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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WSR Contact Form
    Thread Starter wilrushmer


    fixed, thanks…

    knew i forgot a function

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Textile 2 Cheerleader

    each time it is called

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: posting php

    Off the top of my head, create a static page called photography.php(for example) and put in your theme directory, include your code above of course. then go into write &raquo writep age in the admin section and create a new one called photography. In the dropdown box for “Add a new custom field to this post:” select _wp_page_template as the key and its value as photography.php. That should do the trick.

    You probably wont be able to call images from the same directory, maybe call them from /wp-content/ instead.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Text Link Ads
    Thread Starter wilrushmer


    fixed an error in the css.

    Thread Starter wilrushmer


    negative, ones like email immunizer basically convert to html entities. This plugin will convert your address to an encrypted key and then call the key and decode it using a function where you would like it displayed.

    Thread Starter wilrushmer


    thank ya for the feedback.

    Thread Starter wilrushmer


    “Ahh, but deprecated simply means that usage is not advised as it is liable to be removed for the next defination. Strictly, speaking there is nothing wrong with using it now:-)”

    Apples to Oranges really. It really depends on ones outlook, If everyone stays current… standards would come about much quicker. I use depreciated tags all the time, after all you don’t know they are till they are declared as such. But I still make a habit of pointing them out.

    well, loads a frame, so lets start there:

    1. no doctype.
    2. style missing type ie. “text/css”.
    3. script missing type.
    4. body contains propietary attributes, ie. “leftmargin” etc.
    5. all urls contain un-escaped umpersands.
    6. td elements contain empty attributes.
    7. propietary attributes (thos cant be helped)

    list goes on and on, but those are just a few ideas. Pretty much the same errors they have on their sites and other pages.

    yes sorry, showed me a blank everytime i tried to post that properly

    Love the design mate!

    watch your slf closing tags, you got a few for example like:

    <br \>

    which is backwards, should be:

    Of course using Google Adsense is worth 33 errors everytime an ad is displayed, but whos counting :p

    in xhtml, your image tags need to be self closing, instead of:

    <img src=a€?image.jpga€? alt="image">


    <img src=a€?image.jpga€? alt="image" />

    Also you can’t use Ampersands without using the utf equivalant, or just use the word “and” instead.

    You also have a few spaces in some of your image filenames, while this is not a “big deal” it will hinder cross server compatability. try using a “-” or “_” instead of a space in filenames.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Awesome New Design

    check your index page for empty spans right after the h3 headings. also doublecheck your comment listing for empty and un-properly nested list items (li), and empty li’s as well.

    On your site you have “top” and “bottom” defined twice each. Even thou one is as name and the other as id, name and id are the same. Name is actually depreciated but since you are using xhtml 1.0 transitional they probably dont show up in a validation. In strict 1.0 or 1.1, they will.

    EDIT – actually i noticed this with your comment jumps to, maybe check them all.

    Of course using Google AdSense is throwing a bunch of wild warnings and errors, but thats Google. If markup is of great importance and usability more important then revenue, look at using adbrite. There markup “used” to be perfect in the javascript. Have not used it for awhile now.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to:

    A few markup errors:

    check your sidebar.php file for empty li’s and empty h2’s. Also on your archive page your missing opening and closing ul’s and a few out of order li’s. Id run through your whole site and double check for empty paragraphs, lists and headings.

    Thread Starter wilrushmer


    Thanks for the feedback, I will add a home link :). I am gonna keep the journal link as is, just for the reason that I have portfolio entries, scripts ive written, and about 3 other sections to complete. The main index page will not be just for entries, even thou currently it is.

    Agian thanks for the feedback.

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