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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] Collapse and expand1. No, the code above will not work for hover … and if you are giving any consider to touch device usage then you might want to reconsider the use of hover anyway? The code above adds an anchor element to each item that has a submenu, and puts a click handler on that anchor (to open/close the submenu). The code is intended to be a starting point, not a definitive solution, because, for instance, placement/styling of the anchor may not suit all people/themes.
If you need to apply hover, then the added anchor would not be needed, and you would be adding hover (mouseenter/mouseleave) handlers directly to the items that have submenus, and you would need to have a set strategy for what gets expanded/collapsed when.
2. Once again, there are a number of ways of applying the code. If you have something like the CSS & JavaScript Toolbox plugin then you could paste the code into it, ensure that it runs after jQuery is loaded, and you’re set. Otherwise you could paste the code into a file of its own, then load that file into either the header or footer of every page (ensuring that jQuery is loaded first). Or you could simply paste the code directly into the header or footer (if you theme provides separate files for them).
If you do anything with your theme, I would recommend using a child theme (if you don’t already have one) because then you would not lose the changes when the theme gets updated.
If you are not used to editing theme files, then I would recommend using something like the CSS & JavaScript Toolbox plugin.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] customizeCMW does not provide any styling. Generally, themes will have some styling that will get applied to the output produced by the widget, but if you need to change it then you will have to modify your theme’s CSS accordingly. If you need to add an id or class(es) to the widget output, you can use the fields provided under the Container or Classes sub-headings in the widget admin form.
The easiest way to try out CSS styling is to use your browser’s developer tools (personally, I would recommend Firefox and its Firebug extension, but nowadays most modern desktop browsers have some sort of developer capability built-in).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] Simplest of CMS menu functionsNo, you’re not being thick : unfortunately, what you are asking for is currently not possible with CMW v2*.
Why? Well, at the moment the when-to-display options (as opposed to the what-to-display ones) are very limited – in that they only relate to the end result of the what-to-display options.
So, for example, you can currently select what-to-display as being, say, “children of B”, but then the only when-to-display option is for the current menu item to be contained within that output (which excludes B itself).
What you need to be able to do – whether or not it’s the “simplest and most basic” function – is initially set the B branch as being the prime selector, set the output as being conditional upon that branch containing the current item, then filter the final output to not show the branch’s top level.Where does that leave you? At present, CMW alone just won’t do what you need, so you can either style the output as you have been, or use CMW in conjunction with something like Dynamic Widgets.
However, version 3 of CMW – which I am currently testing – will give you the functionality you’re after, but the problem (for me!) is that it’s a fairly radical change of approach in that it switches from “children of ITEM” to “branch starting with ITEM”. Automatic conversion from v2-style configuration to v3-style configuration is proving to be nigh-on impossible, which means that the widget still needs to support the legacy setups as well as the new-style configs.
If you would like to help me out by trying v3 (pre-release) then I will gladly send you a zip of the code?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] Undefined index and Undefined offset messagesThank you, and done!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] Shortcodes?Yes, you need to add your own css styling, possibly some javascript too.
You’ll probably want to add a custom class or id using the CMW options (and if you’re lucky and your theme already has some relevant styling that might even be all you need to do).
It all depends on what you want it look like, where you want it to appear, and how you want it to work … which is why I don’t provide any styling as part of the plugin (everybody’s needs are different!).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] Top Level items to be bolded?Add to your stylesheet …
.cmw-level-1 > a {font-weight:bold;}
You may need to qualify it further; you may also need to make it !important, depending on your other css rules.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] `theme_location`?No, ‘fraid not. Menu selection is by menu only, avoiding any dependence on the theme.
A bit more information…
Having now read the ‘sticky’ post wrt v0.9.4, and done a bit more investigation on a 2nd site with Transposh installed, it now appears that the problem outlined above (mostly) only occurs on the “full” version ( of Transposh!
