I have had trouble uploading a theme for my wordpress blog from Elegant Themes. It is called Cold Stone. I follow the instructions but can’t get the file from Fetch FTP into my design admin area so I can try it out.
My URL is https://www.winterspells.com. My phone # in Seattle is 206-297-1677.
I have a Mac Tiger
I also activated a subscribe to comments plugin and it doesn’t appear on the blog. I checked it out on the Classic theme and it still didn’t show, in fact I tried several so it isn’t the theme.
One more problem while I have you here: When I activate wordress themes from the the .org collection, my blog title appears instantly in the header. With the Elegant Themes – which are so beautiful I paid to join his site though he is not very supportive — The title stays as the title of the theme design, not my blog title.
Also how do I get the sidebar to take on an RSS feed button as well as a subscription opt in?
I have been struggling with this stuff for weeks and am just worn out with it.
Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated,
Arlene deWinter
email: [email protected]