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  • Thread Starter werresal



    if you want a “read more” function at the end of your text, add this:
    (feed.php line 316)

    echo '<div class="efbl_content_wraper">'.nl2br (substr($story_content, 0, 600)).' ...<a href="'.$story_link.'" target="_blank" class="efbl_read_full_story">WHATEVER YOU LIKE TO READ HERE</a></div>';

    i tried it, but this translation function wont work in any way.

    Here is a workaround to change the feed buttons to another language by hardcoding the text. If you update your plugin, this changes will be overwritten, but you can use it till then.

    feed.php line 361

    <a href="'.$story_link.'" target="_blank" class="efbl_read_full_story">'.$read_more_text.'</a>

    change it to

    <a href="'.$story_link.'" target="_blank" class="efbl_read_full_story">WHATEVER YOU LIKE TO READ HERE</a>

    feed.php line 363

    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="efbl_share_links">'.$share_this_text.'</a>

    change it to
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="efbl_share_links">WHATEVER YOU LIKE TO READ HERE</a>


    Thread Starter werresal


    ..or if you like to keep the nl2br function (wich generates </br> tags) use ths code:

    echo '<div class="efbl_content_wraper">'.nl2br (substr($story_content, 0, 600)).' ...</div>';

    Thread Starter werresal



    replace the code of the line 316 in feed.php from

    echo '<div class="efbl_content_wraper">'.nl2br($story_content).'</div>';


    echo '<div class="efbl_content_wraper">'.substr($story_content, 0, 600).' ...</div>';

    ..wich limits the letters of $story_content to 600 letters.

    Just if someone needs this function till the programer updates his script.


    Thread Starter werresal


    Edit: if i click at the image of the fb feed at my page, the word in the text (in the popup) under the image is correctly shown as “Abschluss”.

    Seems to be a bug

    Thread Starter werresal


    Well, i deleted it from menu and add it new, not it works again.. strange

    Thread Starter werresal


    Thank you for the fast answer !

    Thread Starter werresal



    I used “Migrate DB” Plugin to reset the DB links.
    I did once again, but when i try to save the permalink structure i get an error:

    An appropriate representation of the requested resource /radwerk/wp-admin/options-permalink.php could not be found on this server.

    Additionally, a 406 Not Acceptable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    I think i delete max mega menu and re-install it again, i never had such problems when transferring WP to another host.

    Edit: It seems that its an mod_rewrite problem.

    Thread Starter werresal


    Is its not in the data stream, there is no solution.

    Solution: dont use the button ??

    I dont use it, just write it by myselfe. For example:

    [soccer-info id=’257′ type=’fixtures’/]


    PS. I didnt realise that there is an button for it hahahaha

    Thread Starter werresal


    This is the Solution to get images into fixtures view only !
    We only use fixtures, so i did not changed the rest of the code, but its pretty similar to fixtures.
    You just need to check the code of the other views to get where you have to add the filter and change the output. Its all written in the same .phh file. Check commentary lines for the beginning of the views outputs.

    good luck

    Thread Starter werresal


    ill try to give you an tutorial here, just sitting in train.

    1. check all teamnames if their names are correct.
    You can change the output in soccer-info.php beginning near at line 1092, function correct_team_name( $team_name )
    It means often the real teamname isnt set. Example “hamburg” goes corrected to “Hamburger SV”. If youre done with this fixing, youre ready for point 2.

    2. next step is to add an script wich filters the corrected team names to icon-filenames. As you maybe know servers dont get spaces in filenames or umlauts or something in this matter. (uppercase letters is also a problem)So you need to add a script wich renames for example “?sterreicher Wurstverein” to oesterreicher_wurstverein to get the image from server based on your filter.
    Add the following code after line 697:

    $foo = $team_a;
    	//changed spaces to "_"
        $foo = str_replace (" ", "_",$foo);
    	$foo = str_replace ("'", "_",$foo);
    	$foo = str_replace (".", "_",$foo);
        // change umlaut to latin letters
    	$ers = array(
            ' ' => '_',
            '?' => 'Ae',
            '?' => 'Oe',
            'ü' => 'Ue',
            '?' => 'ae',
            '?' => 'oe',
            'ü' => 'ue',
            '?' => 'ss',
        $foo = strtr($foo,$ers);
    	// uppercase to lowercase letters
        $foo = strtolower($foo);     
    	$foobar = $team_b;
    	//Leerzeichen ersetzen durch "_"
        $foobar = str_replace (" ", "_",$foobar);
    	$foobar = str_replace ("'", "_",$foobar);
    	$foobar = str_replace (".", "_",$foobar);
        // Umlaute durch Laute ersetzen
    	$erst = array(
            ' ' => '_',
            '?' => 'Ae',
            '?' => 'Oe',
            'ü' => 'Ue',
            '?' => 'ae',
            '?' => 'oe',
            'ü' => 'ue',
            '?' => 'ss',
        $foobar = strtr($foobar,$erst);
    	// Gro? zu Kleinbuchstaben
        $foobar = strtolower($foobar);

    This changes and filters the (internal) used teamnames to get the icon filenames.
    Right under the inserted code you`ll see the output of the scripts – fixtures listing.
    Overwrite it with this code:

    $filtered_html_td .= '<td class="'.$all_columns['class'][2 + $van_comp].'">' .$team_a. '</td>'."\n";
    									$filtered_html_td .= '<td class="'.$all_columns['class'][3 + $van_comp].'"><span class="links"><img src="/wp-content/themes/sbar/images/soccer-icons/' .$foo. '.png"></span>vs.<span class="rechts"><img src="/wp-content/themes/sbar/images/soccer-icons/' .$foobar. '.png"></span></td>'."\n";
    									$filtered_html_td .= '<td class="'.$all_columns['class'][4 + $van_comp].'">' .$team_b. '</td>'."\n";

    Change the paths in this block to your local server paths. Do an folder inside your themes image folder named “soccer-icons”. You have to create this icons by youselfe. i did 12 x 12 pixel transparent bg *pngs. Youll need to take the name is given by our filter script above. If a picture isnt shown, check the output of the script, maybe there is an unfixed filter problem.

    I hope this helps, if you got further questions, let me know.


    Its not in the data stream, thats the problem. The script filters the data stream on different and sometimes grazy ways. Its up to the developer to fix it. Im currently trying to contact the data stream provider to get more informations about it. The script just get the data from an external widget wich seems to be good too. I will post more informations as soon as i get it.

    Mihaly Soft seems not interested in this plugin anymore.

    Thread Starter werresal


    yes, salzburg21, i just use the fixtures view – therefore i didnt changed the rest. I didnt even recocnized that there is an widget too ??

    You need to recode the whole style system cause every view is based on another views CSS. (you change one, you change everything)(Therefore my version looks that way)
    I can put pictures in for you, but you have to re-style the whole package, i dont know if you like that.

    Better spend some money to Mihaly to get him to work ??

    If you dont need the whole funtionality i can change it for you, but every view means much work.


    If you can code php its pretty easy.

    Teamnames are stored in $team_a and $team_b. You just need to check if one of both is “arsenal” for example, then output with html tags like “<b>” or “<font color=”red”>” or “<div..>”.

    Check line 250 in soccer-info.php for more information


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