Thank you for your answer! It helped me a bit, but still it is not working. I have 17 shop reviews and tried to display them with the following shortcode:
[cusrev_reviews_slider count=”0″ slides_to_show=”3″ show_products=”false” product_links=”false” sort_by=”date” sort=”DESC” categories=”” product_tags=”” tags=”” products=”current” color_ex_brdr=”#ebebeb” color_brdr=”#ebebeb” color_ex_bcrd=”” color_bcrd=”#ffffff” color_pr_bcrd=”#f4f4f4″ color_stars=”#FFD707″ shop_reviews=”true” count_shop_reviews=”5″ inactive_products=”false” autoplay=”true” avatars=”initials” max_chars=”0″ min_chars=”0″ show_dots=”true”]
The output is: There are no reviews available…
Even if I defined the shop page in the WooCommerce Settings and have some reviews…
Hoping for more help,