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  • I will test that now and let you know.


    A little oops. For converting blog option to site option it should look like this:

    foreach( $option as $o ) {
            if( get_option( $o['old_name'] ) ) {
                update_site_option( $o['new_name'], get_option( $o['old_name'] ) );
                delete_option( $o['old_name'] ); //clean up behind yourself

    So that you are updating the site option with the old option and then deleting the old option.

    Here is a typical code for updating versions:

    if( $db_version < {your desired version} ) {
        // previous updates and such
        $db_version = $new_version; //put that in the database
    if( $db_version < $current_version ) {
        create $options array
        foreach( $option as $o ) {
            if( get_option( $o['old_name'] ) ) {
                update_option( $o['new_name'], get_option( $o['old_name'] ) );
                delete_option( $o['old_name'] ); //clean up behind yourself
        and then update your database version again

    I reviewed the code of your plugin briefly (about 2hrs) and there are a few suggestions I would make to help you manage the development of the plugin for both single and multisite version.

    First, you can move all of your single and multisite functions to a separate scripts and only include the single script if not multisite and the multisite script if multisite. By doing this it will help you to better manage what part of the plugin relates to single and what part relates to multi.

    Second, use the above code in the multisite script to check for old version options that were created using $wpdb->prefix and convert them to $wpdb->base_prefix.

    With single site options you use add_option(), update_option() and delete_option().

    With multisite global options you use add_site_option(), update_site_option() and delete_site_option()

    These settings will be stored in the global wp_sitemeta table and will be valid for all blogs in the network.

    Third, create a network admin page to manage these new settings.

    add_action('network_admin_menu', 'add_my_netw_settings_page');
    function add_my_netw_settings_page() {
           'Cool Stuff',
           'Cool Stuff',
    function your_form(){
      $options = get_site_option('your_plugin');
      <form action="<?php echo admin_url('admin-post.php?action=update_my_settings'); ?>" method="post">
        <?php wp_nonce_field('your_plugin_nonce'); ?>
        ...fields go here...

    The save handler:

    add_action('admin_post_update_my_settings',  'update_my_settings');
    function update_my_settings(){
      if(!current_user_can('manage_network_options')) wp_die('FU');
      // process your fields from $_POST here and update_site_option

    Hopefully, this will point you in the right direction.


    I checked on a second multisite that I have where I had previously installed 3.2.1 and I could deactivate all plugins.

    Deactivated all plugins. Network Activate. Same result.

    I tried deactivating, deleting, reinstalling, same result.

    I tried activating it on a single site instead of network activating, same result.

    I don’t know why but it appears that if you installed the version that was not multisite compatible on a multisite and then update it it breaks saving the settings.

    I am pretty good at testing/debugging as I have a few of my own plugins and I can tell you with a high level of certainty that this is a bug. It will likely only affect a small number of multisite users; the ones that installed the versions that were not multisite ready.

    I haven’t looked at your code but I would suspect that you could add a pre-flight check on your activation hook if exists previous version tables delete previous version tables then proceed to flight.

    Most likely that would clean up the bug.


    I have the exact same issue.

    I was using version 3.2.1 on multisite by activating it only on site 1 (not network activated).

    Updated to 3.4.1 and activated it on Network.

    Setting on main site will not save.

    FYI – with virtually every multisite plugin they split the functionality as follows:

    Network Activated: Network Admin page used for taking action on entire network.
    Site Admin page used for taking action on single site.

    I would start by reviewing .htaccess and ensure DNS A wildcard is setup properly.

    Then goto Network > Updates > Upgrade Network.

    If the above are all good and the issue persists then more info is needed.

    Hey Derry,

    I have run into similar issues in the past. It sounds like you have a couple problems that you will need to address but to get you moving in the right direction I would suggest using wp-config to define your site URL and Home. That should allow you to get into the site.

