Thanks fldtrace.
I did it the ugly way. This way at least it affects everything I ever posted. Just in case someone needs this, simply replace the_content() in your index.php with the following:
$content = get_the_content('MORE »');
$separator1 = "<img";
$separator2 = "/>";
$content = preg_split("#$separator1#",$content);
$before = $content[0].'<a href="'.get_permalink().'"><img ';
$after = preg_split("#$separator2#",$content[1]);
$after = $after[0].'/></a>'.$after[1];
$content = '<p>'.$before.$after.'</p>';
echo $content;
The effect can be seen here:
I’m not sure if it will affect the performance. If anyone knows of a more efficient way to do it, please let everyone know. Thanks.