9 years, 8 months ago
Thanks a lot for the update!
Terrific, thank you
From what I can tell the only thing they have in common is that they are $5 donations. One was done before the upgrade to 4.x and the other was after the upgrade. I’d be glad to send a dump.
What format would you like and where do i send it
I can see the address under 2 donations but no others. Included a test donation that I did to make sure.
I can see Employer, Occupation, ect. but no physical address. I can see the email address though.
This is a problem in 4.0.3 as well. On the admin side you cannot see donors addresses.
just change $pluginFolder = get_plugins ();
$pluginFolder = get_plugins ();
#$pluginFolder = get_plugins ();
I commented out line 441 and that fixed it for me. Its not the best fix but it got things working again