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  • Thread Starter Fat Tony



    update: I just realised that the new header size of 960×70 will not be in effect UNTIL after we change to a new header image. This is why I was not seeing it update. I had to go to:

    appearance –> header –>

    and to my delight;

    “Images of exactly 960 × 70 pixels will be used as-is.”

    SO it did work after all =) Sorry I didn’t see your response esmi. Thanks for the link, I assume that either method is ok? Or maybe the method I have used is why I am experiencing the second problem I have listed below?

    Three problems to iron out:

    1) I believe the overall page width is still 1000px. This has caused some stretching on my header. How can I resolve that?

    2) There is a ~two pixel area of grey space at the top of my header image. Not sure why this is does anyone have any ideas? I have set it to be 960x70px, and the image I have used is also 960x70px.

    3) Ideally I would like for the header image to be docked at the very top of the page, rather than the small gap. Where can I adjust this?

    Thread Starter Fat Tony


    thanks for the instantwp tip. It was also nice to learn which tricks the experienced folks use I can see how it will help me already

    I am trying to figure out how to add quite a sophisticated header/navigation menu. (Header image has hyperlink hotspots, navigation menu uses CSS rollovers)

    Here is the code from my old site:

    <div id="logo"><img src="/images/headerimage.jpg" alt="" width="960" height="70" border="0" usemap="#Map" />
      <map name="Map" id="Map">
      <area shape="rect" coords="869,21,893,50" href="" target="_blank" alt="YouTube" />
          <area shape="rect" coords="906,22,930,49" href="" target="_blank" alt="Twitter" />
        <area shape="rect" coords="37,11,356,60" href="/index.php" alt="" />
       <div id="navigation"><a href="/index.php">HOME</a><a href="/music">MUSIC</a><a href="/forum">FORUMS</a><a href="/Gallery">GALLERY</a><a href="/Tutorials">TUTORIALS</a><a href="/Downloads">DOWNLOADS</a><a href="/halloffame">HALL OF FAME</a> <a href="/FAQ">FAQ</a></div>
       <div id="headerImg"><img src= "/images/headerlogo.jpg" width="960" height="70" alt="logo" /></div>

    My old design was 960px in width. The header image was 960x70px. My current wordpress header size is 1000×288. How can I adjust this, and also add the click-able hotspots (for my twitter/YouTube etc)


    1) Which files do I need to copy to my child theme to adjust the overall page width and also add a 10px border around the edge of every page? (would this be referred to as the “wrapper”?

    2) Is there a simple way to identify which id’s are used for different parts of my site? For example I don’t know if the header is referred to as header, h1, wp_header or anything! So I’m never sure what to look for in the .css/header files.

    3) Which file will I be modifying to insert my header image click-able hotspot area code?

    4) would it be advisable to scrap my .CSS based navigation menu design and modify the wordpress top menu to my liking? If so where can I adjust the hover/active/inactive states?

    Thanks ??

    Thread Starter Fat Tony


    Hey esmi. Are you implying the limitations are on the hosting providers end then? it isn’t a wordpress limitation? Sorry if I am misunderstanding something. With regards to the hosting’s php.ini, will I be able to access/modify that or will it vary from one hosting provider to another?

    Thread Starter Fat Tony


    that was really simple to understand everything made sense, thanks.

    I have changed the footer. I have removed this content:

    <?php do_action( 'twentyeleven_credits' ); ?>
    <a href="<?php echo esc_url( __( '', 'twentyeleven' ) ); ?>" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Semantic Personal Publishing Platform', 'twentyeleven' ); ?>" rel="generator">

    In place I am using:

    <div id="site-generator">
    echo '<a href="">Copyright ? 2012 | All Rights Reserved</a>';

    I even figured out where to add the hyperlink to my home page. I hope I got that part correct, I just improvised it in there and it works but I am not experienced with writing html stuff within php functions so it was a miracle it worked!

    Can we “undo” changes made in the editor? Do you recommend using something like notepad++ to make changes and dreamweaver for FTP? (I can’t get to grips with filezilla although I am willing to learn it if it is recommended) as a beginner I will be using a trial and error process frequently once I get going. Some means of previewing actions before committing to them would be ideal.

