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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Image Upload Issue


    Still having this issue.

    After talking with my host (again) it sounds like they put a 60 second cap on how long a script can run. Does the upload script take that long to run?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Image Upload Issue

    When I used the non-flash browser I get a 500 Internal Server Error instead of HTTP Error.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Image Upload Issue

    I’ve been having this problem with audio files – even after following all the steps as well.

    Is there any logs available that would track whatever error might be causing the HTTP Error. problem? I looked at the server side error log but don’t see any errors.

    Chances are the new theme doesn’t support the header or background functions that the theme you had offered. Unfortunately not all themes offer those capabilities.

    Thread Starter Will White


    You are the man.

    That is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

    Thread Starter Will White


    Just an update for anyone else looking for this:

    Step 1: Create an alternate searchform.php – mine was called ‘dictionary.php’

    Step 2: Call the alternate search form where you’d like the restricted search to be located on your page using PHP.

    Step 3: Update the “action” url in your html form to the directory you’d like the search to be performed in.

    EG: To search in the category named “Example” you would change the action url of the form to

    <form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" action="">
            <label class="screen-reader-text" for="s">Search for:</label>
            <input value="Search" name="s" id="s" type="text">
            <input id="searchsubmit" value="Search" type="submit">

    This needs to be implemented – I’m surprised its not already.

    I imagine the closest solution for now would be to allow the “remove users” ability via updating the database file for subscriber and then build a php function in their admin section that restricts the users that show up to only themselves.

    Not ideal.

    By the way, whats the difference between “Remove Users” and “Delete Users” in the Roles and Capabilities of WP? Just curious. They sound awful similar.

    Thread Starter Will White


    I thought about doing that – using WordPress MU or something.

    Part of the reason I opted for the single setup with multiple categories is because one of the categories is going to hold definitions for a dictionary-style area on the site. (The website is for a psychologist that would like to have basic terms she refers to throughout her blogs listed).

    So the game-plan was to create a series of posts all containing definitions – and keep them in the “dictionary” category – then add a search field that limits the results to posts within the dictionary category.

    The fact she could log in once to update her to other blogs was an added benefit of setting things up this way.

    Thread Starter Will White


    I’m going to test a few more tricks – if it doesn’t work its back to the plugin library.

    Thread Starter Will White


    Ugh I can’t seem to make the plugin do what I want it to do.

    Its offering an advanced search – the option for users to choose which category they want among other options.

    I don’t want users to have a choice. If they put anything in the search field I want it restricted to that category.

    Thread Starter Will White


    Thanks for the link.

    I was hoping it would be a simple addition to the form action or the search.php function. It’s looking like its more complex than that. I’ll look for a plugin.

    I set up a buddy press a while ago. Their forum is much more active regarding that plugin.

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter Will White


    Same thing.

    I think I’ve figured it out though. Went through every single plugin and disabled it. Then one by one by one turned them on. A Rich Text Widget plugin gave a php error and when I left it off I was able to get things up and running.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: constant struggle

    I think it needs to be within your loop.

    Thread Starter Will White


    For anyone interested:

    I finally figured it out. In the file ‘media.php’ in your wp-includes folder on line 650 you can alter the string containing the image and the link enclosing it. In this case I removed the last 4 characters (the closing tag) and added it to the div creation return.

    function img_caption_shortcode($attr, $content = null) {
    	// Allow plugins/themes to override the default caption template.
    	$output = apply_filters('img_caption_shortcode', '', $attr, $content);
    	if ( $output != '' )
    		return $output;
    		'id'	=> '',
    		'align'	=> 'alignnone',
    		'width'	=> '',
    		'caption' => ''
    	), $attr));
    	if ( 1 > (int) $width || empty($caption) )
    		return $content;
    	$holder = substr( $content, 0, -4 );
    	if ( $id ) $id = 'id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" ';
    	return '<div ' . $id . 'class="wp-caption ' . esc_attr($align) . '" style="width: ' . (10 + (int) $width) . 'px">'
    	. do_shortcode( $holder ) . '<p class="wp-caption-text">' . $caption . '</p></a></div>';

    Now the caption sits within the link you create for an image, and can be edited to pop up as a :hover effect via css.

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