servers; $server = $db_servers[$dataset][0]; $dbcon = @mysql_connect( $server['lhost'], $server['user'], $server['password'],true); if ( !@mysql_select_db( $server['name'] , $dbcon ) ) { echo "error"; } if (empty($blog_id) || ($blog_id == 1) || is_network_admin()) { $tablelist = getresult(@mysql_query( "show tables ", $dbcon )); } else { $tablelist = getresult(@mysql_query( "show tables from " . $server['name'] . " like '%\_".$blog_id."\_%'", $dbcon )); } foreach ($tablelist as $tar) { $tablename = $tar[0];
Sorry if it is a bit messy but this should give you the idea.
It would be fantastic if you also added a Network Admin page so that you could search and replace globally on a multisite install and then the normal search and replace page could be used for search and replace on a single site.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] WP Super Cache Multisite with CDNJust thought I would let you know that we tested using a similar modification and were able to define a cdn url across our network too. However, after monitoring the result we found that it didn’t work as expected. File uploads on the individual blogs did not work as expected. Consider the following example:
Our cdn uses “customer orgin” to pull the original files from our server then caches them until their expiry date. Because the customer origin file structure is identical for all sites this works perfect until you get to the following: /wp-content/files/. Because in the multisite setup it uses .htaccess rules to define where to look for the uploaded files that depends on the sub-domain which is called using a CDN which is mapped to look at the root url for the customer orgin will only pull uploaded files from the root url and not from the sub-domains.
So, we concluded that for a CDN to work properly on a sub-domain multisite you must map all sub-domains in the CDN to the individual sub-domains if it is using origin pull or you would have to exclude uploaded files.
It would most likely work properly if you are using a sub-directory setup of multisite but I have not tested it.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Super Admin account not working as expectedHey Mika,
I like your suggestion and it sounds simple enough however this particular Super Admin account is assigned as the admin for all of the sub-domain sites (300+ sites). On occasion I have had to delete spammer accounts that have registered at a dozen or so sites and when trying to delete their account from the Network Users page it invariably results in a 500 server error. If it were only registered on a few accounts as admin I would have tried this before reporting it here but my guess is that I will get a 500 server error unless I remove it from each individual blog first, which is a mammoth task.
FYI – it is hosted on a dedicated windows server and I have full admin access.
If there is any other suggestions that don’t involve deleting and recreating the account I would greatly appreciate it.
PatOk. Well my initial assumption was wrong. The errors I reported in my previous note were actually related to multisite and network activation of the plugin.
We were able to resolve the issues by making the following changes to the code for version 3.0.6:
add to /class/curl.php line 239 curl_setopt($this->c,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false); modified /js/admin.js line 109 $('#ayvpp_total').html('Videos Imported Successfully');
Hopefully this will help others.
I tested the plugin on my server (windows 2003) on both my production multisite (200+ active sites with many plugins activated) and it didn’t work.
So, to test if there was a conflict I installed a new WP install with no other plugins active and using 2011 theme and again it did not work (this was again on my server).
I then noted that several people who are using the latest version of the plugin it appears to be working for them. So, I installed a new install of WP with no other active plugins and using 2011 theme on a different server (Apache) and it works as expected.
So, either there is an issue with Windows or Google/YouTube has blocked my server because of too many calls. I am investigating this and will report my findings.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin] metadata but no video@corey Ellis
Your link https://gareth.thesrpr.com/media/ the site does not appear to be loading. Let me know when your site is up and running again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin] Posting Duplicate VideosWhat version of the plugin are you using?
I spoke to quickly in my previous message. After further testing I can confirm that none of our sites have automatically imported videos since the beginning of October either. I also tested the import videos function and it is not working either. I believe this error was created as Google rolled out changes to the YouTube user profile.
I have reported these issues to Matthew and he informs me that a new version should be available this week. Hopefully, the new version will help to resolve this issue.
I can imagine that it is tough to keep this type of plugin functioning as expected while Google continues to modify how things work on YouTube.
Always check the most obvious first: did you recently upgrade to the latest version? The latest version on upgrading removes the channels that were previously added for importing. So, ensure that your channels have been added using the new format.
If the above is all good:
Get a fix database plugin and should fix this for you. If the database table gets corrupted for some reason then the plugin can not write to the database which results in the appearance that it is not working.
The latest version of the plugin resolves the majority of issues I found with older versions. I did get the same problem you have described after updating to the latest version, which was first caused by my not adding the channel in the new format (very frustrating for me as I upgraded on a network of 100+ sites and had to go through each site to add the new channel format). Then on a couple of our sites we go write to database errors. The fix database plugin resolved this.
After several weeks of researching this issue we found what appeared to be a solution. The problem I initially reported doesn’t appear to be a problem with the plugin but rather a problem with writing to the database. I got a fix database plugin from the plugin repository and the issue ended.
However, I then got a new problem, which actually may relate to what caused the original problem. We get duplicate posts of the same video, 95% of the time. We didn’t change the name of the video or of the video post. Just letting the plugin do it’s thing and we get duplicate posts (not always but 95% of the videos get a duplicate post).
I will email Matthew the details of what we found and hopefully he can come up with a solution.
Immediately after posting this response I realized that Matthew has posted several updates to the plugin since I initially reported this issue. I have now upgraded to the latest version and will report my finding in the in a couple weeks.
Thank you Matthew for you continued support of this plugin. We all appreciate it.