    I will be taking an in depth look at your second top menu tutorial in a moment. I think I’ll learn some good fundamentals there thank you. I will return with more questions ?? Quite happy that wordpress is beginning to “click” for me now.

    Thread Starter Fat Tony


    Thanks so much for the help.

    I have spent around 5 hours reading through the WordPress Codex, and thankfully things are starting to click ??

    I decided to go with twentyeleven after all. It had the most “neutral” comment forms and things which I think will offer versatility in the long run.

    Regarding limitations, lets take this example:

    Media –> Add New –>

    “Maximum upload file size: 96MB. After a file has been uploaded, you can add titles and descriptions.”

    I assume this 96MB limit can be adjusted somewhere? I have GB’s of webspace and unlimited bandwidth on my host so I would like to remove these restrictions even if I don’t currently have anything above 96MB to upload. The knowledge that these restrictions can be changed is important to me.

    Lastly the problem I was having was indeed with permalinks.

    settings –> permalinks –>

    I had created a “custom structure” named page1 for whatever reason, and this was why my links were broken as there was no format/structure to it. I have changed it to “post name” now and everything is working nicely.

    My first goals will be to get the header and footer content looking like my old design. I am having some difficulties understanding the code but I think I’ll get there eventually ??

    I won’t even begin to start adding content until I have mastered the entire system and understand all of the limitations.

    Thread Starter Fat Tony


    thanks it is reassuring to know I had the code right at least ??

    I tried starting out on some modifications. As it seemed like it wouldn’t be too hard, I first tried adjusting my footer:

    1) Copy footer.php from twentyeleven to wildtheme (my child theme)

    2) modify <?php printf( __( ‘Proudly powered by %s’, ‘twentyeleven’ ), ‘WordPress’ ); ?>


    1) if I put more than one word in between the brackets i.e:

    <?php printf(hello world); ?>

    – breaks the entire page/footer section doesn’t appear.

    2) if I put one word i.e:

    <?php printf(test); ?>

    – works, but it links to

    How would I go about putting the following information in the footer:

    google adsense banner
    Copyright ? 2012 | All Rights Reserved.

    Here is the entire code (well the important part, I think!):

    <a href="<?php echo esc_url( __( '', 'twentyeleven' ) ); ?>" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Semantic Personal Publishing Platform', 'twentyeleven' ); ?>" rel="generator"><?php printf( __( 'Proudly powered by %s', 'twentyeleven' ), 'WordPress' ); ?></a>

    the url at the top of the code adjusts where it links to. So I can change it from to my index page or something. Not sure why the php script is in there or which part I would add my adsense banner to though

    Thread Starter Fat Tony


    Thanks very much. I am happy to know that I can get everything looking like the old design with a bit of tinkering.

    I have so many questions because I want to quickly gain more perspective on how everything works. I hope you don’t mind ??

    I have just installed “weaver ii”:

    aahhh! I guess I read through the lengthy page of information on child themes and I’ll end up with my own? Sorry to ask in advance but I don’t want to invest time reading through everything if it isn’t necessary.

    Also I just realised I have modified the Twenty Eleven theme. Is there any way to restore it back to default before I get started on child theme?


    There seems to be limitations on file sizes/image dimensions/video sizes/gallery items. Is it completely possible to adjust these and any other limits to our liking? Also noticed “Weaver II Pro”. Will not purchasing this affect what I can put on my site in any way?


    All of my test posts and reply buttons on posts link to “%page1%/”

    I remember doing something, somewhere in the admin dashboard and making a “page 1” for fun but I can’t remember where I did this! Now everything is linking to it only resulting in:

    Bad Request

    Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

    oops. Not sure what I’ve done here. Are there any obvious places I should check?


    @christini thank you for mentioning bbPress. I have set up a phpbb3 forum though which appears to have everything covered. If I find any limitations I will definitely consider bbPress though

    [ Don’t be sorry, just don’t continue to bump. ]

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