Willy Bahuaud
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP Deferred JavaScripts] Not working after 1.1When the plugin is activated, do you have an alert, warning, or any message ?
Can you show how you proceed to enqueue your javascript in your function.php file ?
This will help me to fixe the problem.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP Deferred JavaScripts] Not working after 1.1We’re sorry for frequent updates. There are some compatibility problems with plugins that no properly enqueued javascripts and we try to solve these.
Please feel free to send us the problems you encounter (and plugins used) so that we do evolving WP Deferred Javascripts ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multi Image Metabox] Can't retrieve image on siteHello,
If you want to retrieve the IDs of the linked pictures, juste do something like :
$all_my_ids = get_image_ids();
$all_my_ids will now contain all the IDs of the images (and you can do what you want with this…)If you want to print these picts, you can also use get_images_scr() like that :
foreach(get_images_src() as $k => $i){ echo '<img src="'.$i[0].'" width="'.$i[1].'" height="'.$i[2].'" />'; }
…and all linked files will be printed.
Do I have answered correctly your questions ?
Maybe the plugin documentation is too light :-/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Deferred JavaScripts] Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()I think we’ve just solved this problem. Have you updated the plugin in 1.5.2 release ?
I can explain how we use your plugin.
In fact we do not use shortcodes directly in the content to call the tables, we prefer to use metabox to attach one or more tables to a post (because our users break shortcodes…).So we use a metabox listing all tables and allows users to select those to link to post.
Then in the template functions are used to display tables.
Thanks for the plugin (and the solution for our metaboxes) ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Deferred JavaScripts] Messages après la MAJ 1.4Ok, it is because the plugin Flex Slider doesn’t use the right way to enqueue scripts.
We can’t solve it :-/
But you can notify flex slider’s authors.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Deferred JavaScripts] Messages après la MAJ 1.4Yeahh,I thought so !!!
I’m commiting the plugin ! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Deferred JavaScripts] Messages après la MAJ 1.4Okkkk….
Well the new release 1.5.1 solved the minor bug “alerts on login and register pages”. But we don’t know why your blog fail loading new posts.
Can you try to set priority 1 or 999 on
add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'you_shall_not_pass', 9 );
?Thanks you a lot ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Deferred JavaScripts] Messages après la MAJ 1.4Sinon tu peux aussi, pour nous aider à détecter le problème, te rendre dans le code du plugin et éditer la ligne 38 :
add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'you_shall_not_pass', 9 );
- essaye de mettre 1 au lieu de 9 et test…
- essaye de mettre 99 sinon
Et si tu peux nous dire en suite si l’une ou l’autre méthode fonctionne ?
Merci ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Deferred JavaScripts] Messages après la MAJ 1.4Je pense que cela vient de la fa?on dont sont enqueués les javascripts sur ton thème.
Nous pourrions adapter notre plugin (car le bug est présent sur d’autres sites) mais pour ?a il nous faudrait connaitre le nom de ton thème et la liste des plugins installés (pour voir de quel fa?on les scripts sont chargés ici).Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pb with ajax requests and multiple themeI solved it, but I dont know how… ^^
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pb with ajax requests and multiple themeI got another ajax request which work perfectly on the right theme…
This makes me think that the application does not work is performed on a site page loaded in an iframe.
Is this an important detail?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pb with ajax requests and multiple themeIt seem admin-ajax load the wrong function file… ,maybe because it doesn’t know wich “functions.php” it have to load. Can I force it to use one of the theme ?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pb with ajax requests and multiple themeI use the 3.3.1 version and I use 2 custom theme quite similar. I don’t know because I don’t use ajax requests in admin area…
In the request parameters : “action” => Name of my function (sendformparcours) and others serialized values obtain by the form.
I use ajax type POST, with jQuery.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pb with ajax requests and multiple themeYes, it’s a multisite installation, with 2 website (which use different themes) inside.