    Read the details here:


    Thread Starter wlpdrpat


    I installed the Easy WP SMTP and was able to resolve the issue by using a gmail smtp. However, I could not get it to work using my servers smtp.

    It is strange that my contact form and all other emails from my wp install worked without the use of Easy WP SMTP but to get the BFT Autoresponder to work requires it?

    Is there a particular reason that the plugin doesn’t use WP mail function to send the messages?

    I haven’t tested it but my concern is that all mail from my site will now be sent via my gmail smtp which is not ideal as gmail limits the number of messages per hour that you can send and is very prone to security errors (captcha blocking)


    Thread Starter wlpdrpat


    I will try upgrading again very soon and see how it goes.

    I realize that going to the tools tab and clicking import from 3.xx version sounds like an easy task and on a single installation it is. However, on a multisite install it can be a very daunting task.

    Since reporting this issue I have been creating a fix for my situation that would have a import forms from 3.xx on a network admin page and would automatically make this import across all sites on a multisite install. At the moment it is working 99% on my testing environment. Just a few more tweaks and I will have it.

    I will send it to Mike for consideration when it is done.

    Thread Starter wlpdrpat


    I have read it thoroughly. Still looking for why hostgator denies delivery. Thanks.

    Thread Starter wlpdrpat



    I just setup 4.0.23 on a clean install of the latest version of WP. I configured the form in the same manner as the issue reported above and got the same result.

    Any further thoughts on how to get hostgator email to accept messages from the form when the website is on different hosting?


    Thread Starter wlpdrpat



    To backup your previous version of the plugin before upgrading you can use ftp and download the plugin directory (si-contact-form) or if you have Remote Desktop just copy and paste it to a desktop folder. If you have already upgraded and don’t have a backup you can download your previous version from here:

    To backup your forms before upgrading go to the plugin options page and scroll to the very bottom and you will see where you can backup and restore your forms. After upgrading I believe restore forms is in the Advanced tab (I’m not certain and can’t check as I rolled mine back but it was easy enough to find).


    Thread Starter wlpdrpat


    Hi @mbrsolution

    I appreciate your humble opinion and of course the reason I was upgrading all of my plugins is that I am in the process of upgrading my version of WP.

    @mike Challis should really include this type of notice in the changelog as that is what is displayed first when you click view version details from the plugins page and that is also what the vast majority of users review when they want to know what it new in the latest version. Not displaying it in the changelog is really hiding the fact that you have made a major change and forgot to include the code that transitions older versions to the latest version.

    The plugins I have seen making a change in their options arrays that doesn’t include the code to transition old options to the new options array have always provided a warning in the changelog.

    Just a common courtesy especially for those more novice users who would not be able to role things back and would end up posting on the reviews page (as they did) saying that the new version is broken. I of course commented and corrected their statement that the plugin is broken because it isn’t broken but it could definitely use a quick fix to transition the old options array to the new one.


    The new version isn’t broken – it just doesn’t carry across the settings from the previous version to the latest version, which I agree is very disappointing. However, you can roll back your version to the previous version and all settings are restored. Then when you want to upgrade create a backup of all your forms from the settings page, upgrade and then import your old forms. It is a bit of a pain but if you make the backups first it works out OK.

    Thread Starter wlpdrpat


    FYI – I rolled it back and all old forms were recovered.

    You should add a notice to the upgrade that lets people know that all their forms will be lost and that recreating them is not an easy chore when you combine it with having to learn the new format/layout.

    The latest version looks very cool but I made the decision to roll back after recreating three forms primarily because it took me 2-3x as long to create a form with the new layout. It looks very slick but functionally it is much slower than the previous layout. Previously you just scrolled down and the new version has to reload a new page, which is cumbersome and time consuming.

    You should consider using tabs to break up the sections of the form but not having to reload a new page for each section. I use a jquery simple tabs navigation for a few of my own plugins that works like a charm.

    Here is an article that show the basics:

    Mine isn’t exactly the same as his implementation but very similar.


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