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  • Thread Starter widescreen


    Thanks John! Splitting the query was the way!

    Thread Starter widescreen


    Thanks Maciej!!
    For now I created a script to replace myslug-en with myslug-fr, in all french posts.
    I placed it in permalink-manager-uri-editor-post.php
    It’s a quick fix, just to have the site running, before I will insert your snippet.

    I will share it here for anybody who needs it.
    [maybe it would be nice to have a couple of fields where you can do replace THISWORD, with THATWORD, for post in THISLANGUAGE]
    [I know you have the find&Replace tool, it’s good, but it’s not conditional and, if you have a loooot of posts, you get a memory error]

    Here is my humble piece of code:

    <button onclick=”correctUri()”>Replace bad French URis</button>
    <br /><br />
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    function correctUri(){
    jQuery(“#the-list > tr”).each(function() {
    var postlanguage = jQuery(this).find(“.item_title”).find(“.extra-info”).find(“span:eq(2)”).text();
    var postID = jQuery(this).find(“.item_title”).find(“.row-actions”).find(“.id”).text(); if (postlanguage == “Language: fr”){
    oldURi = jQuery(this).find(“.item_uri”).find(“.custom_uri_container”).find(“.custom_uri”).val();
    mynewURi= oldURi.replace(“myslug-en”, “myslug-fr”);
    }); //each
    } //function

    Thread Starter widescreen


    Hi Maciej!
    Thanks a lot!

    I will for sure try the snippet! A part from ‘myslug-en’, ‘myslug-fr’ is there anything else I have to change in the snippet? (I don’t want to make mistakes!!)

    Last 2 questions:
    1) I see you use ‘apply_filters(‘wpml_element_language_code’… Can I use the exactly same code with Polylang?
    2) Will it affect all posts or only my custom_post_type?

    Thanks I really appreciate!

    Thread Starter widescreen


    Thanks Maciej.

    I’m personally not a big fun of pop-ups. Overall with data entry, slows you down a lot and it’s easier to make mistakes…

    But it’s your plugin ;)!!!!

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter widescreen


    Thanks Maciej!
    It worked.

    PS It would be nice if the Permalink Manager Window could stay open, so you don’t have to click on the button anytime you edit a new post, like a little pin.

    Thanks for your time!

    Thread Starter widescreen


    I see there is a new version with a multilingual hotfix. Probably it addresses my issue also…

    I propose my solution for anybody who needs it. It is sure not the right way, but it worked for me:

    1) go in WP DataBase, table:wp_options [DO A BaCK UP!]

    1 bis) Make sure you have that BACKUP!!!

    2) look for option_name: permalink-manager-uris
    3) click edit
    4) copy all the option_value (it can be quite big)
    5) copy in a text editor (i.e word, notepad++ etc)
    6) perform a find and replace (en/mysglug -> replace with myslug)
    7) go back to the the DB copy the new text in the permalink-manager-uris option_value
    8) save
    9) go to worpress Permalink Manager
    10) go in the URi editor tool
    11) click on update all URi below (hopefully you don’t have many pages to update)

    So, it’s solved for me. Thanks

    Thread Starter widescreen


    PS The version that I have problems with is

    I also see that version

    5) Adds a backslash / to the address, before apostrophe ‘

    I went back to version and it works fine

    Thanks Eyal, hope this can be helpful for your next version. Keep on with the good work!

    Thanks Eyal and Jeremy!

    Eyal, hopefully you can fix this because it’s a useful option.

    Thanks for your support!

    Hi Jeremy!
    How are you?
    I went on your website ( and I see you have my same problem:
    when click on the red button, it just disappears and nothing happens… without returning current location…

    Tested on firefox, ie and iPhone.

    Do you know why?

    Thread Starter widescreen


    Hi Eyal!
    Thanks for your reply and for your time.
    I was thinking like a basic internal “analytics”: to a have a page in the dashboard back-end where the administrator could see a statistic of the searches.

    Example :
    Search term      | user IP     |member(*)     | date
    New York 5th Ave | 123.123.123 | Mr. Smith    | 2015/1/1
    Moscow           | 456.456.456 | no-logged-in |2015/2/1

    (*)Of course you have a value in “member only if the search was performed by a logged-in user.

    I thought that by getting the Google API, Google was sharing these informations, but they only tell you the number of searchs…

    Or maybe these informations are already available somewhere and it’s me who doesn’t know how to get them…

    Sorry for my long reply, hope I was able to explain myself.

    Thanks again!

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