It would seem that the “full” version does not have the fix for the WP3.7 plugin upgrade url. To be fair, it doesn’t pretend to be WP3.7 ready (it’s only marked as tested up to 3.6) but you don’t found that out until you’ve upgraded!
For reference, if your Installed Plugins page shows the Transposh version as being “0.9.4” then you are running the version downloaded from WordPress svn and you should be fine as long as you leave the “Allow upgrade to full version” switch in Settings alone. If your Transposh plugin shows the version as being “” then you are running the “full” version, and you may experience some problems with updates while the plugin is activated.
I have attempted to create a ticket for this at Transposh, but their Trac system repeatedly reports an internal error (which I also tried to a create a ticket for!) so I have no idea whether I was successful or not.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] Having trouble seeing outputHi vultan.
Thanks for letting me know. It’s a relief for me, but I appreciate that it’s probably a pain in the proverbial for you! I’m extremely grateful for your assistance and perseverance in getting to the root of the problem, and I wish you luck. I’ll mark this as Resolved, but if you do decide to contact the Micah theme authors, I’d still be curious to hear the outcome.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] Having trouble seeing outputI completely understand.
If you could spare a couple more minutes though, you might consider doing me a big favour and testing CMW (a simple Show All setting) against Custom Menu widget in WordPress’s own Twenty Fourteen theme, please?
You can switch between Twenty Fourteen and your Micah theme without losing any data or settings, and you just need to add the 2 widgets (assuming you still have CMW installed, which you may not by now!) to 2014’s primary sidebar, look at the frontend, remove the widgets, and switch back to Micah. If the 2 widgets produce the same output then it’s the Micah theme that is getting in the way of CMW. If they still don’t then would you give me a list of any other plugins you are using, so I can continue testing for myself?
I’m sorry you’ve had these problems, but I would like to determine what isn’t working and why, and I sincerely appreciate any assistance you can provide this one last time.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] Having trouble seeing outputHi vultan.
If it sounded like I was doubting what you were telling, then that wasn’t my intention and I apologise. It’s just extremely frustrating when I can’t reproduce a problem, or properly investigate what might be happening.
If you wouldn’t mind helping me out by giving me temporary access to your backend, maybe we could continue this conversation by email – [email protected] ? Ideally what I’d first like to do is simply dump $elements and $args out of custom_menu_wizard.php (immediately after $args = $args[0]; in the walk() function) [var_dump($elements,$args);].
I’m sorry I can’t be of more immediate help, but it’s got me stumped at the moment.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] Having trouble seeing outputIf you view the source of your frontend page, and find the Control widget : is the HTML only listing the top level items? Or are the sub-level items actually there but they are just not visible?
The reason for asking is that if the menu has sub-levels, and you can see them in the “assist”, and you’re running Show All with everything else set to the default (which you are), then there is absolutely no reason why the sub-levels items would not be produced by the frontend widget unless either something else is removing them, or they are there but are not visible due to some CSS styling.
One check for something else removing them is to compare CMW’s Show All output with the output of WordPress’s own Custom Menu widget – they should show exactly the same items.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] Having trouble seeing outputThe shortcode (for the Show All that only shows 1 level) looks like … ?
[ copy – paste it from the bottom of the “assist” ]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Menu Wizard Widget] Having trouble seeing outputCreate 2 instances of the widget : leave the first one set to Show All and just change to the appropriate menu (if you have more than one); leave all other settings at their default. This instance is the Control.
The second instance is your Test widget, and set it up (for the same menu) however you want … specific items, or children of, whatever, and Save it (you don’t have to close either widget or the “assist”). In the “assist” for that instance, click on an appropriate menu item to make it the current menu item, and check that the assist shows the output you would expect if you were actually on that page.
Open up the frontend of your site in another browser tab and check that (at least) the Control is visible. Using the Control widget, navigate to the same page that you have set in the Test instance’s “assist” : if the “assist” shows some output then you should see the same output in the Test widget at the frontend. If you don’t then there’s a problem.
Can you paste the shortcode shown by the widget into this thread (after having Saved the settings!) so that I can see which options you have set?