Forum Replies Created
Oh no… how could I have mist that… That easy! Thanx ??
@pferdetermine: This is what I’m using now:
add_filter('em_event_output_placeholder','my_em_styles_placeholders',1,3); function my_em_styles_placeholders($replace, $EM_Event, $result){ if( $result == '#_BANDS' ){ $replace = 'none'; $terms = get_the_terms( $EM_Event->post_id, 'bands' ); if( count($terms) > 0 ){ foreach( $terms as $term ){ if( !empty($term->name) ){ $bands[] = $term->name; } } $replace = implode(', ', $bands); } } return $replace; }
Thanx Patrick, that works of course! I should have tried that earlier… ??
Thanx for the response. My client doesn’t need the feature anymore so I don’t need to get this working.
Thanx for the response. I have tried with the search & replace script but doesn’t help, it doesn’t find the development domain.
I also downloaden a sql dump and did a search for the als domain, but it is nowhere in the sql… Where is Mailpoet getting the domain for that form? Could it be encrypted in the database…?
Thanx for looking into this!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mollie Forms] Mollie Forms en MailchimpHoi Nick,
Bedankt voor je reactie! De klant heeft inmiddels al voor een andere optie gekozen maar ik ga deze add-on wel onthouden voor in de toekomst!
WenForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: More Fields] WYSIWYG editor not work on WP 4.0Same problem here… ??
A short follow up:
I made a quick and dirty way to email all volunteers after adding a new sheet:
First I made a new role ‘volunteer’. Make sure when you add new volunteers they have this role.
function pta_sus_send_volunteer_emails() { // Check if tasks form was submitted if( $tasks_submitted = (isset($_POST['tasks_mode']) && $_POST['tasks_mode'] == 'submitted') ) { // Check if adding tasks to a new sheet or editing existing if(!isset($_GET['sheet_id']) || empty($_GET['sheet_id'])) { // Not editing // get list of volunteers $blogusers = get_users( 'blog_id=1&role=volunteer' ); // Array of WP_User objects. foreach ( $blogusers as $user ) { //create list of bcc addresses $BCCheader.= esc_html( $user->user_email ) . ', '; } $headers = array(); $headers[] = "From: " . get_bloginfo('name') . " <[email protected]>"; $headers[] = "Reply-To: [email protected]"; $headers[] = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"; $headers[] = "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"; $headers[] = 'Bcc: ' . $BCCheader; $message = 'Hi there, new sheet added!'; // you can use for instance: $_POST['sheet_id'] and $_POST['sheet_title'] in your message wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); } } } add_action('wp_loaded', 'pta_sus_send_volunteer_emails');
Thanx for your quick and long answer, this is very helpful!
I’m away a few days and after that I will have a look at your suggestions and discus this with my client. I think I will contact you for some custom programming!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Volunteer Sign Up Sheets] Confirmation mail to Chair name of SheetThanx for your response!
I just checked it again, and yes, of course you’re right, it just works!
I think I missed it because the test mails were send to the same domain and I was looking for a confirmation like email, not expecting a copy ?? Any way, it works perfect, thank you!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Volunteer Sign Up Sheets] multilingual supportI would like to add that I’m working together with a client on a Dutch version of the plugin, if you are interested, you can add that to your plugin ??