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Ok, I have figured out the problem. I had changed my Safari settings to open all pages in Reader Mode, not realizing that this would change the opening screen on my admin page. Still seems strange that it opens the Updraftplus page, but all I had to do was change the settings on my admin page to NOT be in the reader mode, and everything was back to normal.
Same problem. Akismet reports all systems go, latest version etc., but no spam gets caught. I have been using it for years without this issue.
Hey, I’m very impressed with your response time. I can see from the messages that you make a real effort to respond to the many issues that people come up with. I can wait until the next major iteration to try an upgrade again. No one else seemed to have quite the same symptoms I was coming up with.
Ok, I gave up and went back to version 1.6.2. Everything works fine with the old version in place.
In my further struggles to return to a working slideshow in the sidebar, added the nextgen widget referring to the same galleries. No problem. Those pictures are shown and then if I click one I can run a slide show. If I click on the spinning wheel that I get instead of a slideshow there are two settings references to Flash and about Flash and one about jwplayer and neither place seems to get me any more useful information.
What is the best way to downgrade to the previous version which worked fine.
How do you roll back to 1.6.2 with the least perturbation. I don’t want to lose the galleries. If I just try to upload I get the message that Nextgen is already there.
I have done the additional updates to 1.7.2. Still no images showing up in the slide show. I did discover the imagerotator file was no longer on my site. That’s not something I removed. Wasn’t sure if that was change that you made. Anyway, I downloaded the most recent one and putting it back in the Nextgen plugin folder. Still no images showing up.
Here is the particular page that I’m having problems with
When I look at the activity for the page it shows one error in loading
https://macgardens.org/crossdomain.xml is listed as not found. I thought maybe this might be a flash problem so I downloaded the latest flash for safari which is shown as 10.1r102 and there is no change.
This is specifically from the nextgen slideshow widget. I tried different sizes and galleries with no effect.
Yes, I did figure that out from the messages here. It took care of the database upgrade alert, however the gallery images no longer show up in the slideshow. I can see the images fine in the NextGen Gallery. Thanks for your efforts. — jw
Well, I got past the database upgrade message by upgrading to PHP5 as Dan Bollinger suggests, but I still don’t have any images showing.
How did you return to the previous version? I also found 1.7 to be non-functional and I’ve had to deactivate.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: login page is blankWell as it turns out my problem is resolved now. I replaced the wp-login.php file with one from a new install package and everything now works as it should. Of course that does not explain how it became corrupted in the first place after working fine for 5 weeks and I have some concern that this could happen again.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: wp-login Blank Page!!Well, my problem is now resolved. I replaced the wp-login.php file with one from a new install package and everything now works as it should.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Login page is blankMy problem is resolved. I replaced the wp-login.php file from an new installation package and everything works fine now. Although I am still concerned that this can happen again at any time.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Login page is blankI have a similar problem except that I get a blank page at https://wp.macfusion.org/wp-login.php — nothing showing at all. I tried all the above remedies with no change at all. I have been using WordPress 2.7 for 5 weeks now without any